The Gathering part II the past meets the past

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Inside a Room a bunch of people where slowly starting to awaken the first of them was a dragon rider made conqueror who then was heralded as the first king of Westeros Aegon "conqueror" Targaryen wielder of the blade Blackfyre, rider of Balerion and husband to Rhaenys and Visenya Targaryen queens of Westeros alongside was his bastard brother Orys Baratheon, worried he started waking them up
"Rhae, Visy, Orys wake up were not alone" he whispered to them hoping to not awaken the rest of the people, but unfortunately he was heard by his own son no less Maegor "Cruel" Targaryen
"Father, what are you doing here, where are we and why the fuck do you look so young, also why is mom Rhaenys here?" He was confused why is other mother was alive as she died when he and his brother were young in the failed conquest of Dorne, but sadly Aegon was also confused not only why they were in this room but also strange, why was this man calling him father when he was just married and so far they weren't expecting children, he was about to ask what was happening when they heard another voice
"...have any idea what is this place Jae" questioned the future "good" queen alysanne Targaryen as well as his 15 year old husband Jaeherys "wise" Targaryen
"Not a clue but let's stick by" he wasn't sure what was this place or the people here but based on their coloring he deduced where Valyrian origin and northern but another voice distracted him
"Brother why are you so young and what do you mean you are still heir and not king?" An older Daemon Targaryen asked his 20 year old brother since now he was the oldest of them
"Why do you look so old and rought brother, you look like a 50 year nameday when you should be 15" the heir of the iron thrones asked his brother since it was weird he supposedly was just talking to his younger brother in the Red Keep when suddenly he passed out only to awaken to find his brother who was very much older and also his daughter who a second ago was just a baby and now she is a 33 nameday woman
"Father....its so good to see you healthy" Rhaenyra didn't care where they were because his father was here and healthy unlike before when he was so sick that they needed to keep him asleep to avoid the pain
Daeron " good" second of his name was confused but also felt queer seeing his fathers deceased grandfather and grandmother and the cause of his other grandfather Aegon III "dragonsbane" sadness, also he was there staring at his parents with sadness.
Maekar Targaryen was wondering what poor bastard decided to mess with him but what really stopped his anger was seeing his brother Balon "breakspear" there alive and well, ever since his death at the tourney of Ashford he became more miserable since he was the one who split his skull open fighting for that would be knight Duncan because he dared to assault his son Aerion "Brightflame", the only reason he wasn't executed was because his other sons Daeron and Aegon vouched for him "Brother" he muttered and Baelon said "Brother where are we and why do you look old, a second ago you were younger than me and the darkness, do you know where we are" he questioned not knowing his brother was already king
Aegon "unlikely" stared at not only his ancestors but also seeing his father and uncle alive and well, he was steeling himself along with his family and loyal kings guard and friend Ser Duncan the tall to start the ritual to awaken the dragon eggs in summerhall when suddenly they appeared in a room "my king stay behind me" said Ser Duncan not willing to endanger his king and friend.
Rhaella Targaryen felt alive and relieved not being with her husband and brother Aerys "the mad king", but also slight anger seeing his grandfather who was the reason the almost all died at the tradegy in Summerhall where unfortunately his brother survived, but what struck her the most was not the legends in the room or her deceased family but watching two young Valyrian man and woman and felt a stung of love like when she was with her mother, the man was his youngest son Viserys "beggar king" and Daenerys "stormborn" who a moment ago where at Ilyrio Mopatis mance waiting for the news of Khal Droho accepted his offer of
marrying his sister in exchange of his kalasars support.
All chat amongs the Targaryen stopped as they herd a man scream "Where the fuck are we and why the fuck are there many Targaryen looking bastards in this room with us" the man who spoke was Brandon Stark heir of Winterfell and future husband of Catelyn Tully, "shut up Brandon we don't want to start a fight when we don't even know where we are" said Rickard Stark Lord of Winterfell and Father of Brandon just a second ago they we're headed to the tourney of Harrenhall to meet up with not just his sons future bride but also his other son Eddard and his friend and future son in law Robert Baratheon when suddenly darkness.
