two | from the beach to the hotel

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Wendolyn was in silent

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Wendolyn was in silent.

She felt stupid, since she knew the boys that she had always followed them to most of her most senseless ideas, waiting for hours for Tashi and then accompanying them to the beach to hear how they raised her ego more by asking for the phone number was the second thing that had completely destroyed her.

"We must be crazy if we really think she will go to our room." He mocked in automatic Art when the silhouette of the beautiful, tall and thin chestnut finally disappeared.

"Mate, she will... I assure you, isn't it, Wendy?" You are a girl..."The blonde raised an eyebrow, thank you for noticing it, she wants to say with sarcasm.

"Careful" warned the other blonde, settling into his beach chair to have a better view of his best friends, now he just hoped that the insensitive would not hurt Wendy, it was very likely that she had enough of having ignored her in the presence of Tashi Duncan.

She was still surprised as someone like her continued to be her friend, at this point no woman on campus or the club wanted to approach them if it was not to go out or go to bed.

Were they womanisers?


"No, no," he said Patrick by raising his two hands to look more innocent. "I mean, as a girl... Would you come to our room in the middle of the morning to drink beer?

Art squeezed his jaw to focus his gaze on the girl with glasses, was it strange if he wanted a sincere and unfriendly answer?

Wendolyn laked his head, he had already done it other times, usually he always went to Art's room to sleep but, the only difference was that he knew that the black-haired man asked him with another intention, he did not want to know if he would go to talk to them, he wanted to know if a girl like Tashi would go to sleep with them.

"She is curious, so is likely to do it," the blonde whispered to get up from the sand where she was sitting and begin to delicately wipe the smooth folds of the short and white dress she was carrying.

Patrick laughed to turn funny towards a confused Art who stopped looking at his best friend when the black-haired man patted him on the shoulder as if they were about to win the Grand Slam.

"You see, didn't I tell you?" The black-haired man questioned getting up from the chair. "Friends, we should leave now... the night is not young... Wendy must sleep and we should wait for our queen

"You're an idiot." Art mocked, once again they were having that kind of conversation in front of her but they felt so normal, for them it was another boy.

For her... it was still uncomfortable and painful, she wanted to come and cry knowing that her mother was right as always, the 'ugly duckling' was never going to stay with Art or any boy, if he already had enough with his parents rubbing in his face the fact that he had never had a boyfriend... that the dynamic duo asked him if another girl would go to sleep with them seemed almost degrading, however; she was always there.

She would always be there.

Wendolyn had not been able to sleep since they arrived at the hotel, in her head she only reviewed again and again the probability that her best friends would cease to be and exclude her if Tashi gave them the attention they needed from her.

She had decided to take a long walk through the desert and illuminated streets around the hotel a few hours or minutes ago, he doesn't remember, she knew he could continue doing it until dawn because his head and thoughts would be stronger than the probable foot pain he would have in a couple of hours.

Wendy doesn't know how or when but back to the hotel, he said and again and again not to meet Tashi, he preferred to hide his mood tomorrow in the boys' final than to cry probably all night.

However, the universe took care of reminding her how she was not her favourite and again she felt the invisible slap when she reached the same corridor of the 206 she saw a lively and smiling chestnut about to take the elevator where she had left.

"Oh, hello," the brunette greeted out of politeness analysing the insecure posture of the pale girl, seeing her now seemed funnier than before, she still didn't believe what the duo of boys had confessed to her about the ugly duckling of the Merhon dynasty.

If before she saw her as a nobody, how did she expect to see her now when she was about to take away the only two people who supported her?

The power she began to have in both boys seemed fascinating and magnetic to her, Tashi Duncan was used to being worshipped but how Art and Patrick did it, that fascinated her.

"Will you also go to his room? I think they must be tired already"He said with false concern trying not to laugh when he noticed the girl's face, it couldn't be so bad but he knew it wasn't, those words felt so organic to her "Oh, I forgot... they wouldn't do the same with you, excuse me... I thought that..."

Wendolyn denied to downplay it, was it too bad if he wanted Duncan to stay locked in the elevator for life?

"Why are you still her friend?"

"Good night, Tashi," whispered the blonde with glasses trying to get away from there, she was only a few past her own room to sink into her pillow to cry like a total loser.

"Good night," she smiled to enter the elevator but suddenly called the name of the shy and insecure Merhon again to tell him. "Say hello to Mr. Noodles from me "and that was the last thing he heard before the metal doors of the elevator closed.

That was the last thing Wendolyn needed for her heart to break.

In that same corridor and a few doors apart, the blonde turned to room 206 in pain. Was it possible that they told her that? Did they humiliate her that way?

She had never felt so fragile, stupid and hurt as at that time because despite everything, her brain only repeated to her again and again that it was her fault.

Not of them.


Wendolyn was about to change all that.

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