Vol. 2 Chapter 6.5

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‘I don’t need to use magic for a while.’

Of course, some inconveniences were unavoidable. Warming up food, for instance, or heating water for a bath. Fortunately, those were minor spells, requiring very little mana.

‘It’s not like I need to use strong magic anyway.’

Since Er had come into her life, most of her magic had been directed towards tending the garden. He had also insisted on handling anything potentially dangerous and going out to fetch anything they needed himself. Thanks to him, there was no need for flight magic.

Despite reassuring herself, Lulu’s anxiety wouldn’t subside.

“Come back soon…”

Lulu murmured, burying her face in her pillow. The bed, where they always slept together, felt wider than ever.

* * *

Contrary to her hopes, Lulu’s magic didn’t return the next day. Worse, she noticed it weakening even further every time she attempted to use it. Eventually, she gave up trying altogether.

The only thing that calmed her anxious heart was the dwindling number of circles on the paper. As the circles diminished, they were replaced by Ervandas’s face, drawn in various expressions. Though “various” was a bit of an exaggeration, as most of them were smiling faces.

“He’ll be back tomorrow.”

Looking at the last remaining circle, Lulu bit her thumbnail. Her nails were ragged and scarred from days of continuous biting, but it was the only way she could manage her fear.

Nothing much happened in the meantime. The forest remained as peaceful as ever. Her meals were cold but edible. The real problem was the icebox; the magic keeping it chilled throughout the summer vanished the moment she touched it.

It was clear now: her magic was waning, and every spell she had cast would dissipate upon contact with her as if her body were absorbing all the magic.

Lulu sighed as she caressed her belly.

‘Thank goodness it’s not a Homunculus.’

If she had conceived a homunculus with Er’s seed, then sent him away after it succeeded… She would have lost both Er and the child. The thought of her child disappearing at her touch sent shivers down her spine.

Ever since the forest witch’s passing, she had longed for a new family. And finally, she had found it, a child conceived with Er.

Though she hadn’t even seen the child’s face, Lulu felt a deep affection for the little one growing inside her.

I hope you’re born soon.

So we can live together: you, Er and me.

Lulu clutched the paper with one circle remaining, unable to sleep. As soon as dawn broke, she filled in the last circle with Er’s face – the gentle smile he always wore when he looked at her.

Holding onto the paper, Lulu went outside and sat on the porch steps.

The stone golem and the bone crow, sulking from her previous order to keep their distance, cautiously approached and settled nearby.

“Er will be back today.”

Lulu couldn’t contain her excited voice as she gazed at the brightening sky. When would he come? Before lunchtime? No, he had traveled far, it would probably be later than that. But surely he was doing his best to return as quickly as possible.

Lulu suppressed the laughter bubbling up inside her. The wind, now chilled, seeped through her clothes. She pulled out the thick shawl Er had prepared and draped it over her shoulders.

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