-Castle On A Cloud/Primavera-

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AN:Castle has lyrics, Primavera is instrumental for this dance. Also, meet the doll used in the recital as a prop.

Luna was very nice for the daughter of an evil tyrant queen. She loved Daisy and shared strawberries with us. Lilith had sent her daughter out with a little wicker basket of berries and bread, so she wasn't completely evil. There was even this doll in the basket, though we didn't play with it. It was a pretty doll.

"So where do you live?" Luna asked.

I should not tell her the truth, but I can't lie either. "A tree house," I said. Hey, a tree was my house, so I live in a tree house.

"You live in a tree house?" Luna asked, "Are your family like elves or fairies or something?"

"Or something," I said laughing nervously. Would Lilith come for the woods if she knew humans could live in them? I mean, would she really want to take over the woods for just one human girl? I don't know, I've never met Lilith. "Where do you live exactly?" Was that a good idea? "I mean, I've never really seen it."

"Few people have," Luna said, "It's this constant mist. Mama has a castle up towards the top of the highest mountain." Luna laughed. "When I was little, I thought I lived in a castle on a cloud."

"The mist probably didn't help," I said, "I'll bet it looks like a castle on a cloud."

"It really does," Luna said, "Especially when the fog rolls in and you have to be on the first floor to see the ground at all."

"Wait," I said, "Your house has multiple floors?"

Luna blinked. "Yours doesn't?" she asked.

I blinked. What had I said? "I live in a tree house," I said, "Too much weight and it goes." I tilted to the side and made creaking noises before falling to the dewy grass. Luna laughed. I sat back up. "You live a completely different life from me," I told her. What would my life have been like with my human family?

Luna took a bite out of a strawberry. "Maybe," she chewed, "But I don't think we're so different."

"Your mother is a," I shouldn't say anything to offend her, "A queen. You're a princess."

"So?" Luna said.

"I'm pretty sure that means that you were spoiled," I told her.

"I am not," Luna insisted, "My mother raised me to very humble."

Since when does an evil queen teach her daughter humility? "How?" I asked.

"I work as a royal guard," Luna said, "Mama taught me how to work. I'm sure spoiled children don't know that."

"Maybe," I said, "But with all the riches your mother has, I'm sure you still had the best of the best."

"So I have a room that's full of toys," Luna said, "And Mama made sure I was friends with a hundred girls and boys. But now I'm too old for those toys and those friends weren't real."

I looked at her. "You are spoiled," I told her, "You are so spoiled."

"I know I am," Luna said, "I'm spoiled." She reached for the doll and held it up. "And my mother has no clue that I'm too old for this now."

Daisy hopped off my lap. "She's pretty," I said, "Does she have a name?"

"I called her Molly when I was little," Luna said, "Hey, your rabbit's running off!"

"What?" I looked. Daisy was hightailing it into the woods. "Daisy!" I got up and ran after her.

"Victoria!" Luna called, "You can't go into the woods!" Of course I could, I lived in the woods. Wait, she didn't know that part. No wonder she's scared.

I took a glance behind me. Luna was following me, into the woods. She looked terrified. But I knew she would be fine. I knew how to live in the woods and I had to find Daisy.

I snatched Daisy up as she stopped to eat a wild mint plant. "Gotcha!" I said. Daisy tried to wiggle out of my arms, but I held on. I turned back to Luna.

Where was Luna?

Okay, so I had lost a princess and only child of an evil queen in the woods. I might not think the woods were dangerous, but they absolutely were. Just not to me. Luna didn't have the fairies' protection.

I found her soon after, talking to Caleb.

Clearly I missed something while chasing my bunny.

I watched the son and daughter of sworn enemies, just talking to each other. Did they even know that they were the children of sworn enemies?

Luna didn't have her crown on, she spotted it on the ground, picked it up, and put it back on her head.

It took Caleb a few seconds to notice it.

And then the screaming started.

They know they're in an enchanted wood right?

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