Chapter 3

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Plooge woke up untouched and safe in his bed. The time was eleven fifty eight PM.

"See, Plooge? It was all a dream." Plooge chuckled to himself. "Just a bad dream." Plooge looked at his clock. The time was now eleven fifty nine. "There are no 'angels' coming for me. What nonsense." Plooge tried to convince himself.

Then, when he turned to his side on the bed, he felt a sort of discomfort, like he was lying on something cold and hard. The object that he turned onto was a piece of cold, metal, chain; just like the chains that Charlie wore. The time was still eleven fifty nine. Plooge was getting worried. He kept looking at his clock.

Suddenly, the clock struck midnight.

All of a sudden, a burst of bright, heavenly light entered through Plooge's bedroom window. There was smoke, and angels were singing in perfect key. Plooge was practically getting blinded by the light, but it was so magnificent that he could not turn away. His emotions were going from frightened, to impressed, happy, confused, and then back to frightened.

In the midst of the music and light; two figures appeared with beautiful white wings. The first one appeared to be a woman. She had short hair and wore a red wife beater with a white jean vest over it. Her pants were black and cargo, and she wore brown flip flops. However, her face was beautiful.

The second figure was a man. He had a sparkly red shirt on with tight, white jeans. His shoes were white, red, and pointed. Also, he wore a sparkly red fedora.

Plooge was in awe and confused at the same time, for this is not what he believed angels to look like. Finally, he took a deep breath and gathered enough courage to speak.

"A-are you the angels that were sent to me?" Plooge asked timidly.

"Yes." The woman said in a soft yet powerful voice. "We are your angels. We are here to lead you through your past, present, and future."

"By the time we are through, hopefully you will see that your lifestyle is affecting others in a negative way." said the male angel. "Do not be afraid, we are from the Lord himself."

Plooge's fear was fading away, and he began to feel tranquil and calm now that he was in the presence of spirits sent from God. However, he was still confused by their appearances. They were not what he expected.

"So, you two are directly sent from heaven?" There was a hint of mocking in Plooge's question.

"Yes." The woman said getting a little annoyed. "You'd be surprised at how many homosexuals are in heaven."

This made Plooge jump for a second. Homosexuals? In heaven? This was news to him. His whole life he was taught that homosexuality was against the bible, yet here were two gay angels sent by God himself. This may have shocked Plooge more than all of the experiences of the night.

"You're both queers?" Plooge said without thinking.

The angels looked annoyed, but they swallowed their pride.

"Although many people do not believe this," said the male angel "Christianity was meant to be a very peaceful and accepting religion. However, people have used this religion to torture, hate, and even kill other people; kind of like what you do."

"What? I've never killed or tortured anyone!" Plooge protested.

"But wait there's more," the female angel said in a sarcastic tone "greed is frowned upon MUCH more by God than homosexuality is. Despite this, 'Christian' millionaires are deciding on whether or not people like us get to be treated equally. I'm not sure if you've guessed it yet, but that is definitely not God's plan."

"Charlie was right." Plooge whispered to himself in disbelief.

"Now, are you ready to go?" The male angel asked casually.

"Go where?" Plooge asked in confusion.

"Your childhood." The female angel answered.

Before Plooge could ask another question, the angels had already grabbed his hands and were leading him toward the window. Plooge began to panic as they opened the window and began climbing out if it.

"Stop!" Plooge yelled "Let me go! I can't fly! I'm going to fall!"

"No you won't." The female angel said shutting him up. "Just hold onto our hands and you will be able to fly."

The male angel held out his hand while Plooge hesitated to hold onto it. Finally, Plooge grabbed both of the angels' hands, held his breath, closed his eyes, and they flew out of the window from his thirty third story apartment. When Plooge opened his eyes again, they were soaring over manhattan, looking down on everything from the Empire State Building, to the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. Plooge, without noticing, began to smile; something he hasn't done in a long time.

"This is amazing!" Plooge laughed. "I'm actually flying!"

The angels looked at each other with condescending faces as Plooge enjoyed his ride. Now, they found themselves flying over the Merritt Parkway toward Connecticut.

"We're almost in Greenwich." The male angel assured Plooge.

Greenwich, Connecticut is where Plooge was born and raised. Greenwich was a little less than an hour's drive to New York City, so it was the perfect place to live as a business man, which Plooge's father and grandfather both were.

As they kept flying over the parkway, the setting began changing around them. The thick forest which draped over the parkway began to get even thicker before Plooge's very eyes. The fast, modern cars below them turned into old automoblies from the early fifties.

"What's going on? Why is everything changing?" Plooge asked the angels.

"We're going back to the year 1957." The male angel said as if it was no big deal.

"1957? Why, I was only five years old." Mr. Plooge said starting to remember.

"Yes, and this also means that this was your fifth Christmas. Do you remember why this Christmas was so important?" The female angel asked.

"This was the first Christmas that my father spent with us." Mr. Plooge said in a dreamy haze.

"The first Christmas where he wasn't cooped up in his office." Said the male angel.

Finally, Plooge and the angels landed outside of a beautiful mansion. Plooge's mind was flooded with childhood memories.

"Are you ready to go inside?" Asked the female angel.

"But won't they see us?" Plooge asked nervously.

"Of course not," said the male angel "they won't be able to see, touch, hear, or even smell us."

With these words, Plooge and his angels walked through the walls

of the mansion and into the living room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2013 ⏰

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