🐚Just a lemurian cold?🐚

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!!! Caution: NO explicit scenes, but HIGHLY suggestive  !!!

Rafayel doesn't answer her messages and calls. Sure, his inspiration occupied him completely sometimes, but he literally never misses answering his phone for her. So she went to his home, right after she returned from her two-week-long mission.

She found him in his bedroom, sleeping restlessly, turning and tossing from one side to another. The blanket was kicked to the ground and his bare chest layered with sweat, his lower body covered with thin pajama pants.

"Rafayel!" she hurried to his bed, sitting on the edge and reaching out to him. At the touch on his shoulder, he yanks his eyes open and grips her wrist tightly.

Then he recognizes her, his eyes fall half lidded as his posture relaxes, and he pulls her into his arms."It's you!" he nuzzles his nose in the crotch of her neck, cradling her close and inhaling her very own scent.

She had no time to react, and now she is flushed to his body. Worried, she wraps her arms around him and buried her hands in the soft strands of his lilac hair. Then she recognizes the little blue scales spread in small groups all over his upper body and neck. Illuminating in the dim light of his bedroom, they're telling that something is indeed wrong with the man in her arms. And then she feels the heat his body is emanating, burning through the layers of clothing she is wearing.

"Rafayel, what's going on? Is it Ebb Day again?" she asks now, seriously worried. But hasn't Ebb Day already been this year? What is going on with him?

„No," he growls into the skin of her shoulder, holding her tight.

Did he just really growl at her? What the hell is going on here? "Rafayel!" She tries to move his head away, so she can look at him. His face is covered in a deep crimson hue and his bluish-pink eyes unfocused, glazed with something she can't really name. "If it's not Ebb Day, what else? Speak with me, Rafayel!"

"Mhm" he just sighs, his gaze falling to her lips, and now she recognizes the emotions inside his eyes. Primal hunger, raw desire and pure lust. Her heart skips a beat and something inside her answers with a tingling feeling. The sight of him, looking at her like this, sends waves of heat through her. She gulps and tries to stay focused. Now is not the time for this! She calls his name again, demanding an explanation.

His eyes still clouded and with a husky deep voice, he answers: "You're so warm..." he nearly begs. „Share your warmth with me, I need it so bad right now."

He releases his grip around her, taking one hand off and guiding it down his chiseled chest. Further and further down, he leads her hand, over his pecs and abs. Till their hands reach the waistband of his pajamas. His intense gaze never leaves her for only a second. Her mouth goes dry, and her heart starts to race.

She tries to pull away her hand, but he holds her firm, pressing it to the bulge that has formed in his pants. Her fingers touching a hard, lengthy shape, hot through the cloth. She gulps again, trapped in his heated gaze and the feelings overwhelming her.

With a crackled voice, he leans in, brushing over her lips: "I need you, see?"

"Something's wrong with you!" she tries to hold back, denying the effect his state has on her.

He chuckles quietly, trailing with his lips to the side of her mouth. With feathery kisses he moves along her jawline, beneath her ear, down her neck before biting softly into that soft spot between her shoulder and neck. A little moan escapes her mouth, and she curses herself. Rafayel knows her far too well...

A triumphant smile parts his lips. "It's just a Lemurian version of a cold. Nothing my precious bodyguard can't deal with. So help me get this out of my system, yeah?" he whispers into her ear. His hot breath sends shivers down her spine.

"With Sex? I don't think this is how it works..." she tries a last time to resist.

"It's exactly how it works." he states impatient, kissing her neck feverishly now.

And then he suddenly grabs her waist, rolling her over himself to the middle of the bed. Now he is towering over her, elbows on both sides of her head. His body is pressing her down into the mattress, and she can clearly feel his wanting at her lower body. Rafayel stares at her, his usual two-toned eyes now filled with darkness. Desire is ruling in them and his face red with raw lust, the blue scales adding an otherworldly beauty.

His voice is deep as never before, but smooth as silk "Cure me, pleeease... Miss Bodyguard" as he claims her lips with need and hunger.

And she gave in. What else should she do, if he's so desperate after weeks not seeing each other. She misses him equally. Still worried about his state, but trusting him. If he thinks some rounds on his bed are beneficial for his health... who is she to refuse?

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