"Who cares who took us as long as it isn't those seven damn fuck and their fucking gods" spoke Theon "the Hungry Wolf" the greatest military commander the North has ever had after he sacked the birthplace of the seven and repealed their invasion after trying to take their lands.
"Are those the Targaryen who wrote they will be the only kings in Westeros?" Questioned Thorren Stark the last king in the North who bent the knee to Aegon and his sisters instead of fighting them.
"Strange seeing the dead alive again but it's good to not be amongs my uncle and his kind" said Cregan stark who was the true leader in the Dance of Dragons, a civil war that broke the Targaryen dynasty forever as they lost their dragons in the conflict, but it was thanks to Cregan that they were able to destroy the "Green" side even after all the leaders died and he secured Aegon III reign but sadly he was not rewarded and returned north to his family and an unfulfilled debt
Daemon sadly heard them and said "what the fuck are you starks doing treason or perhaps trying to curry that snake Otto and his kin for rewards to deliver us" he questioned them and slowly his hand was going to his pommel in case he decided to geld some wolves.
Brandon was confused by this " We didn't took you asshole and who the fuck is Otto cause I don't know anyone by that name"
Dameon said "So not just a savage but also an idiot, anyone knows of Otto Hightower and how his daughter became Queen after seducing my brother" not believing their ignorance in this kidnapping and Rhaenyras face scrunched at the mention of her former fiend
Viserys was freaked out by this 'What the seven hells I married again, what happened to Aemma and I decided to be with Sir Otto's daughter, she is my daughters age' but no one paid attention to him when the older looking man spoke again
"Now we know you're crazy or something strange is happening here because those are names of legends in the Dance of Dragons books, Otto Hightower has been dead for hundreds of generations" said Rickard starting to understand that the dead (not the White Walkers thank the old gods) where walking among them
Daemon puzzled by this got a weird face and said "What are you talking about and who are you"
"Allow me to introduce myself I am Rickard Stark Lord of Winterfell and Lord Paramount of the North and this is my son and heir Brandon Stark and we were heads to the tourney of Harrenhal to celebrate King Aerys nameday when sudden we woke up here" said Rickard in a cautious and yet formal way
All people who herd him were perplexed 'who is king aerys and wasn't someone else ruling' that was what all Targaryen where thinking except Theon and Cregan who were thinking different things, one why they were no longer kings and the other one was thinking wo were this people claiming to be form his family
Rhaella and her children were struck as if lighting because those were events that had happened a long time ago, also Rickard and his son are dead so what is going on.
Daemon thought was incensed by this " what are you talking about last time I checked it was a Cregan Strak who was ruling Winterfell and King Viserys who was ruling the seven realms" after saying this there was silence since no one understood what was happening but the more level headed like Daeron, Aegon and Theon were already starting to guess something.
"Wait was year is it" said Rickard trying to hope his guess was wrong when it proved to be wrong as Daemon said "You imbecile even have the gall to ask me this, why the year is 130 AC, 130 after Aegon conquered Westeros" enraged that someone asked him what year they were as if someone with a slow mind but sadly his answer just got the people around him freaked out
"My lord, where we come from is the year 280 Ac, and I guess it's not just us right" Rickard asked all around them and people all around were saying things like 'this is some sorcery or trick' 'Aegon managed to win his war?' ' a valyrian conquered us what a fucking embarrassment'
They would have continued but a door opened and in came a bunch of people and Daemon not deciding to take a chance draw his sword Darksister which perplex Visenya because 'how the fuck did that man have my sword, wait I still have mine so how can there be two exact same swords' but her musing were interrupted by a loud scream form daemon saying "By order of Prince Daemon Targaryen rider of Caraxes and consort of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen future Heir of the Iron Thrones identity yourselves or suffer the consequences" and the people around that entered where just thinking 'What the fuck'

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