chapter 3. What?!

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Yunmi's POV


"You okay?"Chanyeol asked worriedly

"I'm fine thank...."I said before falling to the ground.

"OMG! You okay? Yunmi yunmi!"D.o. asked (more like yelled)

"Yah, I guess just really tired" I answered shaking my head

"Let's get you home"Sungyeol said helping me off the ground.

"Ok"I simply answered back ignoring the pain in my leg.


They notified the school and they excused Exo and Sungyeol from school for just enough time to drop Kai and I home, then they'd have to go back to school.

They drove us home and left me and Kai alone at home. It was when I shut the front door that I realized that Kai was silent for the whole ride home.


"Kai oppa?" I asked slowly

No awnser, Kai just looked out the window.

"Oppa? Oppa!" I tried again desperate for an answer, but the one i got wasn't the one i had hoped for

"What do you want?"Kai replied coldly

"Oppa, what's wrong?" I asked quietly, shocked that Kai would use such a cold tone.

"Nothing I'm just a litle stressed out..." Kai responded a little bit calmer

"Stressed with what?"I asked, watching my beloved brother put his head in his hands

"I'm stressed that if I would've never have set you two up this whole mess wouldn't have occurred!" Kai yelled back

"Oppa, look this is not your fault! Look this is no one's fault. Love has its consequences, remember we didn't do anything life changing so don't wor...."I said before a wave of nausea hit me and I started to gag! I rushed to the washroom, and heard Kai rushing after me.


"Yunmi?! What's wrong???"Kai asked frantically

"I don't know!" I said before hurling again

"I've been throwing up for some time now.... huh! Maybe I have a disease! Maybe I'm dying! Maybe I'm...." I said starting to tear up but got cut off by kai.

"Preagnant!"Kai said, in a tiny voice

"Did you guys have...."Kai asked closing his eyes and leaning his head against the wall

"Ummm.. once but we were really drunk so I'm not sure if ...."I said blushing at the remark I couldn't believe I'm confessing my sex life to my brother!

"Did you guys use protection?!" Kai yelled balling his fists, he looked as if he wasready to punch the guts out of Hoya .

"That's the part I'm not sure about...." I said tears gently falling on my cheeks...

"I will go get a tester! Stay here!" Kai said walking out of the bathroom 


I kept throwing up till there was nothing left to throw up. I banged my head against the bathroom wall, and that's when Kai burst through the bathroom door, holding Hoya by the ear. My eyes became wide and then gagged once more, it was embarrassing for Hoya to see me like this.


"Look who I found skipping school? Now look what you did to her" Kai yelled at Hoya his face red with fury.

What's going on?- Hoya asked angrily, ripping Kai's grip off him 

"Don't ask like your innocent! You did this to her!"Kai yelled again clenching his hands into fists.

"I have no idea what you're say...."Hoya said before realization and Kai's fist hit him.

"Oww.... Oh my fucking god! I'm sorry I didn't know...."Hoya said still recovering from the Kai ' s punch...

"One sec, give me the tester! I just want to make sure...."I said wiping my tears off my face and pushing them both out of the washroom, maybe I'm just sick just because we didn't use protection doesn't mean I'm automatically Pregnant!


5 minutes later, my breath caught in her throat i was.....


Sorry there hasn't been a scene with any other bands besides infinite and exo..

I promise they'll come out eventually..

BTW these first five chapters will explain why she has to get married and the different relationships she has with people....

I will update maybe again tomorow so stay tuned!!!



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