4| The Time Machine

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It was late at night, when Maya was about to close her laptop, her phone buzzed with a message "Come over, I made your favorite dinner," the message read

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It was late at night, when Maya was about to close her laptop, her phone buzzed with a message "Come over, I made your favorite dinner," the message read.

Maya was still at her office after yesterday's fiasco, Rajesh wouldn't dare to look at any woman ever again, not even his wife.

The massage she received was from her aunt Meera.

Maya's and Meera's connection go long back.

Meera was her mother's best friend- after she came to know about what had happed to her and her family, she decided to support the young Maya.

She saved Maya's life form the vultures who were ready to destroy her.

Maya will always be grateful towards her, also the fact that she the mother of Arjun, their relationship is also special.

The thought of a warm meal and the comfort of family was a small but welcome relief from her current distress.

Soon, Maya arrived at Meera's house greeted by the familiar, comforting smells of home-cooked food.

Meera hugged her tightly, sensing the weight of the burden Maya carried.

"You've been working too hard, Maya. Sit down, eat something," Meera urged, guiding her to the dining table where Arjun's cousin Vikram was already seated.

Vikram was a brilliant scientist, always toying with new inventions and theories.

"Maya, you known right, you don't have to carry all the burden yourself, we all are here for you." Meera came with a plate full of food- rotis, sabzi, dal, rice, raita.

"I know, Maasi" Maya said as she took her first bite. The familiar taste of home food, busted in her mouth. The same taste she tasted 11 years ago, reminded her of her mother.

As they ate, Maya couldn't hold back her tears any longer.

Startled by her sudden outburst Meera quickly embraced her, coaxing her, let her pour her heart out.

Maya had always been a strong girl, handling everything herself, never letting anyone share her burden but someone can't be strong all the time, everybody has their breaking point and today it was hers.

Meera said nothing, let her calm down herself, when she was ready, she herself will tell them what is wrong with her.

After calming down Maya poured her heart out, she missed her Mumma, her Papa was on the verge of dying and she can't do anything about it, the plant she need to help her papa recover is extinct and there is no hope for retrieving it.

She felt helpless for the first time and she hated this feeling.

Vikram who was listened intently, his brow furrowed in thought. "Maya, there might be a way," he said cautiously.

Maya's ears perked up "I've been working on a time machine for my research project. It's not supported by the government due to the risks of altering the past, but..."

Maya's eyes widened with a glimmer of hope. "Are you saying we could go back in time and get the plant?"

Vikram nodded. "It's possible, but it's incredibly risky. One small change in the past could have unforeseen consequences on the future."

"I don't care about the risks," Maya said fiercely. "If there's even a chance to save my father, I have to take it."

Maya's mind raced with the possibilities. The thought of traveling back to the 15th century was intimidating, but the alternative—losing her father—was unbearable.

Seeing the determination in her eyes, Vikram agreed. "Alright. But you can't go alone. It's too dangerous."

"You won't go, even if you are going with someone" Meera spoke after a while, still embracing Maya.

"But why? I can take care of myself and I am going." Maya declared

"No, you won't, I am not losing you like I lost your Mumma, you got that. She entrusted me with your responsibility, I already neglected it once and I am not going to do it again." Meera's outburst shocked everyone in the room.

After recovering from her shock Maya spoke, her tone soft and comforting "you never neglected your responsibility, it was the circumstances that lead to that situation and I don't blame you nor will Mumma, ever. In fact, it was you who saved me."

Tears leaked from the corner of her eyes.

"I'll go with her." A voice came from the doorway.

Maya glanced at Arjun, who had been listening quietly from the doorway.

"No, Arjun. I can't involve you in this. It's my mess," Maya protested.

Arjun shook his head. "Maya, you've never been alone in this. I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not. We're a team, remember?"

Not letting her speak further "I'll go with you and that's final," Arjun said firmly, stepping into the room. "You're not doing this alone."

Maya shook her head, her protective instincts kicking in. "No, Arjun. It's too dangerous. I can't ask you to risk your life for this."

Arjun's gaze was steady and determined. "You don't have to ask. I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not. We've always faced challenges together, and this won't be any different."

Maya looked into Arjun's eyes and saw the unwavering loyalty and strength there.

She knew he was right.

They were a team, and she needed him now more than ever.

With a reluctant nod, she agreed.

"Fine," she said, her voice soft but resolute. "We'll do this together."

Vikram smiled, relief evident in his expression. "Great. We'll need to dress appropriately for the time period."

Luckily, Maya had done some research on 15th century culture as she was browsing in search for the medicine plant.

The rest of the dinner went smoothly with Meera feeding Maya, Vikram with his annoying jokes and Arjun's loud laughter.

In the days that followed, Vikram helped Maya and Arjun prepare for their journey.

They studied the customs, language, and attire of the 15th century to blend in seamlessly.

On the day of their departure, Maya dressed herself in a light blue lengha, and Arjun wore a white dhoti, both of them looking like they were meant to be from that era.

As they stood before the time machine, a mixture of anticipation and fear filled the air.

Vikram made final adjustments to the time machine, his hands steady despite the atrocity of what they were about to attempt.

"Remember," Vikram said, his voice filled with caution, "you mustn't alter anything significant. Find the plant, and get back safely."

Maya nodded, her heart pounding.

She glanced at Arjun, who gave her a reassuring smile. "We can do this," he said.

With a deep breath, they stepped into the time machine.

The world around them blurred and shifted, the sensation disorienting yet exhilarating.

When the movement stopped, they found themselves in a lush, vibrant forest, the air filled with unfamiliar sounds and scents.

Maya steadied herself, taking in the vibrant greenery and the rich aroma of the plants and soil.

Arjun stood beside her, equally amazed by their surroundings.

"This is it," Maya whispered, a mix of awe and amazement in her voice. "The 15th century."

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