The music was already blaring. ACDC were one of the opening acts playing and were doing their sound check when I walked out of the tent, and I couldn't help myself, I began to dance as I walked to find some cold water for Gemma. This was my first time to a festival, never mind an American festival. I laughed at people who were going mental for the music. I bopped my head to the music and was making my way over to the tent with all the water when someone came up behind me and covered my eyes. "What the?" I almost shouted and then heard Nathan's infectious laugh behind me. "you idiot." I laughed turning around. "There is a photo booth over there...can we?" He asked and I looked at the water stand and then Nathan. Oh what the hell? Gemma had Brooklyn freakin' Beckham, there was some time to take some photos. I nodded and before I could even say anything Nathan had grabbed my hand and was dragging me over to the photo booth.
We got into the photo booth relatively quickly, considering the line that was already there, from just the early entries. "After you." Nathan spoke and I smiled. "Wow, such a gentleman." He chuckled and I went into the photo booth and sat down as Nathan pulled the red, velvety curtain to close off the booth while we were getting out photos taken. At first we pulled a few funny faces, I leant my head on his shoulder and looked up at him as he looked down at me, and then he looked up and I looked at him and he moved closer to me and pressed his lips to mine. I was unknown to the fact the camera was still flashing and was still taking our photos. "Hurry Up!" A voice from outside the curtain called and both Nathan and I laughed and pulled the curtain back and left the booth picking up our copy of the photos. Nathan linked his fingers with mine. "I've been waiting so long to do this." He looked down at me and I smiled nodding. "Ditto, but I really do need to get some water for Gemma." He laughed and hand in hand we went and grabbed 4 bottles of water.
When we arrived back to the tent Gemma had seemed to have perked up a little bit and Brooklyn was sat beside her. Normally, Gemma was quite shy in who she talked to and she certainly wouldn't be this confident with anybody. "Hey!" I smiled handing her a bottle of water and handing Brooklyn one at the same time. "Hi" She smiled winking at me, I began laughing and nobody knew why I was. The wink was an indicator to me so I knew she very much was attracted to him. I walked over and sat on the chair nearest to where Gemma and Brooklyn were sitting and Nathan came and sat next to me. "So, are you two finally on?" Gemma asked and I chucked over the photos that we had just taken. "Does that answer your question?" She nodded and giggled, while showing Brooklyn them. "Aww, you two look cute for each other." He spoke in a rather posh tone. I smiled looking at Nathan who was grinning from ear to ear.
Brooklyn decided to stay with Gemma, which surprised me a bit considering he didn't even know her fully, but, I was happy. She'd always wanted to meet him, and now, well...she was practically sitting on his lap! The first night of Coachella was about to start and George Ezra was about to start playing. Nathan wasn't on until tomorrow, so I had him for this night. 'Budapest' began to play and we screamed as Gemma walked over and handed us our drinks. "GIVE ONE GOOD REASON WHY I SHOULD NEVER MAKE A CHANGE!" We all began to sing. I took my phone out and began to take many selfies with Gemma, Nathan and Brooklyn. I wasn't one to enjoy crowding and nor was Gemma, however, Brooklyn and Nathan were beginning to get a lot of attention which made me kind of edgy as the last time I was in a big crowd I had a panic attack, which wasn't fun. However, I tried to enjoy George Ezra, the alcohol did help a little too.
After George Ezra, Clean Bandit came on and they were amazing. Gemma and I spent all night, Nathan and Brooklyn ended up getting more drinks because Gemma and I were dancing too much. Everyone in the crowd were dancing, and Clean Bandit wanted us to shout a phrase, it got to that phrase and everyone in the crowd shouted "I WANTED TO BE STRONGER!" Gemma and I erupted into uncontrollable laughter, which when we get into, we can't get out of. Brooklyn came up behind Gemma and put arm around her shoulder. "Oops" she said and I laughed shaking my head. "I think she's drunk!" I yelled over the music, and Nathan nodded in agreement "I think she is too, but so? She's having fun." I nodded and smiled agreeing to Nathan. I hadn't seen her smile this much in ages, so in my mind she was having a whale of a time! I then took Nathan's free hand and began dancing with him, he didn't like dancing much so when I took his hand, he wasn't very enthusiastic about the idea of dancing, but once we got into the music, he got into the dancing.
