I woke up to Gemma jumping on my bed.
"Coachella! Coachella!" She chanted over and over again. I laughed dragging her down.
"Will you shut up? It's what, 9am? Coachella doesn't start for ages." I looked at her laughing.
"Well! Your boyf has gotten us early entry and backstage passes. So we get to go early!" I stared at her. As if Nathan had gone through all that trouble just for us. I smiled and Gemma smiled back thinking I was smiling at her. I laughed. The only reason Gemma was so excited to get there early was to meet someone she was kind of obsessed with. He goes by the name of Brooklyn Beckham and she has had a crush on him since I've known her. I laughed looking at her.
"Alright, alright I'm up!" She laughed and walked out of my bedroom.I lay there for a while trying to wake myself up more.
"Knock knock." A croaky voice spoke from my doorway. Without looking up I instinctively said 'who's there' which made us both laugh. He strolled in and perched himself on the edge of the bed.
"Sleep alright?" I nodded. "I'm performing now, my PA had me booked for this ages ago so come backstage when I'm on?" He asked looking at me and I laughed.
"Of course I will." A big grin appeared on his face and before I knew it his lips were pressed against mine. He pulled back sharply as if he wasn't meant to do it.
"I am so so so so--" but before he managed to finish speaking I'd already sat up and pressed my lips to his before he could finish apologising.
"UHHUM!" Gemma cleared her throat loudly and I pulled away climbing out of my bed and whispering in Nathan's ear 'no need to apologise' before following Gemma into her bedroom to help her choose her festival clothes.Gemma and I always made jokes about her being in a white floral dress with a floral crown and Coachella was the perfect time to wear it. However, we made a mistake of not buying the dress so we decided on a vest top that said 'COACHELLA 2015" in swirly writing on the front, shorts, converse and flower crowns with luminous face paints.
"We look so ready!" Gemma laughed and I nodded before we took a selfie together.
"Lauren! Gemma! You girls ready!" Nathan shouted from the living room, I looked at my watch and it was time to go so I grabbed my bag and applied the last bit of makeup and we were off to Coachella.A FEW HOURS LATER
we'd been at Coachella for a while now, the drinks were flowing, the smiles were big and it was an overall surreal experience. All of a sudden I heard Gemma scream and I jumped up and ran next to her. I looked at the guy who was in front of her and smiled at him.
"I'm - I'm -I'm" I looked at Gemma and laughed.
"She's Gemma and I'm Lauren nice to meet you." She glared at me unhappily because she must've wanted to say it.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Brooklyn." He spoke kissing Gemma's cheek. I looked at Gemma and all of a sudden her knees buckled and she was falling towards the ground. If it wasn't for Brooklyn catching her we would've had to taken a trip to the ER."Gemma...Gemma...drink some water you fool." I spoke putting the bottle to her lips.
"She's probably just fainted." Brooklyn spoke looking concerned for Gemma's safety. A man, one of Brooklyn's body guard I assumed, walked into the tent we were escorted to when Gemma fainted.
"Brooklyn we gotta get moving." He spoke trying to pull Brooklyn along.
"I'm going to stay here and make sure she's okay." He spoke.
I looked at Brooklyn. He was going to stay with Gemma rather than do what his bodyguard says?
"Are you sure? I can handle it.." I spoke looking at him. He nodded and I looked down at Gemma who was finally coming to.
"Hey fainted." Brooklyn spoke leaning over her.
" I in heaven?" She asked. Brooklyn and I both laughed.
"Nope, you're just in the company of someone." I smiled and she sat up. Brooklyn helped her up and sat next to her.
"I'll go get her some fresh water." I spoke and turned to leave the tent grinning to myself. It was my turn to play Cupid for once. I giggled before exiting the tent and going to find some cold water for Gemma.

Yours Truly
FanfictionI had been writing to this guy for ages. He was a pen pal. When my bestest friend ever Gemma and I went to America I wasn't aware for the twists and turns that were going to occur.