11 - Only two of us

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"What did you just say?" Jimin's lips moved, his dense lashes tickling the surface of Jungkook's palm like the scritch of a kitten's claw, very ticklish and numbing.

Jungkook could not move his gaze away from Jimin's light colored lips. He had just tasted it before and as expected, it was oh so soft and so addictive... Just one taste was enough for it to be engraved into the depth of Jungkook's mind. He subconsciously licked his lips as ravenous desire surged up his chest again.

Jimin had always been so defenseless in front of him. Even now, with Jungkook's palm blocking his vision, he did not even try to do anything about that.

It was like... Jimin trusted him with his all... that no matter what, Jungkook would not hurt him.

The revelation struck him right on the gut and knocked the air out of his lungs. Jungkook huffed out a brief chuckle. Oh God, how could this man be so gullible, so naive and adorable to boot?

The feeling of being trusted so wholeheartedly by a stranger he had only met for a day, not to mention after all of the atrocious deeds he had committed yesterday, was so heady that it made Jungkook a little dizzy. He could not help but wonder, if he were to lean in and kiss Jimin again, would he finally react? If he were to trail his lips along the elegant line of Jimin's jaw down to his neck, lapping at his scent gland that was covered by the patch, would Jimin finally push him away?


Jimin's voice snapped him out of his reverie and he sucked in a sharp breath. For God's sake, Jungkook, what were you thinking?!

He had just said that he would court this omega properly and as an Alpha, he definitely had to keep his words! As such, Jungkook curbed all of his maddening desire to the graveyard of his mind and finally lowered his hand. Jimin's striking dark eyes once again fluttered open to peer at him in inquiry.

By then. Jungkook's countenance had returned to normal and a teasing smile curled on the corner of his lips. "So, it's 'Hyung' again?"

Earlier, he had been disheartened by Jimin's cold alienation as well as his formal address. But now, upon hearing the sweet 'Hyung' coming out of his alluring lips once again, Jungkook could not help the surge of joy and delight that permeated his chest. It was truly unbelievable how one gesture from Jimin was enough to stir up his emotions like no other. And the worst thing was, the omega did not even realize what he had done!

Jimin froze, seemingly just realizing that he had made a mistake. He pursed his lips tight and said, "Public space."


"Earlier... we are in the public." Jimin's expression twisted as though it pained him physically to say even one more word. The tip of his ears became even redder as he fixed his glare on Jungkook's collar. "In public, we have to remain formal."

"Ah..." Jungkook exclaimed softly in realization. "You're right."

Outside, they were practically strangers. Jimin was a police officer on duty while Jungkook was a crucial suspect to the case he was investigating. Acting so intimately would not do him any good. Who knew what kind of repercussions Jimin would receive once his Higher-ups caught wind of it? They would think that Jimin had given him preferential treatment! Only now did Jungkook realize how careless he was. His mindless act could have cost Jimin his job.

Once realization dawned on him, Jungkook immediately wilted like a wet puppy. "It's my fault... I should have thought about this sooner. I'm sorry, Officer Park. I will keep it in mind next time."

Just as Jungkook was wallowing in self-depreciation, Jimin suddenly added, the words "...Jimin is fine. There's no one but the two of us now."

Jungkook whipped his head up in time to see Jimin turning his face away to roll up the window. A beautiful hue of pink crawled up the fair skin on his neck and made him look like a ripe peach.

Intertwined: Two fatesWhere stories live. Discover now