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🍓chapter 2: strawberry in action🍓

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🍓chapter 2: strawberry in action🍓

Oh God.

The way those brown eyes were looking at me, the way his hands were still clenched in fists and his knuckles all red from punching. His face slowly, but surely changed..to a more softer one. And oh, my heart almost melted. Gosh, he was fiiiiine!

Have you ever looked at a guy and thought to yourself: 'Yeah, I'll definitely sit on his face'? Well, I definitely had this moment right now. And there's no shame....literally not a drop of shame in my body. I'll be thankful to be... (anyway).

'Get it together, Stella', I thought to myself, the little angel and devil popped up on both my shoulders. 'What would Ryuken say, if he could hear your thoughts right now?'.

'Who cares about that old man?', the little devil pushed the angel off my shoulder and smirked so mischievously, 'Did you see this guy? I mean, he is so fine! Come on, show him your charm!'.

I mean...the little one has a point. This guy was definitely a babe. But, I'm not going to embarrass myself like that. I'll talk to him, but he chill about it. Just play it cool, Stella.

"Nice moves", I spoke in a confident voice, I knew it always gets the guys going, when I decide to be playful and bold. "For a moment I thought you'll need help, I was ready to jump in".

The guy took a moment to observe me very closely, then his face changed to a very...very confused one, even...mocking in a way. Like he was completely dumbfounded by my words.

"You were ready to step in?", he said like he was making fun of me, but his face showed just pure annoyance for some reason, "Do you even know how to fight?", he asked

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"You were ready to step in?", he said like he was making fun of me, but his face showed just pure annoyance for some reason, "Do you even know how to fight?", he asked.

"You'll be surprised", I said still keeping up my confident act and jogged closer to him, then I took a moment to look at the guys all laying down on the grass completely defeated, "Just because I'm not as strong as a man, doesn't mean I'll let my ass getting whooped".

"No offence, princess, but you don't look very strong to me", the way he said the word 'princess' pissed me off. Like he was mocking me. Oh this guy was getting on my nerves, "Why don't you go and play with your dolls while you're at it?".

"Hey!", I turn to him and point my finger at him, a vein popped out on my forehead. One thing I hated more than my father was when people were making fun of me, my looks and my size. "Watch your words! I have more fighting skills than you have ever seen. So put respect on my name".

He looks at me, dead in my fucking eyes...and started laughing at me. Straight at me. With no shame whatsoever. I really got pissed off.

If I said that I'll sit on his face just a while ago, well you better forget it. Cause I wanna punch it now. Till it bleeds.

"Oh please!", he exclaimed, "Look at you, you barely reach my chest! How can you hurt me, if you can't even reach me, princess?".

Ohhhhh...so you wanna rumble?

Without a warning I stepped on his knee pushing all my strength into it. He let out a groan and slowly kneeled down in front of me, then I caught him in a chock hold and I started to ruffle his hair with my knuckles. He was fighting back to push me off, but I flexed my muscles and pushed his head more towards my chest. Right in my tits.

"Who's weak now, huh?", I laughed sadistically.

"Okay, okay...fine! I surrender!", I yelled out.

I finally let go off him and he fell back on a grass gasping for air. I smirked looking pretty proud of myself, after all I'm my father's daughter. But he doesn't have to know about the intense training I had to go through my childhood. So I just gave him my hand, he took it and I pulled him up on his feet effortlessly.

"Damn, you are really strong for a girl. I have to admit, I'm impressed, princess", he looks at me and had a small smile on his face.

I rolled my eyes, "Can you stop calling me that? I really hate, when people mock me", I asked.

"Then...what should I call you, then?".

"Call me by my name".

He looked at me with that dumb expression and rolled his eyes, "And what's your name?".

"Ishida Stella, but I prefer to be called only Stella. And you?", I gave him my hand.

"Ichigo Kurosaki", he shook my head, "You can call me whatever you want, I don't care".

"Your name is...strawberry?", I chucked.

"And yours is a star...", he chuckle too, "Do you have a problem with my name?".

"Not at all. In fact, I love strawberries", I turn to him and smirked, "They are so tasty~".

I see a blush spreads all over his face. I think he caught what I was trying to say. And, hey, I know it's cheesy, but I had to use it. After all, this is how it all begun.

This is how all my problems begun.

And this is how I met..him.

My biggest problem.

...And my biggest love.


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