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Peter's POV

We reached the tower soon. Me and my class parted ways. They went to the dorms and I went to dad. I had to go to some meetings with my dad. We went to the meetings. After the meeting, I started working on the projects to submit today and started preparing for an upcoming presentation. It was really important for me as I needed to present my idea in front of very important people. Time passed by very quickly and soon, I was finished with my projects and my homework.

Peter- "Dad, why did you make a protocol for Karen to not do my homework?"

Tony- "Because, I know you are a genius and all but you need to do YOUR homework YOURSELF. You can't just skip school because you know everything."

Peter- "But what's the point of doing homework when I know it all? Homework is just so you can revise and learn what you were taught. I have learnt everything about the work and I even revise it everyday in the lab!"

Tony- "You can't get out of doing homework."

Peter- "But.."

Tony- "No Buts."

Peter- "But the way you said about the homework thing, it doesn't sound like you."

Tony- "Pepper made me do it. She told me to say this stuff. Of course you don't need to do homework. You are a super genius! But you know she can be scary."

Peter- "I knew it! Mom made you do it. She is probably the only person who can force you to do stuff."

Tony- "Pepper, Nat and you. You are SCARY when you are angry."

Peter- "I have that effect on people."

We chuckled and dad ruffled my hair.

Tony- "Hey, since you're done with all your work, why don't you go join your friends?"

Peter- "Really?!"

Tony- "Yeah, just ask FRIDAY where they are right now and enjoy. But be back in time for the next meeting."

Peter- "Wow, I thought you'd never say 'be back in time for the next meeting'. You are getting used to the meetings. I made THE Tony Stark start attending meetings!"

Tony- "Ok yeah now go. You're exaggerating it."

I went out and changed my clothes to casual ones. It would be weird touring in a suit. And I don't have a meeting for the next few hours so I thought I'd relax a little. The suit does become uncomfortable after wearing it for too long.

I met my friends in the cafeteria having lunch and I joined them. I sat at the table where the entire team was sitting and chatting.

Peter- "Hey guys! Mind if I join the tour for sometime? I have a few hours free before the next meeting."

Daniel- "Come, you can sit with us."

I sat beside Ned. We did our handshake and started eating lunch.

Liz- "Did you finish all the work that Karen told you in the morning?"

Abe- "It was a lot!"

Cindy- "Yeah. Are you done?"

Peter- "Yes. All the projects and my homework is done. Just a few meetings left. They will be over by dinner time."

Betty- "Wow, you are a fast worker."

Peter- "Have to be. Mr. Stark is a nightmare to work with but also a dream come true. A nightmare because he tells me about projects to be done like 2 hours before the deadline and that is really stressful. And also, he randomly just orders me to get him coffee. Even if I am working on a very important project that needs to be submitted in like 5 minutes. And he doesn't even attend meetings easily. He throws a tantrum before every meeting not wanting to go. And a dream come true, cause he is really smart. I mean the guy is a genius! So, I like working with him."

Flash- "Wow, your job sounds more stressful than fun."

I chuckled and all of us talked for the rest of lunch. Then the tour guide came in and took us to our next destination on the tour. I asked her if I could join and she agreed.

After an hour, we were in a hall, moving on to some meeting rooms where I had already been millions of times. The guide was just telling us about where we were about to go next and the normal instructions. The 'no touching' or 'no going to an intern and disturbing them' stuff. That is when we all heard a door slam open through which we had entered the hall earlier. Through the door came dad sprinting towards the team. After he saw me, he bent down, placing his hand on his knees for support, and panted heavily after running.

Tony- (out of breath) "Peter, the meeting, now, come quick."

Peter- "Which meeting?"

Tony- (finally breathing normally) "The presentation meeting. It's now."

Peter- "Oh that one! Wait, WHAT! LIKE RIGHT NOW?!"

Tony- "Yes in 5 minutes. They shifted it to be held earlier and we somehow didn't know about it. Come quick!"

Peter- "OH MY GOSH! SHIT!"



The class was confused when I took the name of my uncle. They probably didn't know that I was referring to Captain America. I will take care of that later. I ran sloppily through the door to change my clothes again. Dad ran after me too. The class was still confused about what had just occurred but who cares!

Author's Note

Hi ya'll! So, a new chapter. Thank you all so much for reading this book and giving it so much support! Please vote if you like it! The next chapter will come out soon. Toodles!

- Scarlett

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