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🍓chapter 3:closer and sweeter🍓

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🍓chapter 3:closer and sweeter🍓

Maybe it was faith, or maybe life was playing a sick joke with me after that introduction with him, but for some reason..our paths always crossed. Each day we'll accidentally meet on our way to school, then after that we'll go to the same direction and it was never intentional.

At first it was a bit awkward, but then both me and Ichigo started to look at it as a pretty funny situation. So we began to actually walk together to school and after school. We lived pretty far away from each other, but still. He walked me home after school, we sometimes got together to the mall to buy the newest CDs.

At before I knew it...we grew pretty close. Before I knew it, I was spending most of my free time with this guy. And it felt...right, it felt good. We were laughing, talking about everything so openly and it was never romantic between us. I never felt like he was making moves on me, we never had the urge to just...kiss each other. It was like to kids just having fun.

Now that I look back at it, maybe I was too innocent at the time. Maybe I should have noticed the signs that I was slowly, but surely falling for him...pretty hard. And he was falling for me too.

Until...the day when all masks fell down.

It was Friday, a pretty warm one. I was heading to school on foot despite my butler insisting on driving both me and Uryu to school. I knew me and Ichigo are gonna walk to school again. And sure thing, when I reached the convenient store, I was him with a popsicle in his mouth.

It was pretty hot...and I'm not talking about the weather. His tongue gently licking the cold ice, his forehead forming some sweat drops, the way his fingers gently pulls his collar to the side so it can expose more of his neck. Jesus, I act like a MHA fan.

His brown eyes finally shot at me and a small smirk forms on his face. Oh, how I love this little smirk. It melts me every time he does it and it makes my knees weak. He gently pulls the popsicle out of his mouth and spoke to me.

"Morning, princess", yes...he never dropped this stupid nickname for me, but each time it grows on me more and more. Like I'm his princess.

"Morning", I smiled back and I walk up to him, he gives me a popsicle as well, which was in my favourite flavour-strawberry. I smiled a little and took it gently in my hand, opened it and got a nice taste of it. "Man, just what I need. So refreshing".

"Ready to go?", Ichigo looks down at me. It gets me sometimes how huge of a high difference we have, it makes him look more...manly in my eyes for some reason. Is that weird?

"Honestly no, can we skip?", I smiled and I looked at him still licking my popsicle, he smiled playfully. Everything between us was just like that and every time when I want it, it grows more and more playful, but it never escalates. God, I wish it does. I really do.

"No", he sighs, "We are going to school this time, otherwise I'm going to work".

"You are no fun", I did a little pout, but then we laughed it off. How can a guy feel so..good to be around?

I was never interested in dating. Considering the fact that I'm fifteen years old, maybe boys were not my main priority before, or maybe it is because I hit puberty, but before Ichigo I've never been interested, or wanted to be with a guy.

But soon enough my thoughts were occupied with something else.

As both me and Ichigo walked to school suddenly a loud scream caught both of our attention. We looked at each other and without speaking a word we ran immediately towards the direction of where it came from. I stopped in my tracks when I saw it. A huge, black like the night sky, ugly and roaring hollow holding a girl, a human girl, in his hands ready to devour her full.

My blood ran cold. Since when hollows are this open to the human eye? Hollows are usually manifestations of the human's negative emotions, they like to feed off of bad energy. So that means something, or someone released this hollow here, it created it here. But who?

There was no time for me to figure it out, I had to help the girl. I knew I'm risking Ichigo seeing my Quincy powers, but I had no choice. I released my bow and arrow ready to strike down the hollow, when I noticed smoke coming behind me. I slowly turn around and my eyes widened.

There was Ichigo standing there in the smoke dressed in a black, very fit around his body, kimono and a huge sword in his hand. My heart almost stops, when I saw the symbol on his belt around his torso. It almost made me faint.

 It almost made me faint

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'He...he is a soul reaper?', I thought to myself and my hands dropped next to my body.

I couldn't believe it. The guy I told was the most sweetest and fun person, the guy I thought that makes my heart skip a beat...the guy I thought was my friend....is my enemy.

Ichigo didn't waste any time before jumping into the battle and literally slashing the hollow in two like it was completely nothing to him, while I stood there and stared like I dumbass. The girl was safe and everything was alright, but...it was not the same. Not to me at least.

Ichigo helped the woman to calm down, to collect herself and to control her breathing, while once again I stood there and just...stared. Was he really a soul reaper? The biggest enemy of the Quincy? The evil that my father always warned me about, those that hurt human, not help them?

The boy turns to me and gave me such a warm smile asking me, if I was alright and my heart starts to skip faster and faster. My cheeks grew red and my body felt warm.

'No way...there's no way', I thought to myself and I suddenly felt myself smiling back at him, 'No way in hell...this boy can't be evil'.


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