3| Her Sadistic Nature

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Maya sat hunched over her desk, the flickering glow of her computer screen casting long shadows in the dimly lit room

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Maya sat hunched over her desk, the flickering glow of her computer screen casting long shadows in the dimly lit room. Her eyes burned from lack of sleep and endless hours of fruitless searching.

It had been a month since she learned that the medicine plant needed to save her father had gone extinct after the 15th century.

Despite her relentless efforts, every lead had turned out to be a dead end. Despair clawed at her, threatening to swallow her whole.

Her phone buzzed, breaking her reverie. It was Arjun, reminding her of a board meeting scheduled in an hour. She took a deep breath, composing herself, and turned away from her laptop screen.

She walked out of her office; the transformation was almost instantaneous.

The vulnerable daughter disappeared, replaced by the formidable CEO.

Her heels clicked sharply against the polished floors as she strode towards the exit, her face a mask of steely determination.

Arjun was waiting for her by the conference room, concern etched on his face.

"How are you?" he asked quietly as she approached. The dark circles, sleepless nights were evident on her face.

"The same," she replied curtly, her voice devoid of the softness she had shown moments before, in her cabin. "Let's go. We have a meeting to attend."

Arjun nodded, opening the door for her. He knew better than to press her for more information.

He had been by her side long enough to understand the walls she had built around herself. He secretly stole a glance at her, wishing he could do more to ease her burden.

When they arrived, Maya squared her shoulders and marched into the conference room, ready to face the challenges of the day.

As she entered the boardroom, the executives around the table fell silent, their expressions a mix of respect and nervousness.

They all knew the reputation of Maya Singhania, the woman who had single-handedly kept the Singhania Group afloat in the most turbulent times.

She took her seat at the head of the table, her eyes scanning the faces before her with an intensity that made each of them sit up straighter.

"Gentlemen," she began, her voice calm and authoritative, "let's get down to business."

The meeting proceeded efficiently, with each department head presenting their reports and updates.

Maya listened intently, her mind always sharp and focused.

However, midway through the meeting, she noticed a shift in the atmosphere.

One of the executives, Rajesh, hesitated before speaking, his eyes darting nervously towards her.

She waited for the meeting to finish and the executives to leave before addressing the elephant in the room "What is the matter Mr. Rajesh? Why are you nervous?"

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