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"Your family's actions have greatly upset us, both me and the gods" the overseer spoke as he talked to Eddard Stark who was shocked by this
"What do you mean what have we done to upset them" his family was confused and worried, Robert and Jon were concerned what the god meant and the past starks and targaryens were wondering what have they done to upset them and some had doubts but Catelyn was thinking about his broken promise
"Your wife broke an oath she swore before her gods and since they're not real  it falls between the old gods and the 14 flames henceforth she  broke an oath to them which makes her and oathbraker" his proclamation shocked everyone and people were wondering if she could sink any lower, the Tully were ashamed of her as well as the Tyrell, the greyjoys and Lannisters were laughing at her misery, but all the starks and Targaryens were wondering what promise she broke
"Your eldest son was much like you a spineless and worthless oathbreaking lier, in the future he will march to war to free you and your daughters but was unable to stop his lords from proclaiming him king in the north to a land and government that had no means to be independent and because of this proclamation he couldn't make any alliances with the south, then he trusted that Greyjoy hostage that you treated even better than your own nephew to negotiate with his father, he defected to him and occupied Winterfell and many castles along the shore resulting in raids, then he broke the marriage contract and married Talisa of Maegyr a nobody from Essos and lastly his greatest mistake was when he needed to march south of the neck he trusted that useless mother of him to negotiate with that weasel Walder Frey and the trout sold him and her daughter Arya to them, a fucking Frey, when he married Talisa he was trapped in Riverrum and was making mistake with mistake and had the brilliant idea to trust Walder Frey by marrying his uncle Edmure to his daughter Roselyn.
During the wedding he thanked his king for marrying and that's when the trap sprung into action, he his wife and mother alongside their unborn son and thousands of loyal northern troops were butchered, he was personally killed by Roose Bolton the man he most trusted, as he laid dying he muttered 'the Lannisters send their regards' and stabbed him in the heart thus ending the king in the North
He could have sent a royal decree to release Daeron from the nights watch but he didn't even think of him, with his help he would have won the war but thanks to his stupidity he didn't and died like a fish because of that"
Silence enveloped the room for they couldn't believe he was so stupid, the Tyrells and Martells were amazed at his stupidity at trusting a Bolton and a fucking Greyjoy no wonder he got where he ended, the Lannisters and Greyjoys were laughing again for their misery and stupidity but briefly cause the Lannisters now hate Catelyn Tully for selling her family to the Freys they still remember when Tytos, Tywins father, sold her daughter Genma to a Frey, nevermind he was of that house but he wasn't even in the succession line, since then they limited their contact with the Freys, Tywin Cersei and Joffrey were glad their rebellion ended and destroyed the rebels from the North,Tyrion Mircella Tommen and Jamie were as the rest of the people disgusted at killing them at their wedding for the gods do not like this.
The Tully were disgusted angry and ashamed, disgusted that someone broke the most sacred oath in their home, angry that the Freys did this and ashamed of Catelyn, now more than ever Hoster wonders where he was wrong with his children, his son is a good for nothing that would become a hostage, his daughters one an oathbreaking useless zealot and the other a madwoman who still breastfeeds her own son at age 10, now more than ever he wonders if he should have fostered them.
