The Gathering part 1

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Darkness that was all around, then one by one people where begging to appear sleeping until one of them woke up, his name was Eddard Stark Lord of Winterfell and Lord Paramount of the north.
Eddard "Where am I, ''twas in winterfell and then darkness but why would i...."
Then he started to see people all round him, not only his family but also his mentor Jon Arryn Hand of the King and brother in all but name Robert Baratheon the King of Westeros.
Eddard 'This doesn't make any sense why are all of us here, not just Jon and Robert but also more people'
He saw that it was just them, but a lot of them, Robert's brothers Renly and Stannis and his daughter and companion Davos , his wife Cersei Lannister and the rest of her family the Twyin and Tyrion Lannister as well as Jamie "kingslayer" Lannister, the royal children, the entire Tyrell family Olenna, Mace, Margarye,
The Greyjoy family of his unofficial "ward" (hostage) Balon and Yara.
His father and brother in law Hoster Tully, Edmure Tully as well as Brynden "blackfish" Tully.
And oddly enough there also was the Martell family, Doran Martell his daughter Arianna and son Trystane, his brother Oberyn"the red viper" Martell and his numerous bastard daughters.
Eddard ' This doesn't make sense for someone to kidnap all of the most powerful families in Westeros and the King himself is akin to plotting treachery, why would..'
He was cut out of his musing as suddenly he heard a rumbling who was his friend waking up
Robert "Fucking hells hadn't been this drunk since forever, nothing some wine and pork won't do to...Ned?"
Robert "You've gotten fat"
Eddard .........
Eddard "he"
Robert "Seven hells it's good to see ya you old son of a bitch" they hug each other
Eddard" Good to see you Robert, although i wish it was at better times"
Robert "Piss on that well kill the fucker who thought he could fuck us and then go drinking just like the good old days"
Eddard "very well Robert but fist we need to wake everyone up"
That's when Robert notices everyone unconscious from his brothers, his "children" as well as his golden bitch of a wife, having enough he decide to speed up the process
Everyone was startled by this and woke up rather grumpy
Catelyn "Ned where are we?"
Stark Children "Father?"
Renly " Brother what are you doing here?" Just as confused as the rest
Stannis " I've got no clue brother" he answered coldly
Shireen " Father what is this"?
Cersei " whoever dare took the queen shall pay for this" with rage for some small folk or cut throat daring on taking The Queen of Westeros
Tyrion " Beloved sister you shall calm down first" he said mokingly to his "family"
Twyin " what has happened here" he was trying to determine the situation of who would take all the high lords of Westeros
The Greyjoys where silent in all this as they all hated them thought Yara was trying to find his brother in all of this
The Tyrell's where thinking the same as Twyin, except one
Mace "someone tried to kill us, i myself will deal with them in the name of the seven and justice" he spoke so sure of himself
Many rolled their eyes at that, the Martells laughter was so hard that he was starting to turn red from embarrassment
Olenna "Mace you fool do us a favor and shut up before more stupidity come out of your mouth"
Mace " but mother..."
Olenna " Do as i say" tired of hearing his greatest blunder talking
Mace instantly shut up and the rest were trying hard not to laugh at this except the Martells
Oberyn " Hahahah, that fat flower just keeps getting funnier right brother" his daughters were laughing along with him but his brother was calm and serious
"We need to keep a level head we don't know where we are and who took us but we need to stick around" Doran Martell said having been always the calm one in the family, sadly his brother was not listening
"But brother have the gods not delivered us a chance to avenge Elia as well as Rhaenys and Aegon" he decided that even if he died he might as well get rid of the usurper, his hand and his loyal dog but then it struck him
"Brother didnt the stark dog had 6 children, i only count 5 " and then it hit Doran and everyone within range that indeed the Bastard of Winterfell was missing
Arya " Father where is Jon, I can't find him" she loved his brother the most so she was the most mortised for him"
Robb " Why would they separate Jon from the rest of us" he was worried and troubled as to why they would separate his brother from their family
Catelyn and Theon didn't care, Catelyn because he hated him, in public because he was a "threat" to his children's rule as bastard were deceiving creatures, but secretly because he resented the fact that his husband loved someone more than him that he decided to bring his child to his keep and shame his marriage, Theon always disliked him because they fought for Robbs attention so every chance he gets he would try to humiliate him by calling him bastard
The rest of the lords didn't care except for Jon Arryn and Robert, because even though he is a bastard he is still the son of their unofficial "son/brother" so they put their hands in his shoulder for support
Meanwhile Eddard was panicking his son (nephew) was missing, he couldn't let Robert find him in case he saw through his parentage and put him in danger, he had a promise to keep, once Jon was in the wall then he as well as Robert's reign will be safe, 'Promise me Ned' he thought of his sisters dying words to keep his son safe, 'I will lyanna'
The Stark children were ansious as their brother was missing when suddenly there were lights pointing them to a door.
With nothing to loose they followed the road and the fisrt to go was Eddard and what he saw stunned him
Inside the room where a lot of people with Valyrian and Northern coloring ready to kill each other if the angry looks, snarls and drawn weapons were a hint
When the other people saw them instantly the hatred was trasnmited to them except for a young girl who looked meek and was hiding behind another woman he recognized instantly
'That former queen Rhaella Targaryen and that girl and boy by her side must be Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen the Mad kings children, Jon's...'
Suddenly a tall slender Valyrian looking man drew his weapon at them and Ned noticed that his blade was Valyrian steel, but looking at the sword he noticed that it was the legendary bastard sword 'Dark Sister' wielded by queen Visenya, Aemon 'dragonknight" and later stolen by Brynder "Bloodraven" Waters when he was exiled to the wall and then that's when it hit him, the man standing in front of him was....
"By order of Prince Daemon Targaryen rider of Caraxes and consort of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen future Heir of the Iron Thrones identity yourselves or suffer the consequences"
All of the the group sudenly had only one thought 'What the hell is going on here's

Part 1 finished

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