-Yellow Flicker Beat-

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AN:Meet my old bunny Snowflake as Daisy the bunny. RIP Snowflake~2014-2021.

I couldn't stop thinking about Soul. I don't know why, she just wouldn't leave my head. The night was cold, but it was warm in the hollowed out tree trunk with the little fairy lights strung around the wood and fairies dancing in the air. A couple bunnies, including my very fluffy pet Daisy, slept on the floor. I lay with the bunnies and thought about Soul.

I reached for my crystal ball. "Show me Soul," I asked.

The ball showed me the princess of the Valleys packing a bag, tears running down her face. "Can't stay here any longer," she said.

Caleb stood in a doorway, frozen in shock. "Where will you go?" he asked, "What will you do? Soul, I know Mother's hard on you but you can't just run away."

Soul snapped her gaze to Caleb. "Yes I can," she snarled, "I'm a princess cut from marble and my scars are silver and gold. The people used to shout my name, but now that you have life magic they whisper it. Mother's always favored you, and it's gotten so much worst since your magic surfaced. It was the start of how it all ends."

"What are you talking about?" Caleb asked.

"I'm going to the mountains," Soul said.

I blinked in surprise. I'm sure Caleb did too. "You're what?!" Caleb asked.

"I'm going to the mountains," Soul repeated, "I've heard pirates talk about it. Queen Lilith at least loves her daughter." I'd heard of Queen Lilith's daughter, Princess Luna. The Mountain people think she's spoiled rotten. With what her mother gets in taxes, she probably was.

"She also mind controls people," Caleb said, "And you know you're not suppose to talk to those dirty pirates."

"Those dirty pirates are my only friends and as for Queen Lilith, she had no control over what type of magic she got. That's what I always get told when I complain about you getting more attention since your magic surfaced. 'No one can control what type of magic they get.'" Soul said, "And what else could you even do with mind control magic? Save the world? When would you need to control minds to save the world?"

"That still doesn't make it right," Caleb said, "A sword can kill, but it's the person who uses it who murders. Lilith uses her magic for evil."

"And Mother uses her magic as an excuse to act like I don't exist," Soul grumbled, "Caleb, people talk about you and all their voices just burn holes in my consensus. They've been talking about you so much that I've just sorta blurred their faces out in my mind. You are the perfect little golden child. Life magic, firstborn, heir to the throne, smart, skilled in archery, and just Mother's perfect little child. I am the second child born because she wanted to have another baby. The only thing I have going for me is being a girl. That's not enough for me anymore, I need more."

"What do you even want?" Caleb asked his sister.

"I want to be loved," Soul said, "Mother doesn't love me and Father is just there, standing besides Mother like the dutiful little husband he has always been. Do you even know his name?"

"Micheal," Caleb answered simply.

Soul blinked. "You know his name?" she asked.

Caleb nodded. "Grandmama calls him that."

"We have a grandmother?" Soul asked, "Why wasn't I told?"

"You didn't know?" Caleb asked, "Hand on, I'm getting Mother. She loves you Soul, I'm sure of it. She just spends more time with me because she has to prepare me to be king and now with controlling my magic. And I love you and Father loves you, and I'm sure that once you meet Grandmama, that she'll love you too. And there has to be a reason that you didn't know about her. Just hang on, don't go anywhere yet."

Caleb left and Soul closed up the bag she was packing. "I'm not staying Caleb," she grumbled, "I'm not the perfect little golden child. I dream of Mother loving me, but reality is not the sweet kind. Why even have two kids if you can't love them both the same?" That's a good question. I wonder if my birth parents loved me. I wish I knew how I ended up in the woods.

She pushed open her bedroom window and threw a rope down. Where did she get that rope? "The colors faded from this life for me long ago Caleb," Soul said, slinging the bag over her shoulder, "Red, orange, yellow. They've flickered and beat their way from me years ago. Red, orange, yellow, flicker, beat, beat, beat, and beat." And with that strange sentence, she climbed out the window and slid down the rope. "Now to the docks," she whispered, landing on the grass, "For a ship to the Mountains." And the image faded.

The Mountains could be reached by ship? Why am I just now hearing about this? I've been watching the Mountain people complain about the woods being their only way for weeks now and not once have I heard about the way by sea. I slid the crystal ball away and reached out to pet Daisy. "People are weird," I told the sleeping bunny rabbit, "Why can't they be sensible, like fairies or bunnies. You guys make perfect sense."

Daisy picked her head up as my hand brushed her soft fur. She cocked her head to the side and yawned. Bunny yawns were cute.

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