six | meetings

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When some people are destined to be together, destiny unites them in the most unexpected ways.

Wendy smiled when she moved her hand back and forth to greet her boyfriend from a distance, she had been so busy in her practises last-year that she didn't have as much time as before to spend time with him.

Although he had to be honest, Art didn't even have time for anything other than practising or training sometimes with Tashi.

After her lesson it seemed that the brunette had found a new vocation, the boy seemed sad and painful as a talent like Duncan's ended but, she was happy to know that Tashi would not be far from what she was passionate about... at some point they would meet and she was afraid.

Wendolyn was more afraid of that than meeting Patrick after a year.

"I thought you wouldn't come," confessed the one with light hair to smile showing his white and aligned teeth after quickly approaching the blonde. "Oh, I'm so sweaty and...

Art felt his girlfriend's thin and fragile arms before he could complete his prayer, he should already know that Wendy didn't care about that because no matter how strange it was, the boy seemed more attractive that way.

Could they blame her?

Donaldson was an exquisite walker, if someone told her two years or even longer ago that the boy would end up asking her to leave after apologising filling his bedroom with roses for yelling at her... she just wouldn't believe it.

In fact, she will call his future self a complete lunatic.

Menhron was sure that if Patrick had kept in touch... or if he had allowed him to do it... but how would she do it after what happened?


Zweig called her a lunatic without dignity for accepting someone who, no matter how hard she tried, would never love her as much as Tashi Duncan.

"Are you kidding?" How was she going to miss their first date after weeks? She questioned almost indignantly to feel how his stomach contracted before the feeling of the boy's wet lips on his "Of course, if you still standing... I know you must be tired"

Art raised an eyebrow.

"Of you?" Never" He admitted to raise his hand and caress his girlfriend's soft and pink cheek, it was incredible, how was it possible that he ended up being the boyfriend of the girl I always consider as a sister?

Anyway, she didn't regret anything yet, Wendy was happy and her parents were also happy because of that relationship, she could never forget the times she went on vacation home and her parents asked her about Merhon.

They were right.

Sooner or later he or Patrick would end up with her.

Patrick... that simple name made him feel bad, he was his best friend and I didn't see him a year ago, would he still be angry with him?

He had lost track since he knew he was in another state competing for more points, he hoped it would go well, after all, Patrick would also think the same.

Wendolyn will never doubt the power of thoughts and manifestations again, in that week when she thought more about Patrick and how different her relationship with Art would be and she

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Wendolyn will never doubt the power of thoughts and manifestations again, in that week when she thought more about Patrick and how different her relationship with Art would be and she... she found the black hair leaving the Rome Tennis Club.

Georgia had become his least favourite place in the entire United States.

"So it's official?" He asked with a smile staring at the blonde in a white suit and black jacket through his dark glasses.

She was definitely hotter than the last time he saw her, it had been a year, enough for Patrick to stop seeing her as his little best friend.

Anyway, no friends or acquaintances seemed, perhaps because they were no longer.

"Well, I've always wanted to work in the organisation of sports events." He shrugged his shoulders drinking from his cup of coffee, it wasn't strange, was it?

It was just a simple invitation for a coffee, or should I tell Art?

That idea moved away from her head when she knew how her boyfriend would react, even if she didn't do anything wrong or suspicious, the blonde would think otherwise.

When it came to Patrick,Donaldson always expected the worst.

"No, I meant..." Patrick kept silent for a few seconds when he remembered the Facebook photos he had seen of them in all that time, how would I tell him without telling him that he was aware of them? "Art and you"

And he said it.

It had never been subtle.

"Oh," It was the only thing the girl said to nod slowly. "You must believe that I am...

"Fucking crazy?" The curly-haired boy interrupted to laugh and play with the transparent straw of his lemonade. "Why would I say that?"

Patrick made a strange noise with his mouth to deny.

"How could I? You always wanted that, although I should have admitted that I really thought that a year ago you were going to choose me" He joked to leave his haughty attitude when he noticed how the pale body of the girl in front of him was tense.

Sensitive fibre?

Well, don't blame him, he liked to get in there.

"Do you want to talk about the past?" She questioned after clearing her throat to take a more confident posture of herself, she wasn't, but she had to pretend that she didn't feel uncomfortable with him.

"I don't know, you and Art are good at moving forward... on the contrary, I like to relive old times," he replied to take off his glasses and put them on the collar of his shirt. "Weren't good times?"

Wendy squeezed her lips and moved her hands away from the table when she noticed with the black hair she tried to take them.

"I thought we would talk about everything"

"Yes... but that's not why I'm going to let you pretend to flirt with me," the blonde clarified and Patrick fixedly analysed her, how much could she change in a year? He didn't talk about the physical now, his Wendy would never dare to say something like that, not even in a million years.

Art was beginning to affect him.

"Oh, I'm not pretending anything, Wendy." He smiled to cross his arms and smile at him again, only now he showed white teeth. "In fact, if I would like to relive old times... how about we start your bedroom like on that day?"

The blonde whining indignantly, wanted to get up and leave there but only thought of the few people around her who were also eating or drinking something in the cafeteria.

She didn't want to attract attention.

"Patrick," Annoying, they agreed that they would not talk about it, at least she made it clear after the boy said that it was also a mistake that produces the amount of drugs they had smoked that day out of spite.

If she thought that having his first time with Art was going to be bad, having his first time with Patrick while they were both drugged was much worse.

"Does he know? Do you know why you drove me away?"


"No... anyway, he doesn't have to care, it wasn't anything mine at that time and it already happened." She replied annoyed to take the wallet on the table and take some bill from there. "Take care, Patrick... I'm serious.

The black-haired only saw a girl leave there in silence, that year, that was the last time he saw her, at least in person.

𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐇 - challengers (english version)Where stories live. Discover now