Sixteen: recipe for disaster

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In high school during the day, Jim (in his human form) was sitting in between Toby and Claire as the rest of the class was being taught (the same thing from t.o.a) by Mr strickler

"War is constant chaos" strickler quoted from the history books "the e winner will be the one who controls the chaos, both his own and his enemies, napoleons words show an unquestionable need for conquest, a man who could not be stopped, so, what was the French general's downfall? Did he stare down the barrel of a cannon? Did he die from the deafening silence of a classroom?"

The whole class apart from Jim, Claire and Toby laughed what strickler just said

"Look at that" Jim pointed out "he's got the whole class eating out of his hand"

"His creepy troll hand" Toby added

"So Jim, you really don't remember anything from when you wore the grape-shake thing?" Claire asked nervously

"Um, no, I've already told you, everything from when I put it on to the sewer was all just a magical blur" jim told Claire

Claire just wanted to make sure that Jim didn't remember, especially after that kiss during rehearsals

If jim ever knew about that, well..., let's just say that things wouldn't be the same around them ever again

"You know, I trusted him, he betrayed me, and worst of all, he hit on my mother" Jim ranted out "I should end him now"

"Or maybe you could ask him to divulge the whereabouts of the bridge that could release unspeakable evil?" Toby suggested "I don't know"

"Does strickler know you're the trollhunter?" Claire asked Jim

"Bular called me "young atlas", only strickler calls me that, of course he knows" Jim told them "but he doesn't know we're onto him"

"Malaria" strickler said to the class as a picture of a mosquito was on the wall board "the worlds most powerful army felled by the bite of an insignificant insect"

The school bell then rang as everyone in class got up and started walking out, strickler walked to Jim to tell him something important

"Young atlas, if I could have e brief word before you leave" strickler asked Jim

"Uh, is everything okay?" Jim nervously asked

"Actually, no" strickler replied "due to recent developments, I don't want things to be strange between us, your mother has invited me over for dinner, I've graciously accepted, will that make things awkward?"

"Awkward, no, no, no" Jim answered "it's just dinner, right?"

"Splendid, then I shall be seeing you this evening"

With that, strickler walked out of the room as it gave time for Jim to think

At first Jim thought it was a bad idea, but if he thought about it, this could actually work in Jim's favor

Since strickler practically lived in his office,  if he was busy with dinner at his house then that would give them the chance to break in and see if he was hiding anything about the bridge

After school, Jim told Toby, Claire, blinky and argh the plan and at first they all disagreed to it but after some convincing, they were all aboard

But they would need some help from

Back at Jim's house, Jim (in his troll form) was in the basement as he was telling Drall the plan that he already told everyone else

"I do not approve of this plan" Drall disagreed with Jim on the plan "it lacks a certain "killing the changeling" component"

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