2. I hope I never see you again.

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Her father looked up at her with a shocked and mad expression on his face. But Jay had to say one more thing. "And of course you know that, but you're not the spellcaster." Chip and Gillion looked at her to see that her bracelet ran out. "Uhm, You are out of your form," Chip whispered in her ear. When she heard that she stood frozen but shook it off again and stood like she meant it.

She stared right down at him, and both Chip and Gillion were proud that she had conquered her fear of her father. But they stayed silent. "Jay?" Her father questioned. She stared right down at him with a cold look. "What are you doing, you're not a villain, i will not allow that to happen," He said. She looked back at the people she loved dearly and breathed out with a sigh after. "I will not let you take away my freedom, or my friends." She said, Jay turned around at this point not facing her father and looking back at Chip and Gillion. "We need to go now." She stated sternly.

In a quick flash of light behind her, was her father Jayson Ferin teleporting up to the roof and his looming shadow was over Jay's head. "Jay! Look out!" Chip yelled. But she dodged out of the way just in time and went running toward Gillion and Chip. But all They could see when Jay dodged out of the way was a big fiery lighting strike that would have taken everyone out in an instant if they weren't at least a bunch of feet away. It was all he got from his memory when he saw it as a child.

Before they jumped off the roof with the rest of the crew, without Queen and Gryffon because they were off the roof already with all the people on the ground safely , they looked down at the ground and saw that it was starting to get covered in those flames. "You guys go, I won't make it." Chip says suddenly. Everyone looks shocked at him. "No. You're not gonna die right here." Gillion replies. "I will carry you. Even if it makes me slower." Gillion looked at him with a genuine look of sadness on his face. But Chip nodded slightly with a look of happiness and signaled that they should jump off the roof now if they want a chance to leave and get out of the flames.

With the great force of a leap they jumped off the roof, then landing on the ground sprinting for an exit out of the flames. They ran with great power in their legs trying to find an exit with Queen and Gryffon pointing the way out as best they could. Chip and Gillion ran through a tiny gap in the flames and ran over to Queen and Gryffon thinking that Jay was at least behind them. But Jay slowed down and she was getting tired. "Jay! C'mon you can do it!" Chip yelled. But she was too slow. The flames rapidly closed on where the last spot was. "No!" Gillion yelled. "Chip c'mon we have to get her!". Jay stopped by the flames. "Guys go, I can get out myself." She said. "No! Grab my hand please! I won't let you die!" Chip yelled.

Gillion led all of the people back to a safe place. But when he turned his head back he saw Jay's father jumping off the roof and running at full speed after them. Jay looked behind her and saw that her father was coming at them full speed. She decided to use her wings again.

Chip ran to the edge off the flames and tried sticking his hand out to Jay for her to grab but with no luck. He didn't remember that if you put your hand over those flames it could still burn you. "Jay c'mon!" He yelled. No reply came from her. But he thought she died and he turned around with his head low looking at the ground while he walked away towards where he heard Gillion.

Until, Jay shot up with a big boost of wind up into the air. She flew up and over the fire with no burns or anything. Just before her father reached the end of the flames where she was standing. She landed on the other side safely and put her hand on Chip's shoulder before he walked any further. "I'm out safe." She said. Chip turned around shocked, he looked into her eyes with a smile and hugged her. And Gillion walked over to them after talking to Queen and also joined in the hug.

"I'm glad you guys are safe." Gillion said as he let go of the hug. Chip and Jay let go of the hug after a little bit and they all turned to face her father. "Father, these people are my real family. Tell mother I love her and that I will not be returning home." She said sternly. "Jay, you can't be serious, come over here right now." Her father said. Jay just shook her head and stepped back. "Fine, I hope I never see you again." Jayson said then he turned around and walked off.

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