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🍓chapter 6: grounded🍓

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🍓chapter 6: grounded🍓

Of course, after pulling that stunt and after Uryu told my father everything I've been up to, I was grounded for an unknown period of time. Got locked up in my room and I was only allowed to go to school, then come back. When I'm in school I'm never alone. It's either my brother, or some of my father's servants watching over me.

So, me talking to Ichigo and explaining to him what was going on was a no. In fact, after seeing him that day and the look on his face, I haven't met his eyes again. I don't know, if he was skipping school, or was just really good at avoiding me, but it sucks.

It sucks that I can't talk to him, see him smile, or eat another popsicle with him. In fact, his absence in my life was so noticeable, that my mood was getting more sour with each minute that passed.

Yet another sunny afternoon full of possibilities for new adventures and I'm here locked in my room watching some boring show on my TV and laying back like a slot all day. I hear the maids and butlers passing by my door from time to time to make sure I didn't sneak out.

'These people are so annoying', I thought to myself and I turn off the TV heading to my balcony for some fresh air. I sat on the railing and I stared that the sunny horizon, listening to all the laughter and fun outside. 'I hate this, I hate being a Quincy. Why couldn't I just be normal?'.

I reach for a flower that i had on my balcony and I pulled out a pack of 'Seven star cigarettes' (for my Nana lovers). I rarely smoke, but when I do I calm down a bit. I pull out a cigarette and put it between my lips, then I lit it up with a lighter I once stole from Ryuken.

I took a drag of it and leaned my head back, the smoke coming out of my nostrils and filling up the air with the gross smell of nicotine. I wonder what Ichigo is doing, where he is. Is he thinking about me just like I'm thinking about him?

'Nah, that's stupid', I smiled to myself and I took another drag of my cigarette. My hands and hair began to smell bad, I hated that smell. But for some reason this cigarette felt right.

"You know smoking kills, right?", a voice spoke behind me. I quickly stood up from the railing and looked around in panic. Who was here?

I made a 360 turn, but I didn't see anyone. Then I face the horizon only to have a small glimpse of Ichigo. 'What the...hell?', I walked closer to the railing and I stared until the image of him in his shinigami form appeared in front of me floating in mid air. What?

"What are you doing here?", I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear me, "If my father sees you, we are in big trouble".

"Then you better be quiet", Ichigo smiled.

I stared at him like he was crazy. This guy got into all this trouble just to come to me? After avoiding me for days and days. I couldn't understand, but I was glad he came. I really was. And then, when I saw his face change from smiling to serious, my gut started going crazy.

"Why didn't you tell me about this war?", he finally asked the question I was afraid of answering, "If I knew about it, I would have never gotten you in this much trouble".

"I....", I felt like I just swallowed my tongue, "I didn't know how to tell you, you...you seemed so nice and...I knew that you were not my enemy".

"So...", he sighs, "What now? Can we be close again, or do we have to hide?".

"I don't know, I don't wanna hide".

"Then let's not!".

"It's easy for you to say", I looked away and leaned over the railing, "Your family is not fixated on the idea of Quincy. My father will destroy me, if he finds out we are still talking".

"Then show him that you can make decisions on your own!", Ichigo raised his voice, making me snap my head and look at him, "I don't wanna lose you, because of some stupid war! I don't want to let you go, because of something that happened years ago!".

His eyes were so genuine, filled with anger and something else. For a moment it made my heart beat so much faster, my palms are sweaty. Oh, how I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and tell him that we are going to win. But deep down...I knew we didn't stand a chance. Ichigo looked at me expecting me to say something, to be brave enough to stand up to my father..

But...I couldn't.

"Stella!", his harsh tone made me snap back into reality and I saw the hurt in his eyes, the pain and something else... "Please, tell me that you won't give up..on us...on our...", he couldn't say friendship..but I knew what he meant. I saw it in his eyes.

 I saw it in his eyes

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"Stella, please..", Ichigo reached and took my hand in his, squeezing it between his two, "Stella, tell me that this is not the last time I will see you".

"Ichigo, I don't know what to tell you. As much as I want to tell you that we'll be together, I can't lie to you", I looked down, but didn't let go off his hands, "Don't get me wrong, I want to be with you all day long, like before...but I can't".

"I won't accept that", he let go off my hands.

"What?", that made me look at him.

"I won't accept it, Stella", Ichigo stared into my eyes deeply, his filled with passion, "I won't give up, until we are together".

"Are you crazy? What are you going to do?".

"Just watch me", he smiled, "I'll put up a fight for you, I promise".


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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