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Peter's POV

So, today I had to go to school. Just great! I sat in my car (of course now I would drive to school in expensive cars now that my truth was out, I wanted to show off a little) and drove to school. I was wearing a pair of blue jeans, and a simple t-shirt. It was sunny out so I didn't wear a sweater like I usually did. I arrived at school and everyone, literally everyone, was staring at me. I somehow managed to reach the classroom, avoiding all the stares from the kids in my school. I reached the classroom and saw everyone staring at me. AGAIN! Except for my decathlon team members, cause they already knew about it since the field trip. The entire decathlon team were sitting together and invited me to join them.

Flash- "Yo Peter!"

Abe- "Over here!"

I walked up to them and took a seat beside Ned.

Peter- "Hi guys!"

MJ- "Hey loser."

Ned- (while doing the special handshake with Peter) "Hi bro."

Peter- "So, you probably watched the press conference."

Liz- "Yeah, we did but we already knew about it so we're cool with it."

Daniel- "Yeah, don't worry. We won't stare at you like the other people."

Peter- "Thank god, at least somebody would treat me normal!"

Betty- "Must be weird getting all the attention suddenly."

Cindy- "Yeah, until yesterday, no one even looked at you, no offense."

Peter- "None taken, I know it's true. And until the field trip Flash used to bully me."

Flash- "Yeah about that. I'm so-"

Peter- "You're sorry? Apology accepted."

And with that, the bullying that was going on since middle school ended. The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Nothing happened. It was dispersal and the team and I were hanging out near my car.

Liz- "Hey, why don't we create a group chat?"

Betty- "Ooh, sounds fun."

Flash- "Sure, add me."

Ned- "Same!"

Cindy- "And let's do fun names. Like usernames other than our real names."

Abe- "Count me in!"

Daniel- "Let's do it."

MJ- "Sure."

Peter- "Look at you MJ, getting all social and group chats and stuff."

MJ- "Shut up!"

Peter- "K, I'll create the group when I reach home."

And with that, all of us bid goodbye to each other and went home. I drove back home and ate lunch. I told dad all about my day at school and surprisingly, he didn't get bored. He usually gets bored when I'm rambling on and on but still listens. After that, I went back to my room and started typing on my phone. I had a group chat to create.

Author's Note

Ok, I know these chapter are too short and this one was boring in my opinion, but I really wanted to include the decathlon team being close friends with each other and supporting each other. The next part will come out in sometime, I'll try to update soon. Thanks for reading!!


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