When you're feeling unworthy and snap at them

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Based on this request on my tumblr blog:

i am craving some angst/hurt/comfort so may i request something of the style? (Feel free to refuse if too out-there) : a reader/MC who's in a funk: just unable to keep up with life/ feels unworthy about their companion cos can't catch up to them (in her mind)/ [or if from canon- just a spiral of grief over everything that happened in story] and is in a snappy, touch averse mood, how would the boys handle?


- Zayne would be your rock in the storm if you're snappy and anxious

- Both of you know each other long enough that he knows it won't last long, at least if you treated for a good meal

- So Zayne would invite himself over to your place, despite your words that bite him, preparing some delicious meal as you are ignoring him

- the gorgeous smells luring you into the kitchen like a moth to light

- And he would start a casually small talk over the pots and pans to make you comfortable with him again

- After eating your meal he would ask you what's wrong and telling him your thoughts about struggling and not being worthy of him

- he would pull you to his lap, embracing you in his arms and the honest words about how how much you mean to him and how you are in his mind in every minute would soon make your head dizzy and if you need help with anything you can tell him. Zayne would be happy to help you in any situation that makes you struggle or even doubting yourself


- You denying him touches? Don't won't to hold hands? Snapping at him?  Oh be prepared to meet pouty Rafayel at its best! He would looks so pitiful, throwing his best innocent sad baby face look, his eyes wide and round and so innocent, at you and oh the drama!

- Don't you love him anymore? Have some crabs at the beach taken away your heart? You wouldn't last long in your own bad thoughts because this would make you giggle and eyes rolling till your dizzy of it

- You'll never have the chance to ignore him for long, be sure of that

- And after this point is settled and he had caught you in his arms, he genuinely want to know what's wrong and that you can tell him everything 

- You can be all yourself around him, just don't refuse or ignore him

- And if you're feeling unworthy of him, be sure he would prove you wrong. Your his muse, his beloved, his mermaid bride, his everything.

- He waited so long to be reunited with him, how could you think so low of yourself 

- Soon after Rafayel has prepared the most romantic date ever known to mankind, so that you never doubt yourself and your worth, or his love for you, ever again


- At your refusal to be touched by him Xavier would freeze and a second after you get his most innocent blue eyes look.  Like a beaten puppy he gazes to you, asking if he did something wrong 

- You stare back, feeling your anger and pityness slowly vanishing as he looks like that 

- With hesitation you tell him how you're feeling. That he is such an extraordinary man and you're nothing as strong as him

- His gaze would soften, taking your hand in his he tells you that everything of him belongs to you and that nothing will ever change that You're his most precious star and your light outshines everything else 

- And then he takes you to a nap in his arms. There's nothing a good nap can't heal, especially when you're doing it together with him.


- Sylus would be most unfazed on the outside, but be sure that he's terrified of your refusal to be touched by him or talking to him 

- Yell and snap at him as much as you want, he can take it. He even teases and mock the shit out of you, until you let out all that bothers you 

- He stands there, hands in his pockets and with that all infuriating smirk that fuels your anger even more

- Soon after you are breathless and burned out from the emotions that washed over you

- He takes you into his arms, carrying you in your shared bedroom you're going to be pampered by him, 

- Be sure that after this your body and soul were worshiped in all ways you can think of. Whatever you need to feel better again, he'll do it! Shopping tour? Say less, you have his black card. Kisses and cuddles for the next three days?  You have his lips and hands never leave yours. You need him in a more rough and carnal way? He's all in. Escaping the N109 Zone and going on some vacation? Everything is booked within the next hour.

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