It was around 2 in the morning when we eventually had to call it a night. Gemma couldn't even stand properly, which meant she needed everyone to help her home. In the end we all agreed it would be best for Brooklyn to stay the night, after all it was 2am. The taxi ride to our apartment was eventful as Gemma kept saying she was going to be sick, we had about 100 false alarms. When we eventually got to the apartment Gemma stumbled out of the taxi, I handed Nathan the money and grabbed Gemma and helped her into the apartment. I must admit, I was a bit tipsy myself, but I could stand. "Laurrreeennn" She slurred and I laughed shaking my head opening the door. "Yess my lovely." I looked at her and she wrapped her arms around my neck in a tight embrace. "I loooooovvveeeee you!!" She yelled. "Shhh!" I laughed and I helped her into her bedroom "you'll wake our neighbours up." she tutted at me. "I don't care!!" I couldn't even understand her by now. I shook my head and took her shoes off before placing her in her bed. I couldn't be bothered to get her dressed, she'd just make a fuss about it. "Gemma, if you need to be sick, shout." I told her. She just mumbled and rolled over. Never have I seen Gemma get to sleep that quickly.
I smiled and closed her door slightly before walking into the living room where Brooklyn and Nathan were stood chatting. "I was just saying, I could stay in your room and Brooklyn could stay in the one i'm staying in?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled. "Fine by me. She is going to be so hungover in the morning." I laughed grabbing one of the big bottles of water out the fridge and placing it outside the door of Gemma's room. "She'll need that!" I smiled and walked back to Nathan and Brooklyn. "Do you guys need anything? I'm off to bed?" They both shook there head, and I nodded. "Well, Brooklyn..i'll see you in the morning, i'm sure Nath will let you borrow some of his clothes." I winked at them both before walking into the bedroom, I got changed into my nightwear, turned the air conditioning on and then got into bed.
I was just dozing off when I heard my name being called. "Fuck!!" I ran into Gemma's room and she was sat up with sick all over her looking sorry for herself. "Oh Gem" I laughed. "Let's get you to the bathroom." I spoke helping her out of bed and helping her into the bathroom, sitting her on the toilet seat. I turned the shower on and undressed her and helped her into the shower. "Can one of you guys change her bed sheets? They're in the top shelf of her wardrobe!" I yelled to the boys. I heard both of them come in and help each other, I smiled and waited for Gemma to say she was done. "make sure you've got it all off Gemma." I spoke grabbing her towel from her bedroom. I then turned the shower off and handed her the towel which she wrapped around herself. "Here are some clean pj's, put them on." I spoke and she nodded and I let her hold onto me while she got changed. I tied her hair up into a high bun so if she was sick again, she wouldn't get it on her hair.
Eventually after 40 minutes she was ready for bed again. I helped her back into bed and placed a bowel at the side of her bed. This was the safest option instead of making her get back up, I also placed the big bottle of water on her bedside table, along with pain killers to help for in the morning. "Lauren, if you don't mind, i'll stay in here and keep an eye on her?" Brooklyn spoke already making a bed on the floor next to Gemma's bed. I nodded smiling. "No Problem, shout if you need any help." I smiled closing Gemma's door and walking back into my bedroom. Nathan was already flat out in bed and I smiled closing the door behind me. I quietly tiptoed over to the bed and lay down. I closed my eyes, and heard Nathan roll over. He placed his arm around my waist and pulled me in closer, I smiled and closed my eyes. What could be better than this? I know. Nothing.

Yours Truly
FanfictionI had been writing to this guy for ages. He was a pen pal. When my bestest friend ever Gemma and I went to America I wasn't aware for the twists and turns that were going to occur.