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Peter's POV

It was the day of the trip to the beach. I was wearing sunglasses and a simple outfit. I drove a convertible to the school to pick up my friends. I met them at the front gate of the school and saw them chatting with each other. I stopped the car in front of them and got out.

Peter- "Hey guys, ready for fun?"

All- (except MJ ofc) "Yeah!"

Peter- "Ok, give me your bags and I'll keep them while you guys sit in the car."

Ned- "K, girls! You can sit on the trunk, like last time and you three can sit in the back seat and I'll sit with Peter in the front."

MJ- (to Ned) "You sit at the back, I'll sit in the front."

All- "oooooohhhhhh."

MJ- "Shut up."

So, with that, our drive became. I sat in the front with MJ. Ned, Abe and Flash are in the back seat and Cindy, Betty, Liz and Daniel on the trunk. We sang road trip songs the entire time. And talked and chatted. It was sunny but because of the high speed at which I was driving, the wind didn't let us feel hot. It was actually pleasant. We reached the beach by afternoon and set up everything. We laid a carpet, kept our food on it and went to take a swim. We dumped each other in the sea and splashed each other and had a lot of fun. After a few hours in the sea, all of us were tired and hungry.

Daniel- "Hey guys, should we eat something now?"

Abe- "Yeah, I'm starving."

Liz- "Sure, I brought a sandwich for each of us and some juice."

Betty- "I got a few snacks."

Cindy- "I got fruits! Oranges and Melon!"

Peter- "Let's eat oranges! I'm really thirsty right now."

Flash- "Yeah, I feel like eating something watery right now. Even though we were in the water for the past few hours, I'm still thirsty."

All chuckled at Flash's joke. It wasn't really funny but I still felt like laughing. Maybe because I was having a good time with my friends.

So, with that, we were sitting on the carpet we laid earlier on the sand and eating oranges and melons. I don't like melon much so I just got an orange. And we had juice and some snacks for later on if we felt hungry. We started talking about school and study and stuff. That is when I remembered that we had to head home soon as the sun was starting to set and it was already like 4 in the evening.

Peter- "Guys, do you all want to head my home? You can stay there for the night and then go in the morning if you want. It's empty anyway."

Liz- "Sure, why not? We're too exhausted to go home."

MJ- "Sure loser."

Flash- "Yeah, I'm fine with it too. Nobody is home anyway."

Abe- "Where are your parents?"

Flash- "They're in the court, getting a divorce."

Daniel- "Oh, I'm sorry."

Flash- "Don't be. I'm fine with it. I'll see my dad on the weekends and live with my mom the rest of the days. Plus dad will come for holidays to see me."

MJ- "Be thankful that you'll be able to see both of your parents. My dad died when I was little so it's just me and my mom."

The mood quickly saddened and everyone started telling stories of their families. So, we got all gloomy and chatty about our problems.

Liz- "My dad is mostly out of station for work so I don't get to see him much. Only like once a month. And my mom lives with me so I'm fine with it."

(A/N- Liz's dad is not the Vulture.)

Daniel- "My mom rarely spends time with me. She just judges me on my marks and stuff. Same with my dad. I don't really get what they want me to do but I don't care."

Abe- "My parents have already planned what I will become when I grow up without even asking me about it. I want to go into robotics but they want me to study finance."

Betty- "My parents are happy with me. My marks and stuff, they're good with it. But they want me to drop the idea of me becoming a journalist. They think there's no future in journalism. Basically, the same issue Abe has."

Cindy- "My parents are too busy working to spend time with me so it's just me and my pet dog."

Ned- "My parents live far away due to work so I live with my granny. I see them on the weekends though."

I remained silent. I didn't want to tell them about my story. But I knew I had to as we were close enough to share these things. I had to tell them someday. Everyone had tears in their eyes. Some were sitting all sad and some were sobbing. I didn't know how quickly the mood changed from all happy and laughing to sad and sobbing. I was just eating oranges and looking at the sea, sitting happily.

Liz- "What about you Peter?"

Peter- (calmly and smiling a little) "Oh me? Well my parents abandoned me when I was like 5 and never contacted me again. So I lived with Aunt May and Uncle Ben. After I became Spiderman when I was 15, Uncle Ben died because of me. So only Aunt May was left in blood relation. A few months back, Aunt May also died because of me. Then dad adopted me so now I live with mom and dad. And the Avengers are my aunts and uncles."

MJ hugged me and comforted me but I was happy and had a light smile on my face and was just looking at the sea. I could sense that my friends were the most saddened by my story. I didn't care about what happened. It was all in the past. I just wanted to enjoy my present. With mom and dad, with my aunt and uncles, with MJ and Ned and with all of my friends. I will always remember Uncle Ben and Aunt May and will miss them a lot, but I will also be happy for my current life. Ok, enough with the feelings talk now.

We returned home after a while and my friends stayed at my place. We ate dinner and chatted and slept at like 3 in the morning. It was a relaxing and fun trip. I really needed this.

We woke up in the morning and got ready to head back home. Well, my friends got ready to go back home and I got ready to go back to the tower. I dropped off my friends at their homes on the way. They live quite close. I reached the tower and told my parents all about the day. I left the part of sobbing and stuff. It was sad. And I didn't want my parents to think that I didn't have a good time. So, I basically told them about the swimming and stuff. The fun stuff. The rest of the day was pretty normal.

No matter what happens though, I will always be grateful for my friends, my family, my parents and my life. I mean, who has such an amazing life you know. That is life for Peter Parker now. Actually, I use the name Peter Stark now.

Author's Note

So this was the last chapter of the book. I'll probably not post more chapters cause I thought this book was getting too long. So, please comment how you liked the book!! Thank you guys sooo much for sooo many views!! Never thought I would get so many views on this book!! Please vote if you liked the book!!

Thank you all for reading my book. It was fun writing this one. Please don't mind if I copied anyone's story idea. I didn't mean to do so. Thank you once again guys!! This book was a success!!


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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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