{The Kidnap} (Part Seventeen)

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-------------{End of general pov}-----------{Begin of Y/N's pov}----------------------------- 
Soon enough, Miles 1 came downstairs. "Y/N!! What the fuck!!" He would get angry at me. "You let Miles 042 in??! You let him stalk us?!" He shouted at me. "You're insane!! You know!!??" He yelled, as he left the house. I just stood there, bursting into tears. Miles' parents stared at me.

"What happend?" Rio asked me. "M-miles...Has another Miles..." I said, as I stared back at her. Rio looked at me, as if I went crazy. "For real?" She gave me a glare, her eyes wide open. "I'm not crazy...Are you for real, and not joking?!" She asked, genuinely shocked. I nod my head. "Y-yes. I'm sorry...Miles probably never told you about his problems. He really loves you, though." I said, being quite nervous. Rio suddenly smiled a tiny bit. "I..." I ran to the hallway, to put my shoes on. 

"What are you going to do, querida?" Rio asked. I looked at her again, smiling my sweet smile. "I'm going to make it up with Miles. I don't want to see him sad, y'know." I left the apartment, as I get into the depts of NYC.  I ran through the centre, as I saw him sitting on the roof, dressed up as Spiderman. I sigh, as I stared at him. I wish I could reach for him, but I didn't want to make Miles 1 suspicious. I get into an ally way, as Miles 2 approached me, touching my shoulders. "Ah!" I shouted. He chuckled. "Damn, Miles 1610 mad?" He asked me.

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe..." I said, smirking. "I want to get to him, but he's on the rooftop, dressed as Spiderman. I could ruin his identity." Miles 2 gave me a stupid grin.

"You're cute." He pinched my cheeks. "Let me help you." He picked me up, as we get to the rooftop. "N-no!" I said, struggling in Miles' 2 arms. He ignored my pleas, as he put me down. 
"Miles 1610, I got something for you. I mean, someone." Miles 2 said, as he guided me to Miles 1.

"Miles, I'm sorry." I said, as I hugged him from behind. He just kept staring at the city, not paying attention to me. "Miles?" I asked, giving a confused glare. He then stared at me. "Sorry. I feel so sorry for treating you like garbage." He said, as he hugged me.

I smiled. I was glad everything was okay between us again. "So? We...Good?" I asked, and he suddenly chuckled. "Yes, mi amor. I love you." I blush. "I love you too.." 


So, the next night, Miles 1 and I layed in bed together, he layed on the left side, while I layed on the right side. Somehow, he gave me protection. I just kept staring at the ceiling, as I was  thinking. Until I heard a loud thud. I then felt someone covering my mouth from behind, as I tried to scream. But I was too late.They placed a needle with poison in my neck. 

I felt how my energy was getting drained. Something...Was...Not...Good...

Before I knew it, everything went black.

(519 words)

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