5. Nightmare Trauma.

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The early morning sun shined through the curtains, Jay was already up making breakfast and she already noticed that Gillion had stayed the night so she put the blanket from the couch over him so he could sleep peacefully. Chip stumbled out of the room sleepily and went over to the couch opposite the one where Gillion was sleeping. "Jay? Do you know why Gill is here?" He asked, pointing at the sleeping body of Gillion. Jay walked over to him and handed him a glass of water and then shrugged. "I don't know, we could ask him when he gets up." She said, and walked off.

Chip just took a sip from his drink and set it down on the coffee table in front of the couch. He stared at Gillion just in his mind thinking, but he noticed that he began to shake. He was confused at first but noticed what was going on. He jumped up from the couch and ran over to Gillion and gave him a side hug. And began to whisper to him to calm him down, he knew that he was having nightmares since he knows what some of them look like from personal experience. Chip was worried about him and that he was shaking. The only thing that he could do was just stick by his side until we woke up.

Gillion went to sleep instantly on the couch not thinking a word, His eyes opened on a vast endless hills and green grass. He started to get nervous and yelled out to Chip and Jay, but with no reply. All he could think about is what they were doing, the amount of dread that instantly hit him, broke him into pieces, He didn't know what to do. He couldn't move.

It started to get colder and colder.. and colder. Until It looked like only ice around, No snow. Just ice. It didn't feel cold to the touch when he touched it. It felt warm and welcoming. And he was desperate for warmth since the coldness started to kick in instantly like a Trainwreck. The frost started to cover him, he was scared wondering what he did and his breathing finally slowed. And he fainted.


Chip felt Gillions breathing slowing down. He thought it might be calming down for now. So he got up but before he turned around, Gillion woke up fast. He was sweating and breathing heavily. "Hey hey, you're awake, you're fine I'm here," Chip said, he went back and hugged Gill trying to comfort him. "You're real? You're really here?.." Gillion Questioned slowly. Chip let go of the hug and sat down in front of him. "Yeah, it's me, I'm here," He said. Jay walked over to the couch and stood behind Chip. "Hey are you alright Gillion?" She asked. Gillion looked up at her with a face of Happiness. Jay instantly knew something was wrong. "What happened?" She asked Chip. Chip turned his head around to her with a worried look. "He had a nightmare, I don't really know what it was about since I haven't asked him," He said.

Jay looked at Gillion again all she could see was the cold smile on his face. All she felt was that there was something deeply wrong and sinister about him. Chip stood up and looked at her knowing what might be up. Jay grabbed him by the arm and dragged him into the other room slamming the door behind them. "There's something wrong with him, I just know it," She said worryingly. Chip hugged her and said. "We'll find out what it is I promise,"

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