Chapter 3 - You Are The Silence In Between

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Author's Note: There is only one way for Ahsoka to leave Mortis. ;)

~ Amina Gila

The Son is in the main chamber with the Father when they get there, and Ahsoka has to fight against her rising snarl to keep it at bay. The Son hates her, but she hates him, too, so it's mutual. He thinks she's trying to replace his sister, and he seems determined to make her life as miserable as possible. Unfortunately for him, Anakin is now here, and he's not going to let him get anywhere near her. A spiteful part of Ahsoka sort of wants him to try something so she can enjoy watching Anakin rip him to pieces.

But that's not a Jedi thought, and nor is it a thought she should be having as the Daughter.

... Not that she ever agreed to become the Daughter, but still, it's the principle of the thing.

"You should not have come," the Father says from atop his throne as the three of them stop in front of him.

"You should not have made me leave," Anakin counters, his voice icy.

The Son shifts, leaning forward, red eyes glinting with amusement as he watches, and enjoys no doubt, the coming conflict.

"You agreed," the Father argues, and Anakin steps away from Ahsoka for the first time, his hands fisting as he half-steps in front of her as if to shield her.

"I did not," he replies. "Your son ended her life, and you brought her back. I never agreed to leave, much less without speaking to her again."

"But you knew she would have to remain here and take my Daughter's place to restore balance," the Father reminds.

Ahsoka looks between them, surprised. She... doesn't remember that. Any of that. She didn't know that. She... died? The Son killed her? And the Father... brought her back to life? It doesn't quite seem real, and she throws a questioning look at Obi-Wan, who nods silently, expression pained. It's true, then. What happened after the Son took her??? She'll have to ask Anakin about that later. Or Obi-Wan. Surely, one of them can fill her in. It's unnerving to know that there are gaps missing from her memory.

Shouldn't she remember dying?

Ahsoka can feel the turmoil in Anakin, and instinctively, she reaches out, pressing a hand to his shoulder to help him calm it. He leans into her touch, and the tension in his body drains away, his emotions quieting. It's almost fascinating to see, and she wonders what else she can do. What else can she affect? She still doesn't understand her powers or abilities. She knows that the Daughter was able to shapeshift her form, but Ahsoka hasn't yet figured out how she can do likewise. She's still learning, experimenting. It's not as though the Father has given her a crash course on what she can – or can't – do.

"Anything is possible," Anakin states, "And I refuse to believe that Ahsoka has to remain here. She does not belong here. This is not her world. She is not one of you. You know that."

"You want to take my sister?" the Son demands, prowling forward. "That is cruel of you who claims to be a Jedi."

Ahsoka stomps forward, glaring furiously at him. "I'm not your sister!" she yells. "I don't get to be your sister when it's convenient for you!"

"Calm, both of you," chides the Father, turning back to Anakin. "You are right that she is not one of us, but this is the only way for balance to remain."

"Is it though?" Obi-Wan queries mildly.

He and Anakin exchange a look. "Is there anything that can be done for Ahsoka to leave?" Anakin asks. "I ask not if it safe, only if it is possible."

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