The Starks and Targaryens if they were doubting before now they're completely sure about never ever dealing with a Tully , how could a woman sold her daughter just like that to that rat and then trust that rat after insulting him that boy must be daft , Rickard was now more sure to destroy those blasted marriage contracts, Brandon was now sure to tell Catelyn to go fuck herself that woman will surely also kill him either by religion or stupidity, Sansa was disgusted that this man killed his brother and broak an oath this isn't like the stories the septa lied,Arya was screaming bloody murder at her mother and no one not even their parents could find to fault her,Bran and Rickon were with their sister at being mad at Catelyn, selling their sister just for a bridge was stupid, Jon was neither sad or happy after what the overseer and the gods told him of his uncles plan and what his children would have done in the future now he is apathic to them, live or die he doesn't care about the Starks anymore, Robb was shocked all of his life he was trained and thought that he would be a good ruler just like his father but turns out he is nothing more than an idiot, breaking an oath just for lust, trusting a Bolton he could see his ancestors giving him looks of disappointment, but it hurt more to know that Theon betrayed him, he trusted him and loved him like a brother, Jon always disliked Theon and he attributed it to jealousy or a grudge and turns out Jon was always the smartest one, the overseer told them that with him by his side he would have won the war even if the odds were against him but didn't probably thanks to his mom, what an idiot, he always thought Jon at most would become the Master of Arms at Winterfell while he ruled as Lord of the north but turns out between the two of them the one who was meant for something else beyond mortals and history was Jon, he was just a footnote for his glory, the King who lost the north and was avenged by the dragon wolf ,at that moment he could only laugh and cry at his own demise
"What your daughter Sansa would have done was also of the worst ones, even though she would have suffered under Lannister and Bolton rule that was no excuse for her actions, foe when she went looking for Daerons help to reclaim her homeland she conspired to have him killed, withdrawing information that resulted in the dead of your youngest and only family member not guilty of anything Rickon, then she along her sister Arya manipulated and lied to him to make him despise his last living relative Daenerys, then in secret when he knew the truth about his birth he asked his "family" to keep it a secret under a weirwood oath, she broke it and told it to the broken lion who was also a traitor, then she was indifferent towards his brothers plight and sent Daeron to the Wall, she proclaimed herself Queen of the North and Arya Stark became her enforced in a crusade to convert the North into the Seven, just like their mother they became oathbreakers"
Arya and Sansa couldn't believe what they were hearing they broke the most sacred oath in the North and to make matters worse they became tyrants and zealots just like their mother and the saddest was that they betrayed Rickon, they betrayed their beloved brother just for a throne and independence, at that moment they could only cry at their own stupidity for following their mothers footsteps and Catelyn sadder than ever hugged them and wondered what she did wrong, Bran and Rickon were shocked that their sisters were like this and started to keep their distance in fear of something, Robb was starting to wonder if emulating their parents was a mistake and after hearing this he was sure that even if they love their parents they are not people to look up to, Jon was now more angry at his "family" for this, breaking his secret just for convenience and killing Rickon for power, before he wanted to be Stark more than anything but now they can rott,Eddard was shocked their daughters broke the most sacred oath for power, was he really a good father and lord he was wondering (he is NOT), Rickard was starting to get angry about this useless and traitorous grandsons/daughters of him, turns out listening to that grey rat Waldis was a huge fucking mistake he should have never sent Eddard that stupid boy to the Erye, Brandon was now starting to hate his nephews and nieces for their lust for power, the rest of the houses even the Lannisters were shocked at the blatant betrayal that the woman caused to Jon, is their family cursed or something (if only they knew)
Daenerys was sad that her nephews family attacked her like this as was Rhaella, but Viserys was now more sure than ever that the Starks were the Usurpers dogs without a doubt.
The past starks and Targaryens were shocked at this, sure Maegor and Daemon wanted the throne but betraying their brother like this is even inhuman to them, Theon and Torrhen were disgusted and ashamed of this descendants of them and blame their father for this behavior, Cregan was disgusted by this for it reminded him of what his traitorous uncle Bernard did, his regent who stole his seat and lordship, his descendants can burn for this at that moment present all of them decided that even thought they are family dying and fighting for them is not worth it.
