I laid looking up at the ceiling in the villa's bedroom. I didn't really sleep last night, I was too excited. Today was the day the postman would bring an important letter. I heard the postman's door shut and squealed. I had become acquired to the sound of the postman's door these days. Whether it was at home or away, I knew the sound of the postmans door. It was quite sad really.
"Lauren, what the fuck?!" My best friend Gemma rolled over next to me and yawned. She didn't get to sleep until 5am and it was now only 7am so if I was her i'd be moody too. We were from England and had come to America especially for Coachella, so waking her up when she was jet-lagged wasn't really the best thing for me to do. I giggled and grabbed the cup of tea I made for her when I woke up. "Shut up and drink your tea." I laughed as a big grin came on her face and she inhaled the sweetness of her warm cup of tea. Thats how you made Gemma happy, give her a cup of tea and she's sorted. I heard the post come through the door and jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs grabbing the post.
I grinned and giggled as I chucked the rest of the shitty post like leaflets for the new bar down the road and leaflets for pizza, okay maybe I kept the pizza leaflet, just incase. "Gem!! He wrote back!!" She sat up still cradling the cup of tea I had made her. "He did!!" She giggled with me as I sat on the edge of the bed and slowly opened up the envelope and smiled as I began to read:
To Lauren,
I have been waiting for your reply. Is it sad that I know the sound of the postman's van door now? I have to run down the stairs before my sister gets to the post though, that would be fun having to explain the feelings I have towards you wouldn't it? Joking, I wouldn't hesitate to tell the world. I really want to meet you, but I am just so busy with my music. I just don't think that it's taking off and I need it to. I need to show everyone that I can do it. You know?
I'm actually glad that your database paired you and I together because if they didn't I wouldn't have gotten to know you. Maybe that can be lyrics to a new song, I'll have to write that down. How are you? How is Gemma? I have an image of Gemma reading over your shoulder while you're reading this yourself, she seems cheeky and I'd very much like to meet her too if we ever get the opportunity. I HOPE you are enjoying yourself in America. Even though we've never met I miss you not being in England, is that selfish to say? I hope you don't think so.
I have a surprise for you, I know you thought I wouldn't be able to come to America, but I juggled some gigs and things around and i've managed to be able to come to America, I can do bit of promo over there too, which is exciting! How ironic would it be if we bumped into each other wouldn't it? I'm so excited. I hope your As exams went well. I know how difficult it is to juggle loads of things around when you're 16/17 because I had to, so I know how you feel, you're never alone. I have to cut this letter short because I'm writing this in the van on the way to Gatwick to catch the plane to 'Merica' -sad joke I know- so if I finish it here, I can drop it in the postbox and therefore it'll get to you earlier than usual, lets hope I got the address right for your apartment in America!
Keep that smile on your face, maybe we'll meet at Coachella! You never know!
I'm looking forward for your letter back to me.
Yours Truly,
I heard Gemma squeal behind me and I smiled at her. "He's going to be there Gemma...what if we meet?" She smiled taking a sip of her tea. "Well if you do meet, it'll be the most cute thing ever! Also, if you do meet it'll most likely be the show tomorrow, so can we please get ready and go down to the pool? The weather looks ace!" She laughed looking out the window that was behind her. I nodded smiling. "Of course we can my darling." She laughed. "Right, well i'll have a shower and you get our bags ready. You know what I'll wear." She laughed and placed the cup on the bedside table and took a towel out of my wardrobe and into my bathroom. " DON'T FORGET MY SUNGLASSES!" She yelled as she turned the shower on. I shook my head and laughed placing her sunglasses on the bedside table so I didn't forget them. I held the letter Nathan had written me and smiled. I was already excited being in America for my first time and going to Coachella. But, this letter just lifted my spirit even more.

Yours Truly
أدب الهواةI had been writing to this guy for ages. He was a pen pal. When my bestest friend ever Gemma and I went to America I wasn't aware for the twists and turns that were going to occur.