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I woke up the next morning to Minho softly humming a melody. I felt his arms around me and immediately melted into his touch. If you'd ask me, I could wake up like this every day. "Did you sleep well?" Minho asked, after he realized that I was awake. "Actually, I slept really well. I can't remember when I had such a good sleep the last time," I mumbled against his chest. It vibrated as he chuckled. "I thought it was unnecessary to wake you up yesterday. And you were holding on to me like a koala bear," he teased.

"Well, I guess I just like being near you," I mumbled, still half asleep. He gently stroked my hair. "You're cute when you're sleepy," he said. "Do you just think I'm cute while doing anything?" I joked. "Kind of, I guess. There are a few things you do that aren't cute at all," he said. "Oh, is that so? Tell me an example," I said, feeling my heart racing. What did he mean?

"The way you look at me when you're full-on flirting with me? That's not cute, Nuri. That's hot," he said. I opened my eyes for the first time and looked up at him. "So you think I'm flirting with you?" I asked, trying to stay calm. "I'm sure you do, like, a lot," he said and smirked. "Maybe I am," I whispered. I just realized how close our faces were. "But you're flirting back, so don't put it on me," I said. His eyes glanced to my lips, and he slowly moved his face more towards mine. That was when the door to his room swung open.

"Hey, Lee Know? Where is Nuri, because her shoes—oh," Jeongin said while walking into the room. Minho groaned. "How often do I have to tell you to knock?" he asked annoyed. "Sorry, sorry. Please don't kill me," Jeongin said and quickly left the room again. I closed my eyes again. Finally, I thought he would kiss me. Finally. And then someone had to storm into the room? That has to be a bad joke. "Sorry. They don't know personal space," Minho mumbled. "It's fine," I answered. "I think we need to stand up anyway. The cats will eat each other if they don't get breakfast soon," I said.


Soon after, I opened the door to my apartment, and four cats were immediately screaming at us. "Yes. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We're just half an hour late, relax," I said as I tried to walk to the kitchen without tripping over one of them. Minho laughed. "They are like sharks," he joked and trailed after me. I pushed Elli down from the counter because she tried to get her food before it was ready. "Just wait, you little beast. I'm already trying my best to be fast," I said. I quickly put all the bowls on the ground, and they started to eat like they haven't seen food in a week. I shook my head. "They're so dramatic," I mumbled.

Suddenly, two arms slung around my waist from the back. Minho pulled me closer towards him. I had the feeling that since last night he lost all inhibitions to just hold me at random times. "How can I thank you for taking care of them this time?" he mumbled into my ear as he placed his chin on my shoulder. "I don't know. You don't have to do anything," I answered, leaning back into his touch. "How about that coffee date I promised you? Last time I didn't show up, but I'm free for the whole week this time," he suggested.

"I actually would love that," I answered, my heart racing again. I slowly turned around in his arms and looked up at him. "How about I pick you up from work tomorrow?" he asked. "What if anyone sees you?" I asked. My work building was in the middle of a busy street where a lot of tourists and local people were at all times. "I'm the master of concealment. Don't worry," he said. "No, you're not. You always look exactly like a celebrity who's trying to hide," I answered. "Maybe just wait at the back of the building." Minho grinned. "Fine."


I just wanted to say one quick thing. So to everyone who is also reading my other story (the one about I.N): Wattpad is doing some weird stuff and doesn't send out notifications when I update it, so just so you know: I update a new chapter there before this story, so if you want to read it, you can do, even if you haven't got a notification. I hope this issue resolves itself quickly.
Love, Anni❤️

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