1. One way flame.

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The Tvs were broadcasting in every city. It tells of three villains being cast out and saving everyone. But that part was left out in the city of Mana.
Three teens were walking in the hallways of Riptide high, going to their lockers for their books. "Wait for me!" One of them yelled. A woman with reddish orange hair ran through the crowd of people going to their classes trying to catch up with her friends.

The other two stopped In their tracks waiting for the girl to catch up. "Well Jay, if you would leave class at the same time as me and Gillion do, you would not have to run after us to catch up!" One said. Jay caught up to them catching her breath, after a little while they started to walk to class again. The halls were getting empty because everyone started to go to their classes.

The three of them walked into class just in time before the bell rang. " Ugh, math is so boring," One of them said. "Chip, you're not even passing this class," Gillion said. "You know I agree, you aren't even passing," Jay said. The teacher shushed the class and started to teach. Until the city hero siren started to ring. The teacher gathered everyone up to go into the school's safe room. But Chip, Jay , and Gillion slipped away from everyone.

They slipped outside the school and hid somewhere they could not be seen. "Villains , can you hear me?" Someone said, "Loud and clear," They all said. "Alright, There is some trouble downtown, I need you to get down there as fast as you can," They said and the hologram died out. All of them got up and ran downtown. When they turned the corner they all saw the city in flames.

"Uh oh," Chip said. Jay looked in horror at what had become of the city. "Jay! Are you alright, look at us," Gillion yelled quietly. Jay shook off the feeling and stared at them. "So I might know why the city is engulfed in flames," Jay started. "What? How do you know tell us quickly," Chip said. Jay thought of what they were going to say.

"Well this is my father's doing. He is a hero but he makes problems and then blames it on the villains." She said. They stood shocked. And decided to go into the flames and save everyone.

The rough burning is hard to get through but they got through the flames with some burns on their outfits but they got to the center which was surrounded by people. "Hey Blaze! Call up the crew, we need to get everyone out!" Jay yelled to Chip. " Great idea SureShot, help as many people as you can for now yea?" Chip said. Jay nodded and he ran away to hide and call for backup.

{SureShot : Jay Ferin | Blaze : Chip | Oceanus : Gillion}

SureShot and Oceanus started to clear out people onto high ground. With SureShot flying and Oceanus climbing up the building they got a few people up there and started on more. "Backup has arrived!" Queen yelled. Jay looked and said, "Good! We're gonna need it, could you guys start bringing up the people, they need to get out the fumes," Jay said. "Sure thing," Gryffon said, Queen and Gryffon jumped off the roof and landed on the ground safely to assist the people onto the roof.

After a while of getting everyone onto the roof and trying to burn out the flames with minimal luck. And Oceanus is still burning out the remnants of the flames he can get to but the flames on the ground cannot be put out. "I forgot, Guys we need to get out before.. My father.. Gets here," Jay said. After a few moments of silence they hear a big bang from the ground below. "Excuse me, villains let go of these poor civilians," This booming voice said. Jay stood frozen in fear, but Gillion and Chip put their hands on her shoulders. "Jay you have to stand up to him, you can't stay in fear forever," Chip whispered, and Gillion nodded in unison.

Jay sighed and nodded. "I know, but if he knows i'm a villain he is gonna be so mad," She whispered. They turned around and looked down to see the face of Jay's father. Jay tried to step back and leave but with no luck because Gillion stopped her and spoke to her father. "We saved all of these people, and those flames you did. Can't be put out," He continued. "And we cannot get them off this roof safely without them being put out,"

Her father stood shocked. Jay could see that his facial expression was mad. She didn't know what to do so she spoke loudly. "All of these people saw us save them," Her villain outfit bracelet started to flicker in the middle of her sentence. She didn't notice and her outfit came undone and she was herself again but she continued to speak.

"I don't know who you think you are, just to come here to erase their memories and put new ones in, like it's some kind of acting show. Or a play. And lastly, even if you tried to put out those flames you can't. Only the spellcaster can put them out. It's a One way flame." She says.


I wrote this on a google doc at school bc i cant really have my phone out at school bc thats normal.

I was inspired by another book i forgor what it was called lol. idk why i feel like this is also cringe but okay.



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