Chapter 4 - What I Thought And What I Said

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Author's Note: Thoughts everyone? :)

~ Amina Gila

They leave Mortis far behind them, Anakin closing the rift in reality to seal it away so no mortals can reach it. They are the Ones now, and only time can tell what this will mean for the future, for their future. Can they die? Will they live an immortal's lifetime? He doesn't know, and right now, it doesn't really matter, either.

Away from Mortis, the intensity of their powers fades a bit, leaving them looking the way they did before. They look like mortals do, though Anakin can still feel that they are... something other.

"We have to tell the Council about this," Obi-Wan tells them when they're in hyperspace. "This is something too big for us to hide."

Despite himself, Anakin frowns. "Are you certain that's a good idea, Master?" he queries. "Will they not take issue with your abilities?"

Obi-Wan's expression tightens, and Anakin knows that he's worried about the same thing. "I have faith that we can control this –" That I can control this, he doesn't say, "– But nevertheless, letting the Council know is the right thing to do." Maybe he's right.

"What about others?" Ahsoka queries. "Will we tell anyone other than the Council?"

Immediately, Anakin's thoughts jump to Padme, to Rex and the boys, to Palpatine. They are friends, family, and he would like to tell them, too. This will be a very important part of him, and he doesn't know how he can hide it from them, doesn't know if he'll even be able to.

Obi-Wan hums thoughtfully, face clouded with worry and apprehension. "I'm not sure it would be wise," he admits finally, "But I suppose you will have to tell Captain Rex. I will let Commander Cody know as well. They can keep it quiet among the clones."

Anakin feels a ridiculous level of disappointment, at the unspoken implication that he can't tell Padme or Palpatine, and from the looks Obi-Wan and Ahsoka throw at him, he thinks they can sense that, too. "No one else?" he clarifies.

His former master sighs. "Anakin... I'm not sure it's a good idea."

He understands it, even if he doesn't like it. It's dangerous, risky. Should anyone learn what they are, they will become the targets of the Sith and any power-hungry individuals. It'll put them at risk, and worse, it'll put the people close to them at risk. They don't know what they're capable of yet, and should one of them lose control, it could be catastrophic. Anakin doesn't want to spend an eternity living on Mortis with only Obi-Wan and Ahsoka for company. It would drive him to insanity.

He and Padme knew from the beginning that he wouldn't be able to tell her everything. They didn't like it, necessarily, but they accepted it. This... is just another thing he can't share, no matter how he wishes he could. But not being able to tell Palpatine will be so much harder. Palpatine is a friend and mentor to him, and he's always been there when Anakin needs advice. Not sharing this with him will be... challenging to say the least.

But it's for their own good. Obi-Wan is right. The less people who know, the less likely it will be that they'll become targets. That is, of course, assuming that what they are won't be obvious to any Force sensitive they encounter.


Heads turn when they enter the Temple. They're keeping themselves shielded, and they're trying to be quiet, but it's still disconcerting, and Anakin's hopes for their future drop even lower. Everyone is looking at them. They might not know what it is that they are feeling, but they can obviously sense something... amiss about them. Obi-Wan takes the three of them before the Council, requesting an emergency meeting be called.

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