Nineteen: return

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At night in the streets of Arcadia, Toby runs through the empty streets in panic from something that changes him

As a car drivers by, the driver sees Toby and stops as he continues to run

All of the sudden, a stream of fire streams right in front of the driver causing him to to get out of the car and see the hood on fire

What was that the driver thought to himself, was it made fire, did it have legs or something?

Meanwhile, Toby continues to run from the flaming creature, starting to lose wind

"Oh, what are you doing tobes?" Toby asked himself, thinking himself an idol for trying to outrun a creature with four legs

Toby then turns a corner where he finds himself in an alleyway as he runs up to a wooden fence wall

"I can do this!" Toby exclaims to himself in confidence as he tries to leap over the fence but only managing to grab onto the top of it

Toby screams as the fence falls down and crawls away from the flaming cat shaped creature

Suddenly, Jim jumps down from in between the creature before he grabs Toby in one of his arms

"Adios, fire cat" Jim jokes before leaping away miles from the flaming creature, onto a street lamp "that should be a safe distance"

As the two looked back into the distance, they saw the flaming creature flying towards the air at high speed straight towards them

Jim kept staring leaping far distances as the creature flew towards them as it went as fast as it could

"I can't believe you took that stupid rock to your science class!" Jim exclaimed in frustration as he kept leaping while holding onto Toby

"First, it's not a rock, it's volcanic slag" Toby corrected Jim "and how was I supposed to know there was a flaming monster hiding in it?"

"You bought a magic rock off a troll named "Mervin the monster dealer" what did you think would happen, tobes?"

Jim soon landed in an alley with a dead end as he let go of Toby where argh, blinky and the girls were waiting for him

"Blinky, please tell me you got it!" Jim desperately asked blinky as they walked towards them

"Of course master Jim" blinky said as held a vile of elixir that would kill the fire creature "you've lured the luminarie right into our stratagem"

"Stra-ta-gem?" Argh asked

"It means brilliant trap" blinky told argh

The fire creature then entered the alley was as it tried to intimidated them

"What are you waiting for?" Jim asked in surprise as blinky walked away from it in fear "throw it!"

"Um, master Jim, you said this was a luminarie, when that is obviously an infernal hellheeti" blinky exclaimed in a panic

"So?" Mary asked as they all backed away from the fire creature

"Potion useless" argh answered

"Alright, plan b" Claire said "Mary, Darci, get out the water weapons"

"Right" Darci said confidently "Mary, hand us the weapons"

"I don't have them" Mary explained

"What do you mean by that!?, you said you'd bring the weapons!"

"I didn't say that!"

When Jim called about the fire monster, we told you to bring the water weapons as plan b, you said alright!"

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