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🍓chapter 5:fall in love🍓

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🍓chapter 5:fall in love🍓

Our driver immediately showed his head through the window and started yelling, but Ichigo didn't budge. He stood there with that serious, cold and unreadable expression on his face. His brown eyes met mine and it felt like they were piercing my soul. My breathing became pretty heav

Uryu stood up and fixed his glasses, then the collar of his shirt and when he saw Ichigo it was obvious that he was a bit confused

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Uryu stood up and fixed his glasses, then the collar of his shirt and when he saw Ichigo it was obvious that he was a bit confused. I finally took a deep breath and realised that it was time for me to face the truth, to own up my actions, so I open the door to the car and got out.

Both my brother and the driver were pretty confused on what was going on, keep in mind that no one knew about our friendship, nobody knew that I even know him. So to them it must have been pretty weird. But I couldn't care less at that moment.

I walked slowly towards him, his brown eyes were staring right at me, his unpleasant look got me thinking that he was pretty pissed at me, which only made my breathing heavier. I stood right in front of him and expected him to start yelling at me, to ask me millions of questions, to punch me even, who knows. But instead...Ichigo grabbed my hand and he pulls me right towards him until my face ended up on his chest.

I was caught off guard by his sudden move and when his strong arms wrapped around me, and I felt the warmth all over my body...I suddenly realised how stupid and immature I was to ignore him for days. He hugged me tighter, like he was afraid that if he let go..I'll disappear. His face slowly moved to my neck and he buried his nose in the crook of my neck.

I was speechless, but...not mad.

"What the hell, Stella", he mumbled in my neck, but it was audible enough for me to hear, and only me probably, "Don't you ever ignore me again. Not like that. Not ever".

I couldn't even move. Was he mad? Or was he relieved? I had no idea. But one thing was for sure in that moment, I was so glad to be in his embrace. And no, it didn't feel friendly. It didn't feel friendly at all.

"Stella!", I heard Uryu get out of the car and storm to me, Ichigo suddenly let go of me, but one of his hands remained around my waist. When my brother saw that, he got angry, "What the hell are you doing, Stella? Get away from him right this second!".

"What the hell, Uryu!", Ichigo yelled at him, his hot-headed nature was showing, "What the hell is your problem? You know I'm a good guy!".

"Yes, but you are also a soul reaper! And soul reapers should not be close to a Quincy!".

"Why not?".

Ichigo's voice got a bit more quiet, his head tilts to the side like he wanted to show that he did not understand the issue. Both me and Uryu look at each other, but my brother's gaze wasn't friendly or warm at all. I looked away, keeping quiet cause I knew what was coming.

The silence surrounded us and Ichigo looked at both my brother and me, his eyes switching from let to right, waiting for explanation.

"Guys? Talk already!", Ichigo turned to me, his voice got low and concerned, "Why not?".

"It's because Quincy and Soul Reapers are enemies for generations", Uryu finally explained and fixed his glasses, "We are trained to fight soul reapers, not to date them".

"We are not dating!", I clarified.

"Your reasons don't matter, you know what father always said about them! They are bad, they hurt people and that you should fight them, not hug them, Stella!".

I lowered my head. Oh, how I hated when Uryu was right. Quincy and Soul Reapers have been in a war for generations, I've been born and raised to kill their kind. And the fact that I couldn't do it right now, the fact that I couldn't turn my back on Ichigo and walk away...makes me have some type of inner conflict.

Ichigo was obviously very angry at my brother's words. Uryu and him have been friends, right? So I imagine the pain that he felt.

"What the hell?! I haven't hurt anyone!", Ichigo yelled in my brother's face, "In fact, I've been helping more people than you have ever did! So who here is the bad guy, Uryu?".

My brother didn't say anything more. He just grabs my wrist and started to pull me towards the car. Ichigo tried to tell him to stop, but our driver got involved. I got inside the car without any fuss or fights, then the door was closed behind me.

I look through the window and I saw his face. The way Ichigo looked at me like I betrayed him in some way. Jesus, this was the worst thing. My heart was beating so fast, our eyes didn't break contact...not even for a moment. My brother and our driver got in the car, the engine starts and we started moving slowly.

I turn back to look at him, Ichigo was still standing behind the car, his hands clinching into fists, but he felt hopeless. At that moment, I knew there wasn't friendship what I had with him, but whatever we both felt...didn't matter. It was forbidden and I hated it.

Later that day, Uryu told my father everything he saw today. And made sure to tell him how I've been 'secretly' hanging out with this soul reaper boy that he despised, but of course forgot to mention that he himself was hanging around with Ichigo way before me. Typical.

My father was livid. Not only his vein popped on his forehead, but this time his voice echoed in the whole damn mansion. I hated it.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!", Ryuken yelled out loud and slammed the top of his desk almost making his lamp fall down and break, "My daughter, my own flesh and blood, in the arms of a soul reaper! In the arms of the son of my greatest enemy".

Oh yeah, maybe I forgot to mention, but...

{spoilers here}

Ichigo is the son of Ishin Kurosaki, the man who snatched away the woman my father was supposed to marry. He won her heart first and she left my father for Ishin. So, the fact that I was hugged, or touched by Ishin's son, must be even more painful to my father than anything.

{end of spoiler}

"I can assure you, nothing happened!", I tried to sound convincing, but honestly at this point I had no idea if what we had between us was truly.. nothing like I claimed, "I didn't even know he was a soul reaper before that!", that was true..a bit.


To love in a war| Ichigo Kurosaki x OCWhere stories live. Discover now