Chapter 34. Sad reality but Happier dreams

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Yunmi's POV

"I dont even want to hear it"
"I'm going out" He said and stalked out of our room leaving me with my confused self.
What'd I do?
Its not like I was out with Hoya!
I was out with Sungyeol!
I hurried out of our room and ran down the stairs to the front door where Jungkook was tying his shoes.
"Jungkook whats wrong?"
"Get away from me you HOE"
Hoe?!? I'm the hoe? He's the one who went out with a slut!!!! Yunmi... calm Down. It could All be a misunderstanding.
"I'm the Hoe?" I asked in disbelief
"Uh huh now if you don't mind me going."
"Where are you going?" I asked my voice shaky.
"To a girl who isn't a HOE" he Said and he turned and opened the door.
"Wait!" I grabbed his arm and made him face me.
Pure hatred was seen on his face.
"What did I do?" I asked silently suddenly feeling very small
"What did you do? You must be Joking" He said while smirking
"No really.... why are you mad?" I asked him
"You go out with another guy and you think its nothing?" He shook his head
" Its not nothing... not to me" he said and walked outside.
Wtf just happened...
I rushed to the door and yelled
"At least I wasn't on a date with a fucking slut!!!"
He turned to look at me with fury.
He started to walk towards me.
I sighed in relief because I thought he'd hug me and tell me he's sorry... But I was dead wrong.
"Don't. You. Ever. Call. Chae eun. A. Slut. Again" he said pushing my chest with a finger
I got pushed into the door. That's when my patience broke.
"SHE IS A SLUT! THAT'S WHY SHES AFTER ANOTHER WOMAN'S HUSBAND!!!!" I screamed as tears broke my wall and rolled down my cheeks.
He grabbed my shoulders and shoOK me.
"She wasn't going after me! She was being a good friend! And even if she was, she got me because...." he started in fury but now he stopped.
"Bec-ause?" I asked breathing rapidly
"I guess you weren't holding tight enough" that was the last thing he Said before he sighed and walked to his car.
I watched as he put on his seatbelt and drove away.
That's when I fell to my knees.
I put my head in between my legs and started to chant.
"Its all a dream... wake up Yunmi" but I knew it wasn't.....
I sat there trying to comprehend what had happened but nothing was solved as I drifted off to sleep on my doorstep.
(Yunmi's dream is the begininng of chapter 26 ^^ sorry for tricking you)

I woke up from my dream...
It was a happy dream....
Where there was nothing wrong with me and Jungkook and he there by myside to comfort me when I needed it.
It was then when I realized when I was in my bed and not on my doorstep.
I went downstairs to the kitchen thinking that Jungkook carried me up to my bedroom but when I got downatairs...
His shoes weren't there.
Then I saw a pink sticky note
I read it and bursted into tears all over again.
"Hey little cutie!
I saw you sleeping infront of your door so I carried you in... I hope you don't mind... ^^ Hehe... anyways don't cry!!! You look alot prettier when you smile! :) whatever you were crying about isn't worth wasting tears over!!! So smile and text me when you read this okay? My number is:
Bye little cutie!!!
- Jin Oppa"
I'm sorry Oppa....
But Jungkook IS worth my tears....
Even if he doesn't care..
He still is...
And I can't stop
I'm thinking of ending the story Soon.. but I think its up to you guys^^
I hope you liked it^^
My new story's intro is up so PWEASE go check it out and give it some votes and comments!!!^^
That's all for today
Thank you for reading ^^


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