Vol. 1 Chapter 2.1 - A Curse for the Intruder

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Lulu rolled on the bed with an irritated grumble. Her stomach churned, twisting like a sour fist. Sick or hungry? She couldn’t tell.

After eating bread from the old woman in the village, her stomach ached. Yet there was nothing else to eat, so she kept eating it and ended up like this. Despite lacking common sense, Lulu knew eating spoiled food would cause an upset stomach.

Anger flared at the old woman for giving her bad bread, but it faded quickly.

“At least I spoke to someone after a long time.”

Lulu had only said one line, but it felt like a big deal to her.

Because she hadn’t talked to anyone for so long, her voice barely came out when she wanted to speak.

‘Next time, I’ll ask how to make good bread.’

Lulu knew how to make bread from recipes in a book the witch left behind. But after gathering ingredients and even building a fire pit, she followed the instructions and ended up with an oddly shaped lump of charcoal.

After that, Lulu gave up cooking. Boiling potatoes and picking tomatoes was enough to keep her alive. Sometimes roasting a small wild beast and sprinkling it with rock salt was tasty enough.

Of course, she knew the bread was delicious, but what could she do when she couldn’t make it? Her only option was to give something to the old woman, who did not carry a weapon against her.

Though her stomach hurt, she still thought the bread was delicious and turned to the book she was reading. Her plan to make a homunculus had made some progress recently.

A few days ago, while Lulu was looking for food in the kitchen, a pile of books collapsed.

Lulu usually ignored such things, but when it got to the point she couldn’t move, she had to clear the pile.

Nevertheless, Lulu did not have the strength to do so, so she removed each book one by one until noticing a rat hole clogged with paper in the corner of the floor. It was a page torn from an unknown book, full of letters.

Wondering what book it came from, Lulu pulled it out and scanned the content. Her face, which at first showed little curiosity, soon turned serious.


Lulu’s hands trembled as she held the crumpled worn-out paper. Oh, my God.

“The human seed!”

Surprisingly, the page described the human seed Lulu had desperately sought! Moreover, it included drawings.

“So…the seed is inside the male’s genitals?”

She muttered, gaze locking on the human male body drawn on the paper.

She had seen human men many times but had never seen them naked. And none of the witch’s books depicted the male body so nakedly, more precisely, the genital part.

Lulu read the content with a burning passion for learning. However, the human seed was not the main focus of the content; it was mentioned briefly, with most content about other things. But Lulu could not hide her delight upon discovering where the human seed was.

“I got it! I finally got it!”

Lulu finally discovered the missing ingredient needed to complete the homunculus. She looked back at the paper.

[After extracting the human seed, that seed…]


Extracting meant taking it out, right? So she had to take the seed out and plant it instead of just planting it? But how to do that?

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