Chapter 2 - You Are The Space In My Bed

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Author's Note: Enjooooy the fluff and reunions! :D

~ Amina Gila

Anakin opens his eyes, heart pounding wildly, as memories wash over him. Ahsoka isn't dead. They never buried her on Mortis. She's alive. She's taken on the Daughter's role, and they left her behind there. He reaches out, instinctively, and he can feel their bond, burning and alive and Light in a way it never has been before. She still feels of rose petals in the Force, but it's a little different, brighter and lighter in a way she wasn't previously.

The Father forced him – and Obi-Wan – to leave her behind, and it makes him furious. That was never the plan. It was never the deal. He never agreed to that, either. He wasn't even allowed to say goodbye.

He's going back for her. It's the only option, the only acceptable outcome. He's not going to leave her there, all alone, and especially not after having grieved her and thought her dead. It's unacceptable.

Anakin gets to his feet, throws on his robes, and glances back at his bed almost instinctively, as though Ahsoka might somehow be there. She's not, obviously, but it's still a habit. It was so common for her to crawl into bed with him because she couldn't sleep and having him nearby soothed her. They'd share a tent on the frontlines, too, on the occasions when they were actually able to set one up. His entire life has revolved around her since she's come to him. They're closer than a master and padawan should be – masters are supposed to be teachers, not parents, and Anakin knows he's not going a very good job at that, but it's wartime, and he has to focus on keeping Ahsoka alive, not dealing with their deep attachment to one another.

It's still the middle of the night cycle, but he feels wide awake right now as he slips into the hall, walking quickly toward Obi-Wan's room. He needs to tell his master what happened, what really happened, needs to tell him that he intends to go back for Ahsoka no matter what, but he doesn't know that it'll be an easy conversation. What if Obi-Wan doesn't remember, either? Probably, though, he doesn't, and that means it'll be a debate. Well, it's for Ahsoka. For Ahsoka, Anakin will do anything.

Obi-Wan answers the door when he knocks, looking half-asleep and disgruntled, but he becomes more alert when he sees Anakin there. "Anakin, did something happen? Are you –?"

"Ahsoka's alive, Master," he blurts out without even fully thinking it through. He wants to facepalm a moment later, because that... wasn't really the best way of trying to explain it. He needs Obi-Wan to believe him. He needs Obi-Wan to agree with him that going back to Mortis, back for Ahsoka is the best, and obvious, course of action. He's going to go regardless, but having Obi-Wan's consent would be... easier.

Obi-Wan jerks back, now fully awake, his brow creasing with concern. "Anakin –" he starts, but Anakin shakes his head.

"She talked to me," he explains, fingers restlessly twisting in the cuffs of his robes, "In a dream, through the Force. She talked to me, and she let me remember what really happened when we were on Mortis. Master, Obi-Wan, you must believe me."

His lips press together. "Why don't you come in and sit down?" he suggests stepping back.

Anakin follows, and Obi-Wan moves across the room, almost automatically, getting out two cups for tea. It's a thing that they do, when Anakin comes here in the night. Usually, it's because he has trouble sleeping, but he hasn't done that for years. After his visions of his mother, he hasn't gone to Obi-Wan about dreams anymore.

"So, tell me about this dream."

He sits for a moment, on a cushion, but his body is burning with energy, so he stands and paces back and forth in the small space. "Ahsoka was there," he tells Obi-Wan, "She touched me, and then, I just – remembered."

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