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🍓chapter 1:Brother and sister🍓

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🍓chapter 1:Brother and sister🍓

How is it that you go and define good and evil?

What's the concept of these two words?

What's the right prescription to describe what's good and what's evil in this world? How do you know who to trust and who to not? How can you look at someone and say: 'yes, this guy is a mass murder'? You can't.

Ever since I was a child I was forced to repeatedly hear the same thing over and over again. The thing that one certain group of people is the enemy of our society, one group can hurt thousands and one group can kill in one second without feel any sympathy for those they harm.

One certain group of people that possesses so much darkness into their souls, that it might make your body tremble only by seeing them and whenever you see them-they are your enemy. Me and my twin brother grew up believing that hatred towards others is wrong, but once you hate the right people-is forgiven.

So really...what's the concept of good and evil, when you can judge someone purely for their powers and where they came from? Are we really the good ones...or are we the bad ones.

I remember my father saying that a Quincy's purpose is to protect people, to guide them, to make them see the light, while the soul reapers are the one that guide people to madness. I think my father was the one, who was slowly guiding himself to madness.

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Me and my brother Uryu were both as illiterate children of my father Doctor Ishida Ryuken and his mistress-his maid Katagiri Kanae, aka our mom. I don't know much about the relationship between Ryuken and my mom. The only thing I know is that my father never loved my mother. In fact, he was supposed to marry a woman called Misaki, but she dumped him for some other dude. Then my father made a mistake...of sleeping with his maid....and got her pregnant...with TWINS.
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I always disliked my father. He was a cold and obsessive man, whose only interest was our powers and not what we are as people. He took me and my brother in, because we were carrying the Quincy power just like him and growing up he never hid the fact that he preferred one child above the other.

Since I was the first born twin, my Quincy powers are slightly more powerful than Uryu's, which only meant that I was the protege that my father so much wanted. So he never bothered hiding that he wanted me to become stronger, while he very openly neglected my brother. It made me feel horrible how Uryu was always pushed back, but whenever I tried stepping up..I was horribly punished in brutal ways for disrespecting my father.

So there wasn't much that I can do.

And unfortunately because of that my relationship with my brother...became very rocky, almost not existent. Uryu wanted so desperately to have our father's affection, while I found new ways to run away from it. And as soon as we became teenagers, Uryu almost stopped talking to me. He only talks to me about school and about dinner time. He is very closed towards me.

We barely talk at home, we don't even look at each other at school and it hurts me. I really wish my brother could see how much I love him. He is my brother, despite everything and I wish him nothing but well. But I'm afraid he hates me, he sees me as competition, as the fault of our father's horrible treatment towards him.

Now that I'm 15 years old and I finally learned how to stand up for myself against my father, he stopped bothering me with training for awhile and focused more on Uryu, who wanted to have that attention from Ryuken. Uryu did whatever he could to get our father's approval, even if it meant exhausting himself with training to become stronger.

I was worried for him. Very worried. I didn't know much much he can keep up with my father's madness. I prayed he ends up alright.

"Miss Stella, are you joining up for dinner?", our butler bows to me and spoke with his usual cold tone. Everyone in this damn house speak to us like they hate us. I'm so used to this.

"No", I spoke with the same cold tone in my voice, I won't let these turds see how their hatred affected me, "Tell Ryuken I'll go for a jog".

"As you wish, miss Stella", he said before leaving my room.

No further questions, that's all he wanted to know. They don't really care what me and my brother do as long as we are far away from their sight. Let me tell you, nobody was happy, when Ryuken announced my mother's pregnancy. And nobody wanted 'these bastards', like my grandmother calls us, to remain alive.

But my father managed to convince them. How heroic, right? I'll start crying.

I put on my shoes and my headphones, then I leave the house and started to run. Jogging really helped me get my thoughts straight, to listen to some music and to keep the shape. I ran down the street to the bridge, then I noticed six guys standing under it. I stopped in my tracks to watch.

Five of them stood in front of the sixth staring at him with a dead glares. The sixth guy looked very calm, he had a smirk on, a very cocky one indeed. He ran his fingers through his ginger hair, then pulled out his phone. I stared and listened to them talk to each other.

"Yes, hello", the ginger one spoke, "I would like to request an ambulance. Yes, under the bridge. Oh, how many...", he started counting the guys one by one, "Five...please".

And then they started fight. And he was winning one against five? That made me chuckle a little bit. He was cocky and he definitely had a reason to be, I like guys like that. And honestly, he was handsome. Tall, fit, broad shoulders, muscular from head to toe. He was definitely the type to catch the eye...and I mean snatch it!

One of the guys charged at him with a small pocket knife, but the boy grabbed it and just punched him right in the face knocking him out completely.

One of the guys charged at him with a small pocket knife, but the boy grabbed it and just punched him right in the face knocking him out completely

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I was impressed. That guy was untouchable. And I admired that. It took me awhile to notice that he was wearing the uniform of my school, so that meant we went to the same high school. I'm pretty sure I would have noticed a hottie like that walking around school.

The boy suddenly turns to me and his brown eyes look at me and their pierce me deep. My heart starts to beat faster, like never before...what was this feeling?This warm and sweet feeling between my chest. Am I...attracted to him?


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