Two: destined friends

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Five years later in Arcadia, the Nunez and the domzalskis family's both pay their monthly visits to Barbara since she's been friends with Ms Nunez since high school and Mr domzalski since college

In the house, Barbara was combing her five year old son who admittedly a foot taller than the average five year old

Suddenly they heard knocking on the front door, indicating that it was time for the monthly visit

"Jim, mommy's friend and here and you have to remember that they can't see you" Barbara said to her son

"Does that mean you want me to hide upstairs again?" Jim asked his mom

Barbara answering yes and Jim immediately ran on all fours right up the stairs and straight to his room before Barbara opened the front door and walked in the Nunez and dombzalski walked in before two a little girl and small chubby boy ran past the adults legs, running around the rest of the room

"You brought your children?" Barbara asked

"Well we couldn't find a babysitter that was available today" Mr Nunez answered

"And you know we never miss out on our visits bar" Ms dombzalski added

As the adults went in the kitchen to talk, little Claire and Toby looked around the room until Claire got the idea to go up the stairs, but Toby was having second thoughts about Claire's actions since the adults told them earlier not to go outside of the room

"The adults told us not to leave the room" little Toby said to Claire

"But technically the stairs here are also in the room, and whatever it's connected to is also apart of the room, so we wouldn't be breaking any rules" Claire pointed out, loop holing the situation

The kids then both began to climb up the stairs until they both reached the top floor where they both found a room with the door in front of them was a jarred

Claire then walked into the room with Toby following her where they found within the room were tens of random items that have all been bitten in half and in the corner of the room was a large pile of clothes and plushies

Two eyes then appeared in the pile as they looked at the two children, making Claire curious while Toby was freaked out a bit

"Who are you?" The pile of clothes and toys asked the child

"I'm Claire Nunez and this is, um..." Claire said to the pile of clothing and plushies, realizing that she never got the name of the boy she just meet

"I'm Toby" toby answered

"Is one of you going to tell the grown ups outside" the eyes asked "because if you do then I might be taken away from my home"

"That doesn't seem fair" Toby said in a sad voice

"Don't worry, we won't tell anyone you exist" Claire said to the eyes "not even our parents"

"Well, okay" the eyes said before closing and coming out of the pile, revealing his true appearance "my names Jim by the way"

The two children saw a tall blue skinned boy with small horns that reached halfway across his head, blue scruffy hair, pointed ears, one of his fingers missing from one of his hands and two small tusks on the bottom of his jaw

"Wow" Toby exclaimed, still surprised at the sight of Jim

"You're so cute!" Claire exclaimed with excitement as she rushed to Jim, resisting the urge to pet him like a puppy

"You're ok with me looking like this?" Jim asked in surprise

"Well my parents told me never to judge a book by its cover, what ever that means" Toby exclaimed

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