"Brandon Stark has only the sin of being too trusting, he went beyond the wall to train with a being called the three eyed raven for he was a powerful greensear but the raven had a long term plan to train him to make him his heir but he disobeyed and was touched by darkness, the one who leads the white walkers the night king marked him with his magic and when the long night came and everyone thought he was gone only the carcass was destroyed for the spirit and evil was already in Brans body and became king thanks to Tyrion Lannister, which is why he was also marked by us to suffer, his first act as king was to banish Daeron Targaryen to 'appease' the lords but it was an excuse to get rid of him"
"This is the reason we hate your family Eddard Stark you never tought them to respect loyalty and customs from the North and instead raised them southern and Andal, and then betrayed the champion of the gods, for that reason we cursed them to know the worst horrors and made sure that they will not have children, your cursed line ends with them and they paid for your sins, so we marked them with a mark known as the 'mark of sacrifice' so that with each removal the champion becomes stronger".
Tyrion couldn't believe what he was hearing he helped and ancient demon to rule, what the hell is wrong with him, Tywin and Cersei were now sure that he was a mistake to hurt the world and were regretting not killing him before, Jamie was shocked that his smart brother would do something so stupid,the Tyrell's originally wanted to make and alliance with the Lannisters but on second thought their not worth it, the Martells with this know for sure that every Lannisters deserves the sword for the better of the realm, the stark family were sad and shocked by this they were really cursed but by now it's sure the gods hate them and for good reason, Robb and Arya were sad hearing how their brother lost his body but most of all was hearing how he betrayed Jon and were starting to consider standing with him if he decided to reclaim his throne, Sansa and Catelyn were crying at hearing how badly their family ended up, Sansa was sad that their brothers suffered because of them even after he helped them and was now hating her mother and septa for telling them all this useless 7 star lies, Catelyn was sad at the fate of her family, if only she hadn't accompanied Robb maybe he would have not made those mistakes and died tragically, if only she had really teached Sansa how to rule as a Lady instead of just putting the job on that useless septa that filled her head with lies, if only she had stayed by Bran and Rickons side maybe they would still be alive, if only she had respected Aryas wishes of not being a lady maybe she wouldn't have lost her identity and most of all if only that spineless, lying and cowardly husband of his had told her the truth about Jon's birth then maybe the gods wouldn't have abandoned her family, now more than ever she will fulfill her family's word 'Family,Duty,Honor' , fuck Robert Baratheon he hadn't moved his fat ass for 15 years and what the overseer had told them he was being cucked and his family and rule will disappear a year after his death, if Eddard still wants to stand with his 'beloved' Robert well his son was giving him a look that told her they were thinking the same 'Coup', fuck him and fuck the king, their was only one rightful being who deserved to be king and his name was Daeron 'Jon' Targaryen.
Jon was thinking about all these and decided to let his uncles family prove themselves, if they help him on his quest then he will lift their curse like how the overseer taught him how to, but if not then good riddance to their disloyal ass.
Eddard was shocked and wondered if he even deserved being a father, all of his children died and suffered horribly because he sheltered them all his life in fear of seeing the crude side of life, turns out he was a fool his children still experience this but because of him they were less prepared for the world and die for this but before that the mistakes made by them cost a lot of lives and what seal the deal was how they treated his nephew, even if he told himself that he wanted to send him to the wall for safety now was the time to come clean, he wanted to get rid of him because he hated his parents, he thought that as long as the Targaryens were not in power then war wouldn't come but it was coming either way and thanks to that the realms would be unprepared for the Long night, he thought he was being honest and honorable by doing this, that there would be peace without the Targaryens and with Robert as king a new golden age would come, but what the overseer told him shattered that illusion, Robert was a bad king , the worst since the Mad king they overthrew and his 'son' would be even worse as 'Aerys come again', war was coming one way or the other but he foolishly believes in Robert and Jon Arryn and it came back with vengeance on not just them but his children, he was a bad lord because he didn't improve the conditions of the north even if the king was his friend, he was a bad father because he left his children unprepared for the world and he stupidly believed he would always protect them, he was a bad husband for not setting parameters to his lady wife resulting in Sansa becoming a naive girl and never telling her the truth about Jon, he was bad brother and son, for he broke his sisters promise and made her son feel ashamed of being born and spat on Rickards teachings about family, at this point he was so sure why all their tragedy happen, it was his fault.
