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Ok, what the hell just happened??!! The people who didn't tell them about the shifting of the meeting are just so unprofessional. I mean, who does that?! They can't even do this much properly!

Our tour guide continued the tour, saving all of us from the awkward environment. We went to some of the meeting rooms that we were just being told about. We moved on from the weird situation pretty quick. Well, I was not acting weird like the others, with confusion on their faces. I knew that Peter was Tony's PA so he would have to start attending urgent meetings and stuff soon. Surprisingly, even Ned looked lost. Even though he knew about the Personal Assistant job. He is very unpredictable.

Anyways, we went to see some of the meeting rooms, as mentioned above several times but I just get distracted from the point. We went inside some rooms that were empty. They were nothing special. Just a huge table at the centre of the room with chairs along the boundary of it, glass walls that became soundproof if wanted and fancy stuff. You can expect nothing less when you are in a building owned by Tony Stark. And in the room, there was a projector and a screen in the front of the room where presentations would be done.

I wonder if we would be able to see Pete present. It would be fun to see him all professional and act like a boring adult presenting something boring. That will be blackmail material for the future. But the entire floor is for meeting rooms, and I doubt that we would tour the entire floor. So, I just hope Pete is in a meeting room which we do tour.

Peter's POV

I changed into my suit within minutes and revised my presentation once while doing so. I set my hair to look professional. It was an important meeting for me. I had to present the idea I had been working on for months now. I just hope it would get approved.

Tony- "Pete, you ready?"

Peter- "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go!"

Tony- "Ok, a little pep talk on the way. Don't be nervous, you are perfect the way you are and your idea is remarkable. Just speak with confidence. If anyone asks a question that you don't know the answer to, just say something that has close relation to the topic cause you know about it even more than me and don't lose confidence. Don't show that you are nervous or stuff. You'll do great. I trust you, ok?"

Peter- "Yeah, I know dad. I'm still nervous though. The pre-meeting nervousness, you know?"

Tony- "Yeah, that's normal. No matter how much I say 'don't be nervous', it just happens."

Peter- (chuckling a bit) "Yeah."

We walked to the meeting room and entered it. We were greeted by many people wearing business suits, looking really fancy. I don't know why but I was more worried about how I looked than how my presentation would go. I need to make a good first impression.

We shook hands with each one of them and dad introduced me.

Tony- "Gentlemen, this is my son Peter. He will be presenting his idea, which I found very useful and profitable for our company, regardless that he is my son. Let us start with the meeting."

Peter- "So let us start. I will be presenting a project that I have been working on for months to perfect it. A prototype of the project will be provided to see the model at the end of the meeting. Questions are welcome at the end of the meeting as well. Now, let's continue. I have discovered a way to..."

(A/N- I'm too lazy to think of a genius science idea so just consider that Peter came up with a really good idea that is good for the environment and profitable and it has not been invented yet.)

And with that, our meeting started. I presented my idea very confidently and at the end, everyone in the room applauded for me.

Peter- "Now that we are done with the presenting part, a prototype of the project will be passed around the table and after that, all questions regarding the project are welcome."

The prototype was passed around the table and each person in the room looked at it carefully, observing every single detail of the model. Then began the Q/A.

Person 1- "I have a question regarding the profit. You mentioned that it is good for the environment and it is also profitable as it can be implemented in many places. Tell me some examples of these, will you?"

Peter- "It can be installed in homes, in hotels, in offices. Basically in any kind of building."

Person 2- "Will it be affordable for the people?"

Peter- "Yes, it will be affordable. It is a unique design for majorly 2 reasons. First is, that in a building of a maximum of 100 floors, only 1 machine of the type is required to be installed. Second, it does not need any extra wiring or extra equipments to be installed."

Person 3- "If the quantity to be installed is only 1, how will we profit from it?"

Peter- "Considering the amount of buildings in this city itself, and the affordability feature of the machine, we can sell up to 100,000 models within the city itself. If we look at other metropolitan cities in the country or even in the world, we can sell atleast a billion models of it."

(A/N- Please don't pay attention to the figures. I just wrote whatever number came into my mind and didn't do any research. And also just ignore anything science-related if I have written anything wrong. I'm not a science person and too lazy to read about it.)

Person 4- "Well, it seems like a good idea to us. We would like to invest $1 billion for now and will continue to invest later on as well. Let's sign the contract tomorrow."

Tony- "Wonderful!"

Person 3- "I must say Peter, you were quite prepared for our questions."

Peter- "I had help from my mentor and my dad."

Tony- "That is why he is the heir of Stark Industries."

I looked at dad in shock. I AM THE HEIR OF SI??!! I thought it would be handed over to Nick Fury and to S.H.E.I.L.D after mom and dad retired. I had heard mom and dad talk about it.

Ned's POV (Meanwhile the whole heir of SI thing happened)

We were touring the meeting labs when we spotted someone presenting. It was Peter. We looked at him very attentively. He looked so professional. I think the meeting was about to end because people were asking questions and stuff. We couldn't hear them as the room was soundproof. But after a few minutes, we could hear Tony saying something to the business people and walking up to Peter in the front of the room. That is when he said, "That is why he is the heir of Stark Industries." WHAT?! PETER IS THE HEIR OF SI?!

Flash- "Wait, WHAT?!"

MJ- (to herself) "Knew it!"

Everyone was surprised to see Tony say those words. It was expected (kinda) but Peter had told me and MJ that Nick Fury would be taking over SI after Tony and Pepper retired. Peter must have been so surprised. I would be jumping up and down right now if I were him. But, despite the shock, he remained calm.

Then all of them walked out of the room, with Peter and Tony at the last.

Author's Note

Hi guys!! A new chapter... As I have said before, I'm not a science person and I'm lazy so just ignore anything science-related that is written wrong. I don't have anything else to tell you guys about. Please vote if you liked it! The next part will come out soon.



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