Epilogue Jungkook PT.2

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Jungkook's POV

"Why... did you..." I asked Hyeri.
Why would she marry someone whod abuse her like that...
"Its an arranged marrige... Tao.... he's a little..." she said quietly
"Oh... why does he abuse you like that?" I asked her..
So not all arranged marriges go as well...
"He's stressed out now a days... he used to be my best friend... but after it was announced.... he changed." She said a tear fell from her cheek.
I wanted to wipe it off, but I stopped myself. That would be too forward of me....
"Everyone changes.... its natural... maybe he didn't like the idea..." I said to her, trying to comfort her, but failing as I saw more tears streaming down.
"We're going to get married tomorrow... I don't want to though... I don't even live with him yet but he still abuses me... when we're alone all the time..." her head was down and her gaze was towards the floor.
"I'm sorry... I must be wasting your time.... ill leave now." She said as she sniffled and went towards the doorway.
"No... is there anyone who can pick you up?" I asked her... it wasn't wise to send her alone...
"Uh... I think my brother can come..." she said as she left the room to make a phone call.
I sat there wondering why I cared so much for this girl....
Maybe its because she looked so fragile and the look in her eyes made me pitty her.
Yeah its pitty.
Nothing else.
"My brother says he'll be right over... he says he knows you." She said as she returned.
"Really? Who is he?" I asked her.
Weird that I've never seen her before then.
"Jimin... park Jimin." she said as she sat down across from me.
"Oh! Jimin hyung... so does that mean... why haven't I seen you before?"
Jimin hyung mentioned he had a sister when we fiRST met but he doesn't mention her much...
"I lived in the US until my aunt called me and told me I needed to come back to Korea... because..." she muttered and stopped.
Jimin's parents died in a car crash a few years back.
When we first met.
As if it was a coincidence, Jin, Jhope, Rapmoster, V, and Suga hyung's parents were the ones who were involved as well. They met at they're parents funeral, and became friends and helped each other get through the rough times. I met them later on through Jin hyung, who's parents were close to mine.
I guess Hyeri came back for the funeral, and left again.
"Why'd you come back?" I asked her confised for if she came for her parents or another reason.
"for the arranged marrige. Tao's family met me when I came back for my parents funeral" she said emotionless.
she sat there staring at the Wall for the next five Minutes.
I wonder what she was thinking about...

She was weird, clumsy, fiesty, everything that Yunmi wasn't.
But I still felt attracted to her...
Like I did with Yunmi when we first met, but for her it was stronger....
Was this love at first sight?
No it can't be!
We're strangers! I've never met before! How could I love her?
Because love at first sight is like Magic.
It doesn't make sense, doesn't seem real. But when it happens...
you can only believe.

I waved a hand infront of her face trying to get her attention, but she stared straight into the wall. Her face was straight and looked as if she spaced out.
"HEYRI!" I yelled.
"Huh? Oh hello" she said snapping out of her trance.
Hello? why'd she say hello?
"Why say hello?" I ask
"Because I want to say HELOOOO to the world" she said making a big circle with her arms.
"Uh.... are you okay?" I asked her
I was seriously concerned
"Yeah im fine" she said as she pat my back....
*ding *dong
"Ill get it" I said leaving the couch
I opened the door to see a panicked Jimin.
"Wheres Hyeri?" He asked frantically
"She's here... Bu-
"Hyeri!" He yelled and went inTo my house looking for her.
"Oppa! Jungkook ssi was taking good care of me" she said
"HyerI you know you're supposed to stay with Tao" he said as he grabbed her hand and started walking out. I stopped him before he left to tell him what I saw TAO ssi doing.
"He hit her." I said looking straight into my hyungs eyes.
"What?" He asked his eyes widening.
"He hit her... Im not for sure but it seemed like he's been doing it for quite a while.
"Hyeri?" He asked looking at his younger sister. she looked down to the floor guilty, then suddenly she smiled and looked straight at me.
"Oppaaaa" she cooed
Jimin quickly pulled her away from me as she started to make pouty faces at me.
Shocked and bewildered I looked at the wall blushing a little bit.
what was wrong with her?
"hey Jungkook I have to go but come to her wedding tomorrow okay?" HE said as he rushed out before I could tell him that he was crazy.
He's letting his sister get married to a man that abuses her.
"What should I do?"

The next day

I got dressed up in a tuxedo and drove towards the wedding venue.
It looked like a normal wedding. everything was normal until...
"Let go of me! I won't marry you! I won-
The scream was muffled....
All of the guests looked scared... somewhat confused but as Jimin stood at the microphone ensuring everyone, the whispers died down.
Me, on the other hand knowing what the amazing groom had done and has been doing couldn't get the picture of crying Hyeri out of my mind.
The tears streaming down her face and her shaky mumbles.
I couldn't stand watching her get married to him.
I had to leave.
But I couldn't...
How could I?
I was the only one that cares enough.
Do I care?
Is it pitty?
I'm not sure...
But whatever it is its there, And it won't leve my heart alone.
It gave hurtful pangs of guilt as I watched the guests smile and laugh as if it was a normal wedding where the groom and bride were in love.
Why do I even care?
Dear heart,
Why don't you stop caring for strangerz!
and maybe start caring for more rational things, like world peace!
Thats not happening anytime soon.
The music started as the groom, Tao entered the room all smiley and happy, as his eyes scanned the room, as his smile turned into a scowl when he caught sight of me.
I returned his glare as it quickly turned back into a smile.
They announced the entry of the bride as Hyeri walked in...
She was beautiful....
Dressed in a white gown with her white silver hair down and with a little t ara on her head.
The only thing that bothered me was her smile.
It looked genuine....
It didn't look forced...
Was she happy she was doing this?
what happened to the blank stare I saw just the other day?
The scream?
Something was wrong...
Something was very wrong....
The vows were said as the priest asked Tao if he'd like to marry Hyeri..
He said "I do"
He asked Hyeri if she'd like to marry Tao...
this is it! Hyeri all you have to do is say you don't....
But she was struggling.
Her face contorted as tears rolled down her cheeks.
The guests stared with their mouths open and whispers started tp fill the room.
Tao was quick to wrap his arms aroumd Hyeri, and as I was watching closely, he whispered something intp Hyeri's ear....
Her eyes widened but then recomposed themselves to the happy eyes I've never seen before. Was she alright?
Before I knew what my body was doing I started to advance.
I followed what my heart said to do while my mind said to stop and mind your own buisness.
I walked up to the podium, the guests gasped, Hyeri looked at me wide eyed, Tao growled "what the helldo you think you're doing",
I grabbed Hyeri's hand and started to run. Just like the first time we met.
We ran past the guests and out the door.
"Jungkook ssi...." Hyeri puffed as she struggled to follow along
Oh shit.
I looked behind us to see the guests and Tao running towards us.
We looked lIke a parade in the middle of the street!
"Shit" I muttered and I picked Hyeri up bridal style and continued to run.
Hyeri shrieked with happiness as she wrapped her arms around me.
I smiled feeling her head in the crook of my neck.
That's all folks!
Thanks for reading :)
Hope you guys consider reading my other fanfics!

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