Chapter 1. Why?!

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Authors note!

Hi guys!!! Enjoy!!!!




Yunmi's POV

"Move" Hoya yelled

"No not until u tell me why you keep doing this to me!" I demanded, tears falling down my cheeks.

"Want to know? Fine! I don't love you anymore, but I didn't want to get into trouble with the Exo clique! So So I didn't break up with you!" Hoya said

"What that makes no sense! You cheated on me because you didn't want to get Into trouble with my brother's clique?!" I yelled tasting my tears

"I hope you learn to understand!" Hoya said before pushing past me, and leaving me alone in the school gymnasium crying....


Tears started to fall while telling my best friend Sungyeol the break up between me and Hoya.

"Then he left." I said before sniffling. I trusted him... But he left me. I don't think I can ever get over this.

"Don't cry Yunmi! Maybe this is for the better... Think about it! You got rid of that bastard and he will never hurt you again!" Sungyeol said beaming. He had a point.... 

"You're right !!!" I said feeling an unstoppable beam on my face! 

I'm going to find someone better, someone who cares someone who won't ever hurt me and he is going to be wayy hotter than jerkface! Hoya will regret leaving me...

"Aww... you're smiling again! I thought that smile got lost somewhere in between all the crying and frowning!" Sungyeol said while giggling

"Never oppa!" I said, smiling and wiping my eyes. I cried all night after I saw Hoya with...

"Well we better get to class!" Sungyeol said. Getting up and starting to pack his bag. I stood and did the same. Putting in my laptop and text book. Sungyeol finished before me, and started to walk out the door. He stopped, and looked back at me. He smiled and waved to me, before walking out the door.

I smiled back and slung my bag strap over my shoulder and walked out of the school's cafe. I walked in the opposite direction as Sungyeol.

Sungyeol is a year older than me... he used to like me but I guess I didn't like him that way.... but nothing will ever change our friendship so we were still the best of friends!!!

I was only a few classrooms away from my math class, when someone stick out they're leg, making me fall on my bum. Ouch... I looked up to glare at the foot's owner, but stopped. Hoya smirked and crossed his arms, While his goons laughs behind him. They really were the bullies weren't they. The sweet and charming man, i held hands with. Was gone.  Hoya, sungyu, and dongwoo are the rudest clique in the whole school, they are all playboy's. Our principle is aware but they never have enough proof or witnesses to get them into trouble.

Hoya bent down to my ear, and i shook in fear. It's sad really... I'm scared of my first love.

"Slut He whispered.

I confusedly look down to see that when I tripped my skirt flew up, revealing my lacy undergarments. Hoya reached down and grabbed my ass but i smacked his hand away. Then suddenly I hear the sound of a fist ramming into something...

I looked up and saw....


This was just a preview I will actually update maybe tomorow!!!


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