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"I think I'm gonna stay the night at the dorm," Minho said to me on the phone. "We'll be home so late." "Oh, that's okay," I said, a little disappointed. Minho was coming back today, and I knew he was probably tired and all, but I actually couldn't wait to see him. "What are you eating for dinner today?" Minho asked. "I don't know. Maybe pizza?" I said, petting Dori on my lap. He purred and pressed his little head against my touch. "Did you eat anything that's not junk food when I was away?" he asked.

"Not really. I'm not in the mood to cook for just me, and actually, you're the better cook," I mumbled. He sighed. "Okay, listen, me and the boys need to eat when we come home eventually. So why don't you come over?" he asked. "All the boys?" I asked anxiously. "No. I live with Felix, Jeongin, and Seungmin. The others will be at their place," he explained. I was a little nervous, not gonna lie. But it was better to meet three new people than seven.

"Okay. I'll come over. Should I bring something?" I asked. He chuckled. "No, it's fine. I'll text you the address. But we won't be home before 9 p.m, so at least eat a snack beforehand, okay?" he said. "Okay," I whispered, smiling like an idiot.


I walked up the stairs, like Minho told me on the phone. I was too scared to ring the bell, so I called him instead. The dorms weren't too far away from home, just a fifteen-minute walk. As I came up the last flight of stairs, I could already see him standing in the doorway. He started to grin.  "Hey," I mumbled and let him pull me into a hug. He burrowed his face in my hair. I loved that feeling. He didn't say anything back, but he didn't need to because this hug was full of everything he wanted to say. I could just feel that he missed me. Maybe not as much as I missed him, because that wasn't possible, but he surely did miss me.

"Come in," he finally said as he pulled away. I came inside with him and looked around. It looked nice here. I knew that Minho would have to stay here a lot as soon as their comeback came.
"Come on, the boys are in the living room. Do you want to meet them?" he asked. I looked at him and nervously smiled. "I don't know. I'm kind of nervous," I whispered, hoping that the others wouldn't hear it. "You don't need to be. They're dying to meet you," he answered. "Wait, did you tell them about me?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course. You're my friend after all," he answered confused. I pressed my lips together. Oh, if he only knew how badly I wanted to be more than friends. He took my hand in his and pulled me towards the living room, but he let go of my hand again before we entered. Three boys were staring at me. Of course, I knew them. The last three weeks, I did nothing but watch YouTube videos of them, trying to get over the fact of how much I missed Minho. It honestly made it worse, but I just couldn't stop.

"Hi," I said awkwardly. "I'm Nuri." Minho started to grin that stupid smile. One of the boys stood up. It was Felix, who pulled me into a warm hug immediately. "It's so nice to meet you, Nuri! I'm Felix!" he said happily. "Let go of Lee Know's girlfriend, Felix. I want to say hello too," Seungmin joked. I felt heat rush to my face as Felix pulled away and Seungmin hugged me in his place. "Oh... I'm not his girlfriend," I quickly said. "Sure," Seungmin grinned. Minho rolled his eyes. Next, Jeongin pulled me into a hug. "He told us a lot about you," he said. "He did?" I asked and looked at Minho. I didn't know that it was possible, but he blushed slightly, which made me grin this time. "Okay, let's eat. I'm starving," Minho finally said and walked to the kitchen. Me and the boys giggled and followed him.

Dinner with the boys was much louder than dinner with just me and Minho. They talked without taking a breath at all. And actually, it was the funniest dinner I ever had. I loved the stories the boys told me about Minho. How he was always but-hunting, or how he was the loudest in the group. Finally, Jeongin yawned. "You guys should go to sleep. You must be so jet-lagged. Come on, I'll put away the dishes," I said.

Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin strolled out of the kitchen, but Minho stayed back. "They like you," he said. "I like them too," I simply answered, collecting the bowls we ate out of. "You don't need to clean up after us," he said after a while. "It's fine. You should go to sleep as well. I'll clean up and head home after," I answered. He looked at me confused. "You're not walking home alone. Are you crazy?" he said. "It's fine, Minho, really," I said casually, but my heart was racing.

"No. It's not fine. It's already late and it's freezing outside. You're staying here," he demanded. "But the cats—" I started, but he interrupted me. "Will be fine for the night. We'll go home tomorrow morning together," he simply said. "Fine, I'll crash on the couch," I said. Minho helped me put the dishes away.

"Let's watch a movie first," he suggested. I smiled a little. "Fine," I said and finally followed him to his room. He walked to his closet and pulled out a white shirt and some grey sweatpants. "Here. You can wear this," he said and handed it to me. I changed in the bathroom quickly and came back to his room. He was already laying on his bed, casually searching for a movie on Netflix on the TV on the opposite wall. As I came in, he looked at me and started smiling. "What?" I asked and made my way over to him. "Nothing. You just look cute in my clothes," he answered.

I felt myself blush, and my heart started racing once again. Maybe I'll get a heart attack when I spend too much time with him. Who knows? I rolled my eyes to overplay the fact how crazy this comment made me. "The pants are too big. They're sliding down," I said and lay down next to him. I tried to keep a safe distance because I didn't know what his intentions were, but he instantly slung his arm around my waist and pulled me against his chest. Physical touch actually wasn't anything new anymore, but it still made me nervous.

I mean we hugged all the time, and I usually ended up snuggling into his side whenever we watched TV, but the way he pulled me towards him like that... it made me go feral. I sighed and tried to get even closer because I had the feeling that I just couldn't get close enough. Minho chuckled at this action. He put on a random rom-com and threw a blanket over us. I can't even remember which film it was because as soon as the blanket was over me and I felt all warm and cozy in his arms, I fell asleep.

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