three | a new year

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"Are you okay?" asked the blonde, snapping her fingers in front of the face of the ido boy who had been looking at her foolishly since she began to tell her what she had done.

But, Art knew what was happening, after the Christmas break it was the first time I saw her in a long time if she was sincere, she never expected to see her best friend so changed.

The ugly duckling was transformed into a swan. How cliché was that?

Wendolyn looked beautiful and attractive, she dared to say that almost perfect, easily if I had met her like that before and were not even friends, it would not be a surprise that she would sleep with her on more than one occasion.

The lenses had disappeared, the silver line retainers too and that scruffy image that I carried since I knew her also did, now it looked like some actress out of Mean Girls or any popular girl movie that all the boys dreamed of jumping in one night.

Her friend would have more than one conquest or revolution this year, and that simple probability made Art feel in an annoying and uncomfortable way, perhaps jealous.

"I'm sorry, you're so different, Lyn... you're not knowing, more beautiful," she said without any shame to finally take from her Gatorade, Wendolyn didn't know whether to feel flattled or scared, it was not the first comment she received since Christmas like that but, she never expected it from Art.

A compliment from him?

An almost compliment.

A year ago she would die of a heart attack because of it, but now? After what happened to Tashi at the hotel and knowing that they both bet on the phone, the love pedestal where she had the blonde was over as well as the hope of wanting to be his girlfriend.

"Mhm, well... I guess I just had to fix myself a little," I joke to smile at him, who would say that his mother was right, since she arrived it was inevitable not to see how many looked at her as if it were something unreal. "Anyway, how are the practises going? Now that Patrick is on tour, you must be training twice as much, right?

Art swallowed when she saw her best friend take a fresh strawberry to her moderately thick and red lips.

"You know the way you eat that's very sexual, Lyn," he let go mockingly to see now how the blonde almost chokes to keep the fruit away from her embarrassed lips. "Are you trying to flirt with me?"

"Oh, come on Art!" He complained with shame, he couldn't do that to him, now he knew he hated that kind of thing, maybe because he wasn't used to it and probably wouldn't be.

The blonde smiled showing his perfect and white teeth as if he were innocent of any comment but, it was true, he had never noticed that, now he wondered if Wendolyn always did it unconsciously.

Surely if his best friend were in his thoughts he would hit him for being so superficial, especially now that he began to notice her differently because of how attractive he was. Had he been so blind?

𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 - challengers (english version)Where stories live. Discover now