Chapter 7 - When It's Over You're The Start

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Author's Note: Aaaand the climax! :D

~ Amina Gila

Ahsoka almost can't breathe through the surge of adrenaline as she races after Anakin back for the main facility. She can feel Anakin reaching out through the Force, warning Shaak Ti, sending a message to Obi-Wan, telling him that they need reinforcements immediately. The Force is screaming at her, and she feels sick as the swelling darkness washes over her, chilling her. This was never supposed to happen. Did the Sith somehow find out what they are, that they're here? Did they come here to destroy the facility with them inside in the hopes of destroying them?

It doesn't feel too far off, but it doesn't quite feel right.

The chips, then. But they never told anyone that –

It hits her all at once.

"Tarkin!" she yells to Anakin and Rex. "Tarkin knew we'd be coming here! He told Palpatine!"

"We'll deal with him later," Anakin calls back, ducking back as a red laser beam bursts through the clouds, slamming into the facility ahead of them.

Omega screams, and Rex grabs her, holding her close to him, as if he can shield her from what's coming. Another laser bolt follows, and then a third.

Anakin shakes his head. "No. No!"

He lights up, his body flickering in and out of reality as the aqua mist that Ahsoka has come to associate with him swirls around his limbs.

"Woah," Omega breathes.

"Go!" Anakin orders, turning. His eyes are burning with an unnatural glow, and with the red laser fire coming down behind him, he looks... terrifying. But Ahsoka knows that power, and her own surges, the Light swelling up and washing over her. "Help the others. I'll hold them off."

He lifts his hands, and the red laser fire just... stops.

It freezes, vibrating against an invisible shield. Ahsoka can see the wavering in the air as the shield strengthens and expands. Anakin will be fine. This is nothing for him. He's not even straining himself. This is him, in all of his glory.

"C'mon!" She waves to Rex and Omega, and together, they run the rest of the way to the main facility.

"How can he do that?" Omega queries, voice filled with wonder.

"It's a long story, kid," Rex tells her. "We'll explain later. Are you ready for some action?"

"Yes!" She sounds excited, and Ahsoka feels a pang of pity for her. She doesn't really understand what the war is like. She's like so many of the shinies, who have never seen action before. But this isn't a place for her, and if Nala Se sees her, she'll take her back.

Ahsoka shakes her head. "Artoo, scomp in and find Clone Force 99. If they're here on Kamino, take Omega to them. They'll keep her safe. If they're away, come and find us. We're going to the command center." That's where they need to be, to plan their best defense. The Separatists aren't holding back, and if they're already firing down on the planet, they must have broken through the Republic's defenses... which would explain the darkness. The blockade must have been destroyed, at least mostly.

But she doesn't have time to think about it.

Artoo whistles an agreement, and then, she and Rex take off to the command center.


Obi-Wan jolts when the call comes from Anakin.

Kamino? Why would the Separatists be attacking Kamino? They just fought there not long ago, so why would they be coming back? What do they want? But he doesn't have time to think about that. They need to focus on saving the planet first. He contacts Cody, tells him to immediately prepare their forces to jump to hyperspace, but they're too far away. It'll be hours before they get to Kamino from Coruscant, hours that Kamino doesn't have.

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