1| Heartless CEO

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Maya Singhania's office erupted with the sound of her rage, disrupted by the echoing slam of her hands on the wooden desk

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Maya Singhania's office erupted with the sound of her rage, disrupted by the echoing slam of her hands on the wooden desk.

The news she had just received was like a punch in the gut, with disbelief and fury mingling in her expression.

"What the fuck," she hissed through clenched teeth, her eyes narrowing as she processed the action of the betrayal.

"How could it be possible?" Her voice was a dangerous whisper, laced with venomous anger that sent shivers down the spine of anyone in the room.

Arjun, her loyal right-hand man and closest confidant hesitated, was caught between loyalty and the overwhelming force of Maya's wrath.

"Throw him in the dungeon. I will personally attend that piece of shit," Maya commanded, her eyes blazing with a hatred that cut through the air like a sharpened blade.

"But boss..." Arjun's protest was quickly silenced by the intensity of Maya's glare.

He knew better than to challenge her in moments like these.

As the orders were swiftly carried out, Maya fumed with controlled fury.

300 million dollars' worth of art pieces, entrusted to a traitor who had double-crossed her.

The hate in her eyes was deep, a reflection of the years of betrayal and manipulation she had endured to become the formidable force she was today.

"He thought I wouldn't notice," Maya muttered to herself, the disdain evident in every syllable. "But he forgot who he was dealing with."

Maya's black coat draped around her shoulders like a cloak of vengeance as she stormed out of her office.

Each step resonated with determination, fueled by a lifetime of learning that trust was a luxury she couldn't afford.

The descent into the company's basement mirrored Maya's descent into her own dark emotions.

The air was cold and musty, a fitting backdrop to the impending confrontation. As she approached the man's cell, her every movement radiating authority and power.

The man, battered and bloodied, met her gaze with a mix of rebelliousness and fear.

Maya relished the fear; it was a testament to her reputation, a reminder that she ruled through strength and intimidation.

"Why?" Maya's voice was icy, cutting through the silence of the dungeon like a sword.

She didn't need to say more; her presence alone demanded answers, as she bent down to take a closer look at the chained man.

The man's defiance wavered, replaced by a tremor of uncertainty. "Boss, I..." His voice trailed off, swallowed by the weight of Maya's gaze.

"Don't test my patience," Maya warned, her tone leaving no room for argument. "You know what happens to those who betray me."

"Boss, I am sorry... I made a mistake," the man finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Who did you hand it over to?" Maya's voice remained steady, devoid of any emotion as she pressed for information to be split.

Her face close to his. The man hesitated, fear evident in every line of his face.

"I don't know who the boss is... I was just supposed to deliver the goods," he confessed, desperation creeping into his voice.

"Okay," Maya said, her tone betraying nothing as she stood up turning to leave.

The man's plea for mercy fell on deaf ears as Maya turned exited the cell.

"Boss, are you going to leave me? I was just the delivery guy. I don't know anything," the man pleaded, grasping at a sliver of hope.

Maya paused, her back to the man, before turning around.

In one swift motion, she drew the gun concealed at her waist and fired a single shot aiming for the space between his eyes, ending the man's life without a hint of remorse.

Arjun, who had just burst into the scene; had shock written across his face as he took in the sight of the lifeless body on the floor.

"Why did you kill him? We could have gotten the necessary information from him," he protested, struggling to comprehend Maya's ruthless action.

"He had a microchip inserted in his brain," Maya explained coolly, her gaze fixed on the lifeless form before her.

"They would have silenced him before he revealed anything. I simply saved them the trouble."

"How did you know, he had a microchip?" Arjun was still shocked by the revelation.

"He had a cut behind his ear, the cut looked fresh like it was made a week ago and the news of the missing good was reported during the same time period. I just linked the dots; decides he was just a pawn in this game of chess." Maya paused before continuing

"I want you to find who is the master mind behind this loot. And inform the family of the man and compensate his family, why should they suffer for what he had done."

With that Maya retired to her office, the clothes she had been wearing was now covered in blood.

She stripped of her clothes and stepped inside the shower. Maya had a bedroom attached to her office, she made for late night work.

The cold-water droplets slid down her body, her tensed muscles relaxed momentarily as she closed her eyes, everything which happened that night flashed before her eyes.

She had everything she ever wanted, but that one cruel night, took everything from her.

Maya knew she had to stay one step ahead in a world where trust was a luxury she couldn't afford.

The world of power and deception she had settled with had just thrown another curveball, and she knew that her journey through darkness was far from over.

Coming out of the shower, she changed her cloths to a fresh pair and settled in her office chair ready to get back to work as if she hadn't killed a man an hour ago.

Arjun processed the grim reality of their world, as he knocked on Maya's cabin door. He heard a soft come in as he entered her office.

He stood still as he was debating how to inform her about the current situation.

"Spit it out," Maya commanded, her voice a commanding force that allowed no hesitation, her eyes not once leaving the laptop she was working on.

"The doctor called," Arjun began,

Fear flickered in Maya's eyes for a moment, a rare vulnerability that spoke of deeper fears lurking beneath her tough exterior.

The doctor called

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