"There is however a way to prevent this fate"
All stopped talking when they heard this, Eddard and Catelyn wanted to know what would save his children wathever the cost maybe
"Eddard Stark all you have to do is stand with Daeron Targaryen or Jon snow as he is also known, help him in his quest to reclaim his throne, if you decide to stand with Robert Baratheon then the curse will affect your family, and in case someone else from your family doesn't stand with Robert Baratheon then all they have to do is Stand with Daeron, simple as that"
The people were shocked that a curse was this simply to break, stand with your family with the young and dashing king instead of the fat piece of shit that bankrupt the seven kingdoms was an easy choice, hell even Robert Baratheon was thinking that if he was Ned he would accept instead of that curse, but for Eddard Stark was hard, he loved his family but also loved Robert and was hesitant on what to do and this was his mistake
"For gods sake Ned you still have the gall to think about standing up for Robert Baratheon, you heard the overseer our children will be cursed to suffer and never having kids just stand with your nephew for gods sake" Catelyn as well as the stark family were shocked and outraged that even with their fates on the balance their father is still hesitant about betraying Robert and standing up to Jon, hell even Robb and his mother were thinking to speed up the Coup just to break this curse fuck Robert.
"It's not as simple as it looks like Cat the realms would bleed if.." that was as far as he got when suddenly someone punched him, that was his sister Lyanna who couldn't stand up to this anymore
"You lier I should have never trusted you, you are no brother of mine" she scolded him coldly and cruel and was held back by her father and brother who were just as outraged as her
"She is right I don't even know who you are anymore but you're certainly no family of mine, my brother would never be an oathbreaker" Brandon was disgusted by this, certainly the Vale took his balls and made him a loyal dog instead of a wolf
"Knowing this might have happened I would have never agreed to the fostering, your mother would be ashamed of what you have become" Rickard was upset and sad at what they've done to his son, his wife would kill him for this that's for sure and he wouldn't mind one bit after what he has seen
"They are right you know, there were times when I regretted marrying you instead of Brandon but after all these years I thought that you cared enough about our family, turns out I knew nothing, you love Robert more than our children and that makes me a fool for thinking you will protect them, goodbye Eddard it was a mistake knowing you" Catelyn said frostly, she would stand up for her children even if it meant becoming a rebel once more, and fuck Eddard if he thinks his opinion still matters
The children were sad and enraged that their father choose his fat friend instead of them and were now more sure than ever to stand up with their brother.
The past starks and Targaryens were ashamed to even have something to do with this man, he would sell the world and make it bleed for his friend , from Aegon I to Rhaella and Theon Stark to Rickard all of them were disgusted by this, if there ever was a physical manifestation of the word betrayal that would be Eddard Stark, Rhaegar, Elia and Rhaenys were extremely mad at this worm, certainly no family of them.
Robert Baratheon as well as Jon Arryn we're stunned sure they appreciate Eddards loyalty but this is madness, even they know their rule is shaky and war will come when they die, hells even a dog would be better king than Robert and they know, but sacrificing your family for hate this even disgust them to an extreme.
"It will seem you still can't accept your mistake in that case let me show you the ramnification of your actions and the result of what would have happen if your family does not stand up for Daeron, a future I prevented by bringing you here, this happened some time after the Long night and the defeat of the white walkers" then with a wave from his hand the screen once again turned on
In a pitch black field litter with corpses you can see one of them, a tall one of at least 2 meters tall (6.5 feet) not only has a sword run through him but also he has a sigil,to be more accurate it is the banner of house Stark, slowly footsteps approach as a figure says "I've never wanted this, I never wanted to unleash my legions " the it reveals a giant of a man at least 3 meters tall (10 feet) with an armor black as night with the patter of an eye and the 3 headed Targaryen sigil, interestingly enough on his back was the pelt of a white direwolf, and what most shocking was he had a flaming sword on his left hand and on his right giant claws but it was his face that sealed the deal

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