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I walked out of my workplace through the back door, just as I had said. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw Minho leaning against the wall, looking somewhat ridiculous with his beanie and face mask. He was also wearing sunglasses, even though the sun wasn't shining. Actually, it had started to snow around lunchtime and hadn't stopped since, already covering the streets in a white layer. I pulled my coat closer around me as I walked towards him.

"You look ridiculous," I said, shaking my head with a grin. He took off the sunglasses and pulled down the mask, then placed his hand over his heart. "I'm offended," he joked. I giggled and let him pull me into a hug. His coat was a little wet from the snow, but as soon as I hugged him back, I still felt warm. Honestly, I felt safe and warm the minute I spotted him. He took my hands in his after he pulled away. "We're not going to get coffee," he finally said, "it's too late and I'm hungry." I gently squeezed his hands. "I don't care where we go," I said to him. And it was true. As long as I was with him, I did not care.

He grinned and started to pull me with him. "I planned something," he said. "Oh, you planned something?" I asked. "Yes. Just hurry!" he said. I laughed as I quickened my step. "Okay, relax!" I giggled. The snow was crunching under our feet. He led me to the Han River. It was almost empty by now, because it had turned dark early and the snowfall was getting heavier. The only lights were coming from the streetlights and a small food truck at the end of the sidewalk. I looked at Minho and grinned. "It has the best Teok-kkochi in Seoul, believe me," Minho said as he looked down on me.

"This is so exciting! It's way better than coffee or a restaurant!" I said. I stood under the big umbrella in front of the truck, and Minho bought our food. "What were you doing today?" I asked him after a while of us eating in comfortable silence. It was indeed very delicious. "I worked on a song with Bangchan. He's actually dying to finally meet you. Not only him, all the others are as well. Apparently Jeongin told them that you came over, and now the others are jealous," Minho laughed. I smiled shyly. "I'd love to meet the others as well," I answered. "Maybe, when we start recording next week I can take you with me," he suggested. I smiled. "I would love that," I mumbled.


We trailed along the river after we finished our food. Now we really were the only people outside, and Minho finally took off the mask and the sunglasses for good. Our fingers were intertwined, and my hand was warm, even though it was so cold outside. He stopped walking, and I looked at him confused. "What are you-," I started but stopped as soon as he grabbed some snow. "Don't you dare!" I pulled my hand away and took a step back. Minho started to grin, then he threw a snowball right at me. It hit my shoulder.

"Oh, you just started a war," I said and started to form a snowball myself. Not even a minute later, we were having a full-on snowball fight. I laughed as I ran away from him. He was faster than me, a lot, so he managed to grab me around the waist and pull me close. I was waiting for him to dump a handful of snow on top of my head, but he just turned me around with such force that I almost slipped. I looked up at him surprised. His cheeks were slightly red, and small clouds were forming in front of his mouth every time he breathed.

He looked beautiful, I couldn't deny it. I wanted to say something badly, to cut the tension between us, but I was innerly going crazy. We were just inches apart and looked at each other in the eyes for a few moments. These beautiful brown eyes made my heart beat faster. "Tell me what you're thinking," he finally whispered. I thought for a moment, trying to find my voice. "You make me think that I'm crazy," I whispered. He pulled me even closer.

His eyes wandered to my lips. God, how badly I wanted to kiss him right now. I just had to stand up on my tiptoes, and our lips would meet. It was so simple, so easy that it took away my breath. He slightly bit his bottom lip. "Do you feel it too?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper anymore. I slightly nodded. "What do you feel?" he asked, one of his warm hands wandered to my cold cheek, gently stroking it. I sighed. "My heart is racing, Minho. I just can't take it anymore," I whispered and leaned into his touch.

"Hmm," he hummed, again glancing at my lips, "I guess I waited a long time to do this, huh?" "What exactly?" I brought out. He smiled a little, then he leaned further down and gently pressed his lips on mine. The world stopped spinning as soon as I felt his soft lips on mine. Everything inside of me just exploded. I wanted more, I needed more. He pulled me even closer, and I slung my arms around his neck, holding on to him for dear life.

We broke the kiss, but only to catch a breath, then his lips landed on mine a second time. Our mouths moved in sync, and our hearts started to beat together. I never wanted that moment to end. Unfortunately, he pulled away for good this time. I sighed and opened my eyes when I felt his forehead against mine. His lips were slightly swollen and formed into a smile. I couldn't resist smiling back. "I don't want to stop," I whispered.

I couldn't get enough of the taste of his lips. He chuckled. "Nuri, you're freezing; we should get you home," he said, but he couldn't resist himself and pressed a sweet kiss on my lips again, this time making it shorter. But still, my knees got all weak. "Can you stay with me tonight?" I asked, almost desperate because I didn't want him to leave my side. "I will stay with you for good now," he whispered back. And that was all I wanted.

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