The Gathering part III "old grievances and new grievances"

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After hearing Daemons declaration all the people were perplexed especially Robert's group hearing the name Targaryen again but not Viseys or Daenerys but a daemon and Robert enraged said "Dragonspawn I'll kill you" rushing to end the line of the family that took his 'beloved' from him but saddly for him even though Daemon was not as young as he used to be he is still in perfect fighting condition unlike Robert who has only been drinking and whoring for the last 15 years, Daemon only had to kick his leg and stand on his chest for him to calm down, and as that was swiftly dealt with as now the kinsguard acted, the only 2 of Robert's as the rest were weirded by this, Ser Barrystan Selmy even for his age had a sword at Daemons neck and said "step away from the king" but his voice was recognized by both Rickard and Rhaella who she questioned "Ser barristan what are you doing, are you committing treason", when recognized everyone of Robert's group was perplexed by this 'queen Rhaella but she is dead' , ser barristan and ser Jamie were just quiet when suddenly they knelt infront of her and started sobbing "you're grace we have failed you, we filed to keep the prince safe and his family" said barristan as he felt guilty of not being able to save prince Rhaegar at the battle of the trident, "I failed your grace, as a knight and my bows as kinsguard" said Jamie not knowing how to say he killed his husband and king, " what dou you mean, specially you ser Jamie at what have you failed at" Rhaella was impatient and was questioning 'what happened that got them so sad' but barristan was quick to explain it "you're grace he stained his sword with the blood of the king he was sworned to protect for he killed King Aerys stabbing him in the gut" his answer got everyone riled up as shouts of  'oathbreaker' 'kingslayer' where heard, Rhaella was having none of this for she and Jamies mother were close friends "QUIET" immediately everyone shut up and she approached the crying knight and also knelt "Jamie I have known you since you were a babe and you're mother was my friend, so what was my brother going to do that he had to be killed?" even thought she was being abused and raped by her husband she was still the one who was ruling when Aerys was slowly becoming madder and unkept, if anyone killed her husband she will not only cry of happiness but also reward the killer.
Everyone was surprised by this because no one has ever asked this, everyone assumed that he killed the mad king to win and secure his fathers place in the capital during the sacking of the capital during Robert's Rebellion, Jamie was surprised by her question but nonetheless he answered "The king was unstable, he started burning people alive with wildfire because of crimes they supposedly had done or just because he wanted to, when the prince fell and Lannisters forces where approaching he ordered his new hand and alchemist guildmaster Rossart to move the entire stash of wildfire below the city, as my fathers forces were storming the city he said to Rossart 'Tywin has betrayed me but he will not win, start the wildfire if he wants to be king let him rule ashes, as the city burns I shall rise as the dragon I was born to be, burn them all, burn them in their houses in their beds, burn them all" he finished telling everyone in the room why he killed the king, he never told anyone but his brother Tyrion, not his sister/lover or father , nor anyone.
The entire room fell silent as they were thinking different things, the Targaryen were thinking what king of crazy was this king and descendent of theirs to do this and were neither sad or angered when they finished hearing this, they would have also killed Aerys had they been in his shoes, the starks were horrified as was this the family they had surrrendered their Throne and service to only to end at the hands of a madman, Rickard and his son were horrified by this and only make them shudder at the idea of being burnt alive, Robert group were astounded by this, he was no kingslayer he was a hero and they mocked him for it, Jon Arryn was already planning to redeem see Jamie's image as a hero, Tywin was surprised, surprised by how stupid his son is, if he had only said this he would have been freed of his kinsguard vows and be his heir as it was always meant to be, Aerys madness was no surprise he knew the man his entire live so this mentality of 'if I can't have it neither will you' was no surprise for him, he hated his sons stupidity as that affected his legacy and he will not allow anyone to taint or destroy his legacy.
Eddard stark felt like an idiot as when he entered the throne room he didn't questioned him, he only condemned him as 'kingslayer' without hearing the full side of what happened as it was a boy who had just killed the king whom he served, he thought he killed him to secure his fathers victory and now he was a hero, he was truly an idiot and a hypocrite for he doesn't know what his choices had done and condemned Westeros to, but he will soon.
Viserys was thrilled hearing what his father was going to do, he was also a dragon so what was the opinion of sheep's to them and if the usurper and his minions wanted to rule what their family had built the should burn for it
Daenerys was horrified by this, all through her life she heard from his brother that their father was good king, man and husband , not it turns out he was neither of those things but a monster, at least she now had her mother with her sho she as not alone anymore.
Rhaella upon hearing his explanation she was terrified and relieved, she was horrified for what his brother was going to do and relieved for what Jamie had done to save the city 'Joanna I hope you can see what a good man your son has become' not knowing the rest of the stuff he has done "Ser Jamie you had done the realm a great service and for this you have not just my thanks but also my personal gratitude for getting rid of the menace"
No one argued against it as was reasonable after hearing what they heard and that was when they started seeing the group well and Eddard and Catelyn were surprised and happy watching Brandon alive "Brother, you're alive this is a miracle" Brando and Rickard heard this and had a bad feeling of this as that meant that they had died, but how.
"Ned, based on what we are seeing this is the work of the gods as they brought across time , I have to know how did we die?" Brandon was sure he died, his brother and catelyn tully where there shoulder to shoulder with kids that looked half Tully half stark but he wanted to know still, "Brandon and father died when the mad king judge you guilty after you came to the red keep to know why prince rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna, father was burned alive and you were strangled to death" not knowing if this was a mercy or curse to know your death
The people gasped as they realized that a Targaryen prince kidnapped a lords paramount daughter and the king killed a stark lord and his heir, that would cause a rebellion
"Afterwards me, Robert and Jon Arryn fought against the thrones, at the end of it the Targaryen where disposed of and Robert became king but sadly Lyanna died and the remaining Targaryen's fleed to Esoss" Eddard was happy that his friend was king and sad that his sister died and caused the dead of his brother and sister, only when Jon was at the wall will everything be fine
The people where divided, the Targaryen where horrified to learn they have lost everything and be forced to flee and also what their descendant have done, such madness and cruelty is warrant only death, Aegon was reconsidering conquering Westeros but for his vision and ancestors message  he will have to 'from my blood the prince who was promised will be born and his will be the song of ice and fire' even if it spilled his family's blood he will not allow the horrible winter to destroy everything.
The starks where outraged to find out what the Valyrian scum had done and where already plotting to kill them, except Brandon and Rickard, one from the shock of hearing how all of his plans where destroyed and the other from shock at not only dying but for the subtle lie, Lyanna kidnapped?, she was far more Wilde than he was and she was a better fighter than him, so for the prince to kidnap her there's more to it than that.
Eddard approach his father and brother along with his children and said "father, brother this are my children" all of his children where there except his 'son' Jon where there
Upon seeing them they were a bit disappointed that they looked more Tully than stark but nonetheless they were family and happy to see them they were about to introduce themselves when the youngest daughter Arya got close to them "grandfather uncle we need to find Jon" said Arya who was missing his favorite brother and upon hearing her the starks returned to being worried
Rickard asked "Who is Jon little one" not knowing if this was a person or a pet, hoping it was the second one as he didn't want another family member to rot in this place "He is my bastard son Jon snow" lying to his family through and through to keep his nephew 'safe'.
The starks we here shocked upon hearing that another member of their house was here, they didn't care he was a bastard for it was in the North that they were counted amongst the most loyal and fearsome men who fought and served the Starks, it was Torrhens brother Brandon snow who was his right hand man and most loyal friend, and Cregan himself had a new baby sister that was also a snow and he lover her deeply, only to get enraged upon hearing Catelyn "whether the bastard does live and die matters not as the gods were willing to punish him".
Silence enveloped the room, everyone was pissed at her (except the most hateful ones like Greyjoys, Lannisters sans Tyrion and Daenerys brother) for they also had good experiences with bastards and determined that birth did not dictate a persons character.
Aegon I had his brother Orys and always stood by his side in the good and bad ones, Daemon fought and knew Corley's 'Seasnake' Velaryon bastard sons in the step stones and they were amongs his most loyal commanders, Daeron loved his brothers and knew that Daemon Blackfyre rebelled at the behest and manipulations of others and Aegor 'Bittersteel' well he was always an ass and didn't like anything or anyone so him rebelling was as natural as breathing and eating but his brother Brynder 'Bloodraven' was the reason he won the Blackfyre rebellion and could always count on him, Aegon V traveled all around Westeros and knew very good people and very bad people so he himself knew that bastards where not naturally evil, Rhaella didn't care if someone was royalty or bastards after what her brother had put her through she stopped believing all that seven star bullshit.
But Rickard and Brandon were enraged that she would spew the death of motherless child so Brando did something no one expected "PLAF" resounded through the room as he slapped his brothers wife "Brandon why would.." "Silence woman no one disrespects a member of my house freely consequences be damned especially a Tully".
The stark children where upset watching their mother get hurt but relieved someone stood up for Jon, also the Targaryen's and Starks took note to avoid the Tully family like the plague if this was their opinion, 'bunch of seven followers bastards' as they hated the supposedly only true religion in Westeros.
Eddard mad at seeing this said "Brother I will not allow you to.." "PLAF" another slap resounded in the room as people where shocked that now it was his father that had slapped him "Father..why.." "To make you see the truth, that wife of yours is belittleling your own flesh and blood and yet you do nothing, I'm ashamed at having sent to to the Vale if this is what they taught you, also once we return we will be destroying the original betrothals as now I see my children's future spouses as a religious useless zealout and a fat whoremonger" watching as Robert was still trying to get his breath, this was the man his son recommended for his Lyanna come to think of it
"Where is Lyanna how is she?" Rickard was concerned of what happened to his only daughter, Ned was still in shock at hearing his fathers opinion of himself and Catelyn, also poor Robert Eddard thought, he didn't deserve this,he was about to answer when Robert answered.
"That damn raping Dragonspawn kidnapped by beloved Lyanna, we rose up in arms to get her back I myself slew the 'last dragon' with my warhammer, I was badly injured and sent Ned to the capital to secure it but Twyn Lannister did us a favor and took it for us, Lyanna later died but we got the last laughter thanks to Lord Lannister sure he might have sacked the city but he did the world a favor by ridding the world of Rhaegars Dragonspawn wife and children, now I am king and is the Baratheon who rule and not the damn Dragonspawn good riddance I say HAHAHAHA"
People where horrified by this (except Robert's group as this was old history for them) , even Orys was disgusted and horrified by his descendent actions 'knowing this I might just go celibate and prevent him from existing', all of the starks where horrified by this man's actions (except Theon stark who did the same think to the seven armies and towns) 'this fat piece of shit is king, what a shit ruler he must be'.
The Targaryen where also reconsidering killing the Baratheons or taking their power from them to prevent this, even Jaeherys was thinking this and his brother was half Baratheon thanks to his mothers side.
The Lannister were divided Jamie,Tyrion, Myrcella and Tommen were sad of the fate of Rhaenys and Aegon as no child deserved that, but Cersei, Joffrey and Tywin were elated upon hearing how they became royalty especially Tywin as that cemented his legacy (if only he knew)
Rickard and Brando where disgusted and now here sure that they would never be familiar with this man if they can, but also weirded out by the first part 'Lyanna kidnapped?, the last time someone tried to flirt and put a hand on her she almost gelded to poor bastard if not for four people restraining her, there's something odd about.." they would have continued if not for a strong voice
"Wrong, what you just said is naming more than a lie" the voice resounded across the room freaking everyone out
"Who said that show yourself" everyone was on edge upon hearing the ethereal voice but were unable to locate it
"Step through that door if you want to know why you're here and also where Jon Snow is" a door suddenly opened as torches of blue light paved the way, even though they were wary of each other they steeled themselves for this and stepped through the door
As they were walking they saw murals of different settings, from battles to a man sitting on the iron thrones ,but they realized that they all had in common a man of black hair and grey eyes, in one of them he looked like a tyrant he tall and was wearing an armor that looked like ice and he commanded monsters that resembles the wights and white walkers legends

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