Vol. 1 Chapter 4.9

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Ervandas's gaze fell upon the radiant red hair and eyes that refused to hide their hue, even in the depths of the night.

It was too late.

Ervandas realized. Though everything seemed fine, this crimson hue had devoured him alive from the moment they first met.

The warmth that wasn't unpleasant when he first opened his eyes, the moments when their bodies clung together by the riverside, the nights when he lifted his arms to welcome her into his embrace, who crouched like a small creature with a smile.

He was already devoured at every instant.

He was barely holding on In the space where the flames had engulfed him.

The form remains the same, but it is nothing like the archetype it was before the fire consumed it.

The shape remained intact, but its essence had become entirely different from its original state before being engulfed by the flames.

It would crumble into pieces at the slightest provocation.

Yet a small blow had just turned him into ashes.

A woman was clinging to him, yearning to possess a being resembling him.

A greedy, shameless woman he would have never allowed near him before. She deserved punishment for her laziness, untidiness, and blatant demands. But now, with his essence burnt to a crisp, everything about her seemed endearing.

"If you want, I'll give it to you right now. A lot of it."

The cunning tongue moved smoothly, gently licking Lulu's wounded heart.

Without knowing what the one comforting her was thinking, Lulu, as always, sincerely hugged his neck and answered.


It was a short answer, but it was enough to shatter the remnants of his sanity.

With permission granted, Lulu's body slumped onto the blanket. Before she could regain her senses, Ervandas's body rose over hers. Feeling the weight and solidity engulfing her entire being, Lulu swallowed a dry gulp.

She felt like a small animal caught by a feral predator.

The hand held her chin and caressed her cheek, then slid urgently downward, slipping inside Lulu's thin top.

Tickled by the movement of his palm across her stomach, Lulu squirmed to get away from him, but Ervandas's hand effortlessly ignored her resistance, sliding upward along her body.


His hand grabbed her breast, a voluptuous line even on her lean body. His fingers, calloused from wielding a sword, lightly brushed her tense nipple.

Already throbbing with sensitivity, the stimulation made it even harder. Ervandas, as if he were a scholar discovering something new, persistently tormented the tip of her breast.

"Erv, sto...stop..."

Unsure of what to do, Lulu's body twisted in a bewildering mix of tingling sensations with every brush of his hand.

As if to tell Ervandas to stop, her flailing hands reached out and grabbed his hand that slid under her clothes. He smirked in return and gave the hand resting on her chest even more strength.


A rough moan escaped from Lulu's lip as he clenched the plumpness in his hand tightly. Startled, Lulu tried to pull his hand away from her chest. But her attempts only resulted in his hands slipping away.

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