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Peter's POV

It was a Wednesday and I was currently at school. It was the last period of the day and about 10 minutes before the bell would ring. That is when Mr. Harrington ended the topic he was teaching and told us he had an announcement.

Mr. Harrington- "Class, I have an announcement. We have got the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the one and only SI tower! It will be a 3-day trip. We will go on Friday and return on Sunday morning. Get these permission slips signed if you want to go. And pack a light bag to carry. Living arrangements are in the tower only."

The class erupted in cheers while I groaned. It was not because if I went, my family would embarrass me. No, it was because I couldn't go. I had to work this weekend and would anyway be on leave on Friday. Trip or no trip. If my class sees me there then it would put me in a hard situation. Ned was sitting beside me.

Ned- "OH MY GOSH! SI TOWER! But, Peter, you can't come right? Cause of the internship?"

Peter- "You've been there several times, Ned. And yes. I can't come. I have to work this weekend starting Friday and that is what worries me. My class CANNOT see me there."

MJ- "Hey loser! Excited?"

Ned- "Yes. I AM SO HAPPY!"

MJ- "Not you loser, I asked my loser."

Ned- (faking being hurt by her words) "Since you guys started dating, you have been ignoring me."

Peter- "Shut up Ned. You know that's not the case. And no MJ. I am not excited because I cannot go to the trip and I need to say the same to Mr. Harrington so see you guys later!"

MJ nodded while Ned waved at me as I got up from my seat to go to our teacher to talk. I went up to him and with a lot of courage I told him about it.

Peter- "Um, Mr. Harrington. I cannot make the trip. I have my internship there only and I need to reach there early on Friday. I hope it is okay if I don't go."

Mr. Harrington- "Ok Peter. No problem. Just try once. We would love to have you on the trip."

I nodded and thanked him and left the classroom. By then, MJ and Ned had already left so I went to my locker to keep my books when I met him. Flash.

Flash- "Where do you think you're going? Scared you're going to get busted?"

Peter- "Leave Flash. Plus, I'm not even going to the trip because of the internship. Which you think is a lie."

Flash- "Oh, I don't think so. I know so."

Peter- "Ok ok. No need to exaggerate. You don't believe me. End of talk. Just leave. I need to go."

I pushed Flash gently to make way in the crowded lobby and Flash left me alone. I have learnt to stand up for myself a bit. MJ taught me some savage counter-attack lines. But I'd rather not use them. I'm fine with just saying this much. Saves me a lot of trouble.

I exited the school and was on my way to the tower. I had changed into my Spider suit and was webbing to the tower. I entered the Avengers' floor through a window where I met Steve, Nat and Clint talking to each other. I waved them hi and changed back into my casual clothes. I headed to the lab to meet dad and work on my homework for a while.

Tony- "Hey kid! How was school?"

Peter- "Hi dad. Well, it was really bad. Our teacher gave us a ton of homework and the worst part, Mr. Harrington announced a class trip here this weekend but I'm working so I can't go and my class will see me working. And my secret identity is at risk. And I am so angry."

Tony- "God, it really was a terrible day. I thought you scored a B on a science test that's why it was bad."

Peter- "Ok now that is not believable. If I score a B in science, I will just murder the teacher myself."

Tony- "We need to limit your time with Nat."

Peter- "This is not her fault okay! She didn't teach me to murder people. She just taught me to take revenge and this is revenge."

Tony- "Ok don't do that. And just call me when you do score a B in science. I need to be there to control your knives."

I laughed and dad ruffled my hair. I went to my desk and started working. It was soon night and after eating dinner with my family, I headed to my home. Yes, my family lives in the SI tower but I live in a mansion just 20 minutes from the tower. I entered my bedroom at my home and went to sleep soon as I was exhausted.

It was soon Thursday and I went to school. Nothingmuch happened. Study, Homework, Flash annoying me, Homework, Lunch, Homework,Study and then again Homework. And then finally I arrived home. Nothinghappened at home too. The avengers got to know about my trip at dinner and my 'reallyhard to deal with' situation and then I went home and slept. So pretty much, that'sit. I'm nervous about tomorrow. Please someone send help.

Author's Note

I'm back with the first chapter of the book. It was just a simple setting the background part for the story. The next part will be uploaded soon. There is no publishing schedule for this book because I cannot contain my excitement to post the chapter as soon as I finish writing it. So, no commitments because I'll probably end up not following them. So, nothing else to say. Vote the book if you liked it! See ya'll! Thanks for